Class News

Writing: expanded noun phrases

Posted on Wednesday 17 May 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

This week, we’ve been thinking about how to make our writing more interesting for the reader – really thinking about the audience for our writing. The children will be writing a recount from the perspective of a child evacuee from World War II. They had pictures of evacuees, their journey and their new lives and they had to work in teams to generate expanded noun phrases. These are made up of a determiner, adjective and noun. They had to include some adventurous vocabulary to try and impress me.

Help at home: Ask your child what an expanded noun phrase is. Can they create some for you to read?

Science – germinating peas

Posted on Monday 15 May 2023 by Mrs Latham

We have been growing all sorts of things in our lessons lessons this half term. We recently wanted to find out about the best conditions to germinate peas. We put some in a dark, cold place (the fridge), some in a warm dark place (the cupboard) and some in a warm, light place (the windowsill). They all germinated – but at different rates. The root and shoot also grew at different rates, depending on the conditions.

We have planted them out now to continue to grow in soil.

Help at home by re-creating a growing experiment or planting, growing and looking after plants at home.

Art – group artwork

Posted on Monday 15 May 2023 by Mrs Latham

In our history topic we have been learning about Nelson Mandela and how he fought for equality. Each class created a modern art inspired group piece of him.

Help at home by talking about why he was a hero and how equal rights are so important.

Incy Wincy Spider

Posted on Friday 12 May 2023 by Reception Team

This week, children have been searching for spiders in Nursery, although not everybody liked it when we found them!  We sang Incy Wincy Spider  and enjoyed building a channel using the guttering to wash the spiders into the water tray outside.

We made spiders in the malleable area using playdough. First, we had to roll a ball to make the body and then we rolled sausage shapes to add on the legs. Some children managed to count 8 legs to put on their spiders!

In our phonics group time, the older children learnt a new sound – J. We looked at some objects and had to listen carefully to the sound that they started with.   Can you hear a ‘j’ sound at the beginning of the word?  Which is the odd one out?

Help at home: 

For children moving into Reception in September, play games like ‘I spy’ where you have to listen carefully to the initial sounds in words.  Get three objects, two that begin with the same sound and one that starts with a different sound. Can they spot the odd one out and tell you why? E.g.  car, cookie, banana.

For children that are in yellow group and will stay in Nursery next year, begin to listen to sounds around you as you’re out and about. What can children hear in their environment?  Can they hear birds singing, a fridge humming, a bell ringing?

Next week, we’re looking forward to watching the chrysalides that we’ve put into the butterfly garden. Will we get to see them hatch? Watch this space!

Have you seen the tadpoles in the Rainbow room?  We’ll also be learning about the life cycle of a frog and singing the number rhyme 5 Little Speckled Frogs.   (This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip).

Rumble in the Jungle

Posted on Friday 12 May 2023 by Reception Team

This week our focus book has been Rumble in the Jungle.

Rumble in the Jungle: Board Book : Andreae, Giles, Wojtowycz, David: Books

The book is a collection of fun animal poems. Whilst reading, the children enjoyed listening for rhyming words and noticing the patterns made with the words.

The letters are slithering like a snake.

They match the shape of a snake.

That’s how a snake moves.


In maths this week, we have continued to develop our understanding of the composition of numbers to 10. Using the rhyme ’10 Fat Sausages’, we have found different ways to represent 10.

We have also used 10 frames and dice patterns to show ‘5 and a bit’ numbers to 10.

Help at home

Use the language – First, then and now to create a number story to match the picture.


This week we have continued to read longer words as well as compound words such as windmill, handstand and lunchbox.

We’ve learnt the tricky words; there, when, what and one.

Help at home- Please continue to work through the weekly learn at home phonics sheets. We’ll continue to send these home each Friday.

Poetry Picnic

Our poem this week was A Little Shell.

Other learning

Reminders and Dates

Monday 15 May- School Closed: Training Day

Friday 19 May – Mini Bug Ball: Please don’t go to the expense of buying anything new – creative adaptations of something you’ve already got will be fantastic.  Outfits need to be suitable for school, safe and warm enough to be worn all day.


Swimming in cancelled on Wednesday 17 May. Therefore, Rainbow will swim on the final week of the half-term Wednesday 24 May.

Living and Learning – Healthy Eating

Posted on Friday 12 May 2023 by Mrs Paterson

This fortnight across Years 3 and 4 we have discussed healthy eating in Living and Learning, including the choices that we can make about what we eat and drink such as swapping a fizzy drink for juice or water and keeping sugary foods to a minimum. We looked at different scenarios and made suggestions about possible swaps (see image below).

Please help at home by discussing food and drink choices with us and asking us about our learning. 

healthy eating

Meet the author – Bethan Woolvin

Posted on Friday 12 May 2023 by Miss Young

This week, Ks1 had the pleasure of taking part in a Zoom call with one of our favourite author and illustrators, Bethan Woolvin. The Zoom call was ran by the author of ‘Meet the Weather’, Caryl Hart and Bethan who illustrated the book.

During the zoom call, we read the story, sang, danced, drew some pictures and even got a tour around Bethan’s studio. It was great!

Living and Learning – five a day

Posted on Wednesday 10 May 2023 by Miss Young

This week’s Living and Learning statement is I know the importance of ‘five a day’. 

In KS1 we have been exploring what counts towards our five a day. We know that having our five a day can help towards a healthy diet and helps to keep our bodies healthy. We know that a portion is about a handful of either fruit or vegetables. We learnt how we can achieve our five a day, by making some small changes to our diet.

Top tips:

  • add fruit to your cereal
  • drink a glass of fresh juice
  • have salad with your salad, wrap or pizza
  • include a portion of vegetables with your evening meal
  • have at least one piece of fruit per day

Living and learning: I know the importance of a healthy diet

Posted on Tuesday 09 May 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

We have been discussing the importance of a healthy diet. We looked at which food groups make up a balanced diet and how this helps us to maintain a healthy body. We understand that different foods can give us different vitamins and minerals, whilst others give us energy.

We also talked about what a healthy lunch box looks like when we are at school. We know that it should contain lots of fruit and vegetables and no sugary snacks. This also counts for drinks – water is best!

Help at home: What does your child’s packed lunch for school look like? Could you make some healthier choices? Maybe make one healthy swap this week.

Coronation celebrations!

Posted on Friday 05 May 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

We have had a great day in school celebrating the King’s Coronation. The non-uniform day saw everyone turn up in some great outfits. The afternoon was spent playing games and having fun with different classes.