Class News

Welcome to Reception!

Posted on Friday 08 September 2023 by Reception team

We’ve started to welcome children into Rainbow and Sunshine Class this week. All of  the children are settling in brilliantly and have been superstars! We hope they’ve had lots of exciting news to share with you. We look forward to welcoming the rest of Reception, on Monday.

PE; Days and Swimming 

Reception’s PE days are Wednesday and Friday. Please send your child to school in their PE kits on these days, including on days when they will be swimming.

Swimming will begin in week 3. Children swim fortnightly. Please send your child with a swimsuit/swim shorts, a towel and goggles if needed. You do not need to send floatation supports.

Swimming Dates:

Rainbow Class- 20 September, 4 October, 18 October

Sunshine Class- 27 September, 11 October, 25 October

Bookbags, spare clothes and wellies

Please send your child with their bookbag each day. Please also send a pair of wellies and a bag of spare clothes/underwear that can be left at school. We will send this home if it needs washing or replacing.

Please double check that all of your child’s school items are labelled with their name.

Dates for your diary (sent home on your child’s first day)

This year we will be offering various opportunities for you to find out more about Early Years at school. There will be after school meetings with your child’s teacher. There’ll be stay and learn sessions where you can come into school and be part of a lesson and then find out how you can help at home.
Then, opportunities to pop into school to share your child’s learning journey book with them. We hope that you can join us for as many of these sessions as possible.

Welcome to Reception
An invitation to this event was emailed to you back in July but here is a reminder. Come into school to find out some basic “need to knows” about life in Reception. 21.09.23 – 6pm – 6.30pm

Stay and learn sessions
This is an opportunity for you to come into school to find out about the Early Years Curriculum and watch your child learning in school.
Phonics Phase 2 – 12.10.23 – 2.20 – 3.00
Maths – 15.11.23 – 8.50 – 9.30
Phonics Phase 3 – 16.01.24 – 8.50-9.30
Fine Motor Control –06.02.24 – 2.20 – 3.00
World Book Day- 07.03.24 – 8.50- 9.20

Learning Journey Drop In’s
An opportunity to “drop into” school and share your child’s learning journal with them.
Times – 8.45 am-9.15am and 3.15pm-3.45pm (Tuesday and Thursday)
Week beginning 11.12.23
Week beginning 25.03.24
Week beginning 08.07.24

3,4 C Class News

Posted on Friday 08 September 2023 by Mrs Wadsworth

What a fabulous first week back! The children appear to have settled into 3,4C. We have been really impressed with the excellent learning attitudes so far.

This is some of the learning we have covered this week:

  • In PE, the children particularly enjoyed learning how to play three new games that will become a common feature of our PE lessons.
  • In Writing, we have been practising using the correct punctuation and using neat handwriting when writing sentences.
  • We have visited the library and made sure everyone has a reading book.  In reading lessons, we enjoyed reading about animals at the zoo. Here are some of the book marks that we have made to use in our reading lessons.

At home, you can help by reading regularly with your child.

Well done, 3,4C!

Living and Learning – rules

Posted on Friday 08 September 2023 by Mrs Wadsworth

Throughout the week and during our Living and Learning lessons and circle time, we have discussed the importance of having rules and following them. We have talked about our school rules and what the rules look like and sound like in our classrooms and throughout the school. We have also discussed what would happen if we didn’t have rules.

Welcome to Nursery

Posted on Friday 08 September 2023 by Reception Team

We’ve had a great week meeting some of our new children during their home visits. It was lovely to find out a little bit about you all and we’re looking forward to getting to know you more when we welcome you to Nursery next week.

Nursery is looking fantastic; there are lots of exciting areas to play in and we can’t wait to show you around.  Our Nursery foxes, Ferdie and Fern, are looking forward to having some more friends to play with.  As you can see from the photos, they’ve already been busy testing out some of our toys, playing in the fairy garden and sliding down the slide!

A reminder for children that are returning to Nursery – Remember to check your transition paperwork. The first day back is a transition session and children will have lunch and go home afterwards at 12.30.

Here are a few reminders of some of the things that we talked about at our home visits.

  • Please bring a full change of clothes in a drawstring bag and a pair of wellies that will stay in Nursery. Remember to write your child’s name on EVERYTHING!
  • Children need to bring a water bottled (named) to Nursery. Please put it in your child’s coloured basket in the morning and collect it at the end of the day to be washed.
  • Please return your ‘All about me’ information sheets next week and bring proof of your child’s date of birth, if we didn’t see it at your home visit.

