Class News

Happy holidays!

Posted on Friday 19 July 2024 by Reception Team

We say it every year, but we can’t quite believe it’s already the end of term! Thank you for all of your kind words, cards and gifts this week. We hope that you all have a great Summer holiday and we’ll look forward to seeing some of you in Nursery in September and some of you, next door in Reception!  We’d also like to say good bye to those children that are moving to other schools – we hope that you love your new school and make lots of new friends.

The finale!

Posted on Friday 19 July 2024 by Reception team

Wow what a fun-filled last week we’ve enjoyed together!

The Beach Party

On Thursday, the weather was kind to us and we had a beautiful beach party. It was so much fun!

The Selfie Station 

The children have enjoyed being in charge of taking the photos this week- take a look out our selfie-station snaps!

A final message 

The Reception team would like to thank you all for your partnership and support this year. We’ve had a truly wonderful year and are so proud of all of the children. We wish you all the best as your child moves up to year one and continues their learning journey at Scholes (Elmet) Primary School. Have a happy and healthy Summer and we’ll see you in September!

Beach party fun

Posted on Friday 19 July 2024 by Miss Young

We had a fantastic time at the beach party yesterday. We were very lucky with the weather. Thank you to my fantastic class for a wonderful year. Enjoy some photographs from yesterday.

3, 4 Class News – sewing

Posted on Thursday 18 July 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

What an end to the year!

Here are our completed pouches! We are so pleased with how the children have shown resilience when sewing. Look at the neat and careful stitching.

Well done 3,4.


New classes in September

Posted on Sunday 14 July 2024 by Mrs Latham

We welcomed the reception children on transition day and will continue planning times before we break up for summer for children to visit their new classes and adults who they will be with in September. All the teachers in Key Stage 1 are staying in the same places from September 2024. The children have been excited, apprehensive, happy and nervous – all at the same time! Feel free to pop over to say hello before we break up for the summer.


Summer disco

Posted on Sunday 14 July 2024 by Mrs Latham

Everyone had a great time at the disco on Friday – hopefully raising lots of funds for FOSP (Friends of Scholes Primary). They are always looking for new members to help (in a small or big way). Contact the school office if you’d like to join.

We were too busy doing the conga to take photos during the disco but managed to get a couple at the end (sweets and drinks are the favourite part, anyway).

Year 3 and 4 Armley Mills School Trip

Posted on Friday 12 July 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

What an amazing trip to Armley Mills – Year 3 on Thursday and Year 4 on Friday!

We enjoyed the ‘Wonder of Weaving’ workshop and learnt so much from exploring the museum. Have a look at the pictures of the fun we’ve had.


Living and Learning – Staying Safe Week Year 3,4

Posted on Friday 12 July 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

Staying Safe Week 2024

Wow! What a week!

This week, Year 3 and 4 have had a range of visitors in school to talk to us about how to stay safe in different situations including:

  • Hazel from d:side – how to stay safe online
  • Alan from RNLI – water safety
  • Bella, a nurse – how to stay safe at home
  • Darren – first aid
  • Mrs Hill from the Dogs Trust – how to be safe around dogs

In addition to this, we have focused lessons on:

  • Road safety
  • Food safety
  • Sun safety
  • The importance of being respectful
  • Understanding digital footprint

We’ve had an amazing week! Help at home by discussing with your child how they can stay safe in different situations.

Thank you to everyone who donated money to enable us to have these fantastic visitors in school.

Staying safe

Posted on Friday 12 July 2024 by Reception Team

Staying safe

As part of our learning about ‘Staying safe’, some children joined an online assembly hosted by Yorkshire Water all about water safety. Children listened really carefully to the safety messages and were great at spotting potential dangers near lakes and canals.

We also learnt all about how to stay safe when visiting a beach.   We know to look for areas that are supervised by lifeguards and which colour flag means that it’s safe to swim.

Help at home:  For older children in red, blue and green group – Talk to your child about what they remember from the assembly. Can they remember what the different flags mean on the beach? What does a red flag show?  Which colour flag means it’s safe to swim? 

During group time, we looked at other ways to stay safe around our homes and when we’re at school. We sorted some pictures into ‘safe’ and ‘not safe’ and talked about our reasons.  Children quickly identified dangerous activities at a playground and knew lots of ways to stay safe when crossing a road. We also talked about being with an adult when helping to cook and remembering to stay away from hot cooker hobs and sharp knives.


When playing in Nursery this week, children have loved drawing treasure maps! We used a map during group time to hide some treasure. Children had to carefully follow instructions using positional language. The favourite places were on top of the volcano and behind the mermaid.

The construction area has also been a hive of activity and creativity. Children have worked together to build tall towers and a big bus for their trip to a dinosaur museum!

Outside, we joined in with some dance routines where children had to put together a sequence of movements to their favourite song.

Children also loved using pipettes and playing with the frogs in the ‘5 Little Speckled Frogs’ water tray and working with their friends to create a very long ramp! After the stormy weather, there were a lot of little apples on the floor that children enjoyed collecting and rolling down the guttering.


On Wednesday 17 July, it’s our Nursery party. Please see the letter that we sent last week for more details. Children can wear summery clothes, but remember that footwear needs to be safe for them to run and play outside in.

The end of term is rapidly approaching! Remember to take all of your child’s belongings (including bags and wellies) home with them at the end of their last session in Nursery.


The fish who could wish

Posted on Friday 12 July 2024 by Reception team

Water safety

This week, the Canal and River Trust came to visit. We talked about how to stay safe near water during the summer.

“Canals have tarmac next to them but rivers are more natural” Oliver said.

“You can ride on your bike but you must be careful near the water” Norah said.

“Go to swimming lessons or ask your Mummy to get your paddling pool” Mila said when talking about where we can safely swim in water.

“You have to go with a parent” Heidi said.

We learnt a new song about how to keep safe near rivers and canals.

“Hold hands. Two steps back. Hold hands. Two steps back. Hold hands. Two steps back. Let’s stay safe together.”


Stay Away From the Edge


This week, we have been exploring time. We have looked at analogue and digital clocks, sand timers and stop watches. The children enjoyed timing themselves to share resources in the classroom.

Help at home: What can you time yourself doing at home? What did you use to time yourself?

Send an email to for an extra challenge brick!


We listened to Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity from the Planet Suite by Gustav Holst. The children commented on the music.
Isobel – “It made me feel like I was getting ready for a party.”
Reggie – “It felt like Minions were chasing me.”
Fletcher – “I don’t want it to end!”
Rupert – “It made me feel like Superman flying to the sun.”
Norah – “I feel like I’m travelling to the planet.”

Poetry Picnic

Each week, we learn a new poem. We recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers.

This week’s poem is Dance 

Check out some more learning we have achieved this week…