Class News

The Finale!

Posted on Friday 21 July 2023 by Reception team

Wow what a fun-filled last week! We’re so impressed with this week’s fantastic learning. We’ve seen children working hard in their maths: counting and comparing the people they could see in some snapshots of the school year. We’ve seen impressive writing, as children wrote about how they’ve grown and changed. We’ve seen so many happy friendships, with children working together to problem solve. We’ve enjoyed designing and building ice-creams in the sensory area, playing ‘teacher’ in the phonics areas and using our fine motor skills to make paper chains. Take a look at some of our learning this week…

Reflecting on the year

At this time of year it is lovely to look back and reflect on everything we’ve done and achieved. During Living and Learning time this week, the children reflected on some of their favourite things during their time in Reception:

I like assembly and I like going outside- Skyla

I liked being the ‘star of the day’- Olivia

I like doing six challenge cubes- Thomas

I like swimming- the races- Alfie

I really liked PE, because we play games- Esmé

I like getting ten stars and getting Monty- Jack

I like ‘wake up shake up’- Ella

Snack time!- Eddy

The beach party!- Henryk

Playing with my friends- Ted

I liked doing writing- Keira

I liked doing yoga- Mollie G

The Beach Party

On Thursday, the weather was kind to us and we had a beautiful beach party. It was so much fun!


The Selfie Station 

The children have enjoyed being in charge of taking the photos this week- take a look out our selfie-station snaps!

Professor Myers

Professor Myers visited us on our last day and showed us the cola and Mentos experiment! We loved seeing the cola bubble up into a “volcano!”

A final message 

The Reception team would like to thank you all for your partnership and support this year. We’ve had a truly wonderful year and are so proud of all of the children. We wish you all the best as your child moves up to year one and continues their learning journey at Scholes (Elmet) Primary School. Have a happy and healthy Summer and we’ll see you in September!

Beach Party fun, goodbye and thank you!

Posted on Friday 21 July 2023 by Mrs Latham

We had an amazing time at the Beach Party yesterday. The sun shone for us and we had sand, water, dancing, toys and snacks!

Thank you for all the support this year. A home-school partnership makes everything run smoothly and gets the best out of the children.

Have a lovely summer.

Goodbye from the KS1 Team : Mrs Latham, Miss Lowry and Miss Young


3,4 A Class News – Food Technology

Posted on Monday 17 July 2023 by Mrs Paterson

3,4A had a great time making savoury scones today. We talked about how we would stay safe and then worked through a recipe, discussing the different ingredients, steps and techniques we needed to use. The scones were a great success and (almost!) everybody enjoyed them. Later on, we completed an evaluation of our work and thought about what we would do differently next time.

food technology

Help at home by asking the children about their learning. The children were enthusiastic to tell us about other baking they had previously done at home so it was great that we had a class of budding bakers already!


Living and Learning (Being Healthy week) : Health education by D:side

Posted on Saturday 15 July 2023 by Mrs Latham

D:side have been in school to deliver some health education sessions. Year 1 and 2 discussed and compared bodies, talked about what we need to keep our body healthy and also what body parts we have inside our body.

Living and Learning (Being Healthy week) : Physical health and activity

Posted on Saturday 15 July 2023 by Mrs Latham

Year 1 and 2 enjoyed some sessions delivered by 5 Star Sports this week. This helped us see how exercise effects our body and how we need to look after our body to keep it healthy.


Being Healthy Week

Posted on Friday 14 July 2023 by Reception Team

What a fun-filled, healthy week we have had! Despite the rain, the children enjoyed taking part in their first sports day.

On Tuesday, we took part in a yoga session.

Throughout the week, we have focused on a personal best challenge. This involved timing ourselves while running laps and counting how many star jumps we could do in 1 minute to see if we could improve over time.


This week, we read The fish Who Could Wish.

The children thought about their own wishes for year one.

Poetry Picnic

Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers.

This week’s poem is Dance.


A huge thank you for sending videos of your child reciting the poem at home.

Poetry Picnic Superstars!


We have continued exploring floating and sinking by making our own boats and testing how many coins they could hold before they sank.

More of our learning this week…



 Swimming – Rainbow- 19 July

Beach Party – Your child can  come to school dressed in their own clothes ( please make sure they are suitable to wear all day) and can bring a special snack and drink.

All children are welcome to bring swim wear and water pistols. A towel to get dried with is essential. The children are also welcome to bring any outdoor play equipment eg: bats, balls, hula hoops, footballs etc.

Please name as many items as possible and don’t send anything too precious.

Carrier Bag – Please send a labelled carrier bag on Thursday in order to send home your child’s books.







Living and Learning (Being Healthy week) : Yoga and mindfulness

Posted on Friday 14 July 2023 by Mrs Latham

Reception, Year 1, Year 2, Year 5 and Year 6 all enjoyed yoga sessions from School of Yoga this week. This helped us learn about the importance of mental wellbeing and wellness, as well as physical health. Time to be mindful is important for our mental health.

Health week

Posted on Friday 14 July 2023 by Miss Young

This week KS1 have been getting involved in Health week. We have been taking part in a personal best challenge. We picked 4 activities and have done each 3 times across the week in attempt to improve our scores by the end of the week. The activities included:

  • Amount of star jumps in one minute.
  • Amount of speed jumps (side to side) in one minute.
  • Amount of skips in one minute.
  • Laps of the playground in one minute.

Take a look at some of our attempts!


Learning Journeys

Posted on Thursday 13 July 2023 by Reception Team

Next week, we’d like to invite you to look at your child’s Learning Journey when you drop your child off at Nursery on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday morning from 9 until 9.30am.

We’re sure the children would love you to see how much progress they’ve made; it’s a great way to end the year and celebrate all of their hard work and learning.

We hope that you’ll be able to stay on one of the mornings, even if it’s just for 5 minutes!


Living and Learning – Being Healthy Week

Posted on Thursday 13 July 2023 by Mrs Paterson

It’s not even Friday yet and we have packed a whole host of things into Being Healthy Week! Activities have included our soggy sports roundabout on Monday, working on personal active challenges in P.E, an active ‘imoves’ assembly, mindfulness and meditation, a session on balancing offline and online activity and a visit from D:Side to teach us all about the effects of alcohol as part of our health education.

Please help at home by asking your child about their learning. Thank you for all your support!