Don’t worry if you’ve forgotten which door to come in; find the path to the Nursery entrance (off Morwick Grove) and there’ll be someone there to greet you and show you where to go.

Have a great weekend and we’ll look forward to seeing you next week.

Living and learning: I follow the school rules

Posted on Thursday 07 September 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

Living and learning this week has allowed the children to think about our school rules at the start of a new school year. The children remembered the rules well:

We’re ready.

We’re safe.

We’re respectful.

We discussed how these would look and sound in class and around school, even in the playground. How would we know the children are following the rules?

The classes will also have established rules for their living and learning sessions to ensure these lessons are purposeful and reflective.

This week, we will also be sending home the Acceptable Use Agreement for using the computers in and out of school. When using technology, the children need to ensure they are safe. Please read through this with your child and check that they understand the expectations. We’ll also be discussing this in class.

Help at home by asking your child about the school rules. Can they explain what they have done this week to show they are following them?

Welcome back!

Posted on Thursday 07 September 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

Welcome back after the summer holiday e hope you had a happy and healthy summer. It  has been great to see so many happy faces back in school. The children have settled back into school really well and are adapting to new routines, classrooms and teachers really well.

This week, we will be sending the children home with a reading book and a new reading journal. It is really beneficial that your child reads at home daily – it improves fluency and increases the enjoyment of reading. The children can record what they’ve read at home and when in the journals. We will also set a task for them to complete at home. Ask your child what their task is for their homework. Please actively encourage your child to think about the presentation of their work in the journals and the importance of neat handwriting and accurate use of punctuation.

Thank you to all the children who have come to school in the correct uniform and PE kits  this week – you all look so smart. If you are unsure of the uniform, please click the link to see what is required.

We are looking forward to a successful year. Please feel free to come and introduce yourselves to us!

School rules

Posted on Wednesday 06 September 2023 by Miss Young

This week in KS1, we are establishing our classroom routines and the school rules.

Talk to your child about our school rules and what they mean. They should be able to give you some examples of them in action!

Welcome back!

Posted on Tuesday 05 September 2023 by Mrs Latham

The children in Year 1 and Year 2 matched the sunshine and came in with sunny smiles and chatter.

They have all settled in well and are beginning to learn the new routines in their new classes.

Each child should’ve brought home an information sheet. It is here below too.

Below is some information about your child’s new class and some of the day to day things that will help your child settle into their new class and routine. Please name everything your child brings into school.

  • PE and swimming days (school uniform PE kit can be worn all day on both days)
  • Reading eBooks allocation day – Friday. Please bring reading record in on this day.
  • Library/love of reading book – Friday
  • Spare clothes – can be kept in a small bag on their peg, if required
  • Lunch menus – on the Class News/Year 1 & 2 page of the website.
  • Playtime snacks – fruit or vegetables only please but there is a fruit/veg bowl in each class for playtimes
  • Water bottle – should be in school every day, can be emptied and refilled in school
  • Children will have their own tray for suncream, tissues, hats/gloves, snack
  • Coat – please send one every day as we may be learning outside
  • Numbots/TTRockstars username and password is stuck on  reading records

1A (Mrs Brown/Mrs Wilkins) – Tuesday (swimming) and Friday

1,2B (Mrs Latham) – Thursday and Friday (swimming)

 2C (Miss Young) – Thursday (swimming) and Friday

Check out our Class News page for updates on what is going on in school :

Homework and spellings are posted weekly too :

Teachers emails for non-urgent questions :

1A Mrs Brown and Mrs Wilkins – /

1,2B Mrs Latham –

2C Miss Young –

 Please call the office for urgent queries or questions 0113-3649149

September 2023 – lunch menus

Posted on Tuesday 05 September 2023 by Mrs Latham


Welcome back

Posted on Tuesday 05 September 2023 by Mr Lindsay

It was our pleasure to welcome back the students today. After finding out about all their adventures over the summer break, we revisited our school rules:

we’re respectful

we’re ready

we’re safe.

Children discussed what this might look like, feel like and sound like. At home, discuss the importance of having rules and how they help us learn. 

All children in year 5/6 now have a reading book. Remember that children should be reading daily to an adult for at least 15 minutes. Getting back into a routine will help your child make great progress this year.