Class News

3,4 A Class News

Posted on Thursday 20 April 2023 by Mrs Paterson

We have got straight back into the swing of things this week in Year 3,4!

In reading and writing, we have been enjoying (and meanwhile, getting very hungry) looking at Michael Rosen’s ‘Chocolate Cake’. We’ll be continuing with this poem next week.

In Maths, in both year groups we are continuing our work on fractions.

In Science, we have started our new unit on forces and magnets and in Topic, we have begun learning about Leeds West Indian Carnival.

In P.E, 3,4 A enjoyed a lesson using the apparatus practising our climbing, balancing and teamwork skills – please see some pictures below.

Please help at home this half-term by continuing to regularly listen to your child read and supporting them with practising their spellings and times tables. 

We are scientists

Posted on Thursday 20 April 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

We have started some new science learning this week, all about living things and their habitats. The children were introduced to their new vocabulary:

We spent the lesson learning about how plants reproduce. This incorporated some of our new vocabulary – pollination, fertilisation and reproduction. We dissected a tulip flower in order to see the different parts of the plant. The children could then identify the parts using scientific vocabulary and see the function of each part. What part does it play in reproduction?

Help at home: have a go at learning the vocabulary. Give your child one of the  words, can they explain the meaning? Can they draw what the word represents?

Reading – Amazing Grace

Posted on Wednesday 19 April 2023 by Mrs Latham

We are using the book Amazing Grace, by Mary Hoffman, in our reading and writing lessons. It is all about a girl who is told she can’t be certain things – but she doesn’t let this stop her.

Help at home by reading or watching this book, discussing it and particularly talking about how you can do anything you want if you put your mind to it.

Wonderful, wonderous words

Posted on Tuesday 18 April 2023 by Mrs Latham

1,2B collected words meaning ‘amazing’ today. We tried to order them but everyone had a different opinion! It was still fun.

Help at home by talking about the meaning of words and using different words that have similar meanings.

History – Heroes (Nelson Mandela)

Posted on Tuesday 18 April 2023 by Mrs Latham

We have started out new history topic all about real life heroes. The first important person we’re learning about it Nelson Mandela. You can find more about him here. He believed that everyone should be treated the same. We will be learning about equality, apartheid and the suffragettes.

Welcome back!

Posted on Tuesday 18 April 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

Welcome back after the Easter holiday, I hope you had a lovely rest and are ready for another fun-filled term of learning.

Just a few little reminders…

Please encourage your child to read at home daily. This is really important in them becoming fluent, confident readers. If your child isn’t a fluent reader, it can limit their learning in other subject areas too. This reading can be recorded in their journals and these need to be in school every Friday. Please ensure your child has completed their weekly task and add your signature to show you have checked this.

Homework will still be sent home on a Friday. This will contain Talk Time and spellings. The spellings need to be learnt at home ready for a test the following week. Don’t forget that you can make this fun – play some games, create some flashcards!

If you feel like your child needs any further support, please come in and chat to us.

Here’s to a successful half term!

Egg rolling winners

Posted on Friday 31 March 2023 by Mrs Latham

1A, 1,2B and 2C had a egg-cellent time rolling our eggs today. It was rather wet, but we didn’t care! We hope you have a lovely Easter holiday. From Mrs Latham, Miss Lowry and Miss Young.

Here are the winners who rolled their eggs the furthest.

1,2B egg rolling competition

Posted on Friday 31 March 2023 by Mrs Latham

It was wet, eggy and exciting! We all had fun and cheered each other as we rolled.

FOSP Easter competition

Posted on Friday 31 March 2023 by Mrs Latham

Miss Hague came to our assembly and awarded the prizes to the Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 winners of the Easter competition. Well done to everyone who entered.

Science – John McAdam

Posted on Friday 31 March 2023 by Mrs Latham

In science this half term we have been working scientifically. We have investigated, observed, predicted, tested and collected data. We have also learned about the scientist and civil engineer, John McAdam, who invented a new process ‘macadamisation’ – tarmac!

We looked at his road building process. 1,2B re-created his process of using different sizes of stones compressed together.