Class News

Living and learning: 8 Rs for learning

Posted on Tuesday 19 September 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

Living and learning has allowed the children to reflect on the 8 Rs for learning in class and at home.

Here is a reminder of what they are:

  • ready
  • responsive
  • risk taking
  • responsible
  • resourceful
  • resilient
  • remembering
  • reflecting

The children reflected on the first few weeks of school and gave examples of when they had used an 8R.

” I used remembering when I remembered some vocabulary from last years topic learning.”

“I was resilient in maths when I was finding reading large numbers tricky – now I get it!”

Help at home: Can your child give an example of when they’ve used an 8R at home? Maybe at a sport club or with their homework.


Exploring Nursery

Posted on Friday 15 September 2023 by Reception Team

It was great to see our older children return to Nursery on Monday; they quickly settled back into routines and are already getting to know our new children.

On Monday, we enjoyed welcoming our new families for their ‘Stay and Play’ session. Children were really excited to visit and soon began exploring all of the different areas of provision in Nursery. They all had a great time, in fact, a few children didn’t want to leave!

Following a gradual transition, we’ve enjoyed welcoming new children into Nursery for their first sessions. We’re really pleased with with just how well everyone is settling in and we’re looking forward to getting to know everyone better over the next few weeks.

A few reminders:

  • Please make sure your child has a pair of wellies and a spare set of clothes at Nursery (named and in a drawstring bag). These can stay at Nursery and don’t need to be taken home every day.
  • Please check that your child’s school shoes are clearly NAMED – we have already spotted several pairs of the same design so it makes it much easier to make sure that children wear the right ones!
  • Children also need a water bottle,  filled with water. Please don’t send juice to Nursery. Thank you for your cooperation.

Lovely library lending

Posted on Friday 15 September 2023 by Mrs Latham

Friday is library day for 1A, 1,2B and 2C. Please return your library books on Fridays. Reading to your child helps them experience fluent reading and gives them an opportunity to listen to stories or information that they couldn’t read themselves.

Happy and healthy PE lessons

Posted on Friday 15 September 2023 by Mrs Latham

We have done some fabulous PE this week. All classes had their first swimming lessons this week and we have enjoyed getting back into PE.

Settling in

Posted on Friday 15 September 2023 by Reception team

All of the children are now in full-time and are continuing to settle in, get to know each other and learn our daily routines. We’ve had lots of fun exploring our learning this week. Take a look at what we’ve been up to:

















PE; Foot-Tech

The children really enjoyed their first Foot-Tech PE session.

Each Monday and Friday, Reception will take part in a range of fun activities and games. In Early Years, our PE lessons have a key focus on developing the fundamentals of movement and ensuring that children are continuously engaged and active throughout.


We started our Little Wandle phonics lessons this week! The children were introduced to their first four sounds- s,a,t,p 

They have learnt how to identify the sounds by their graphemes and how to form the graphemes in their writing. They have practised identifying initial sounds and blending sounds together to say the whole word.

We have introduced new vocabulary linked to our phonics learning:

Phoneme– The sound a letter (grapheme) makes

Grapheme– The letter that represents the sound

Segmenting- Breaking up a word into its phonemes and sounding aloud (ie. cat becomes c-a-t)

Blending- Blending the phonemes together to read the word. (ie. d-o-g  becomes dog)

Each week we will be sending a ‘learn at home’ sheet, which recaps the phonics learning from the week. Please look at this with your child and complete the activities.


Help at home; Family photos 

Next week, we will be thinking about our families. To help support our discussions, please send in one picture of your family together. We will keep the photograph on display, so please send photos you are happy for us to keep. You can also email photos to the email address below.

Reminders and diary dates 

Welcome to Reception
21.09.23 – 6pm – 6.30pm An invitation to this event was emailed to you back in July but here is a reminder. Come into school to find out some basic “need to knows” about life in Reception.

Living and Learning – the 8 Rs

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2023 by Miss Young

This week’s Living and Learning statement is ‘I use the 8 Rs to help me learn.’

In KS1 we have been discussing each of the 8 R’s and how they are important in supporting our learning. They are:

  • being ready
  • being responsive
  • being reflective
  • being resourceful
  • remembering
  • risk-taking
  • being resilient
  • being responsible

Being ready is one of our school rules. Some of the children gave some great examples during circle time.

‘Being ready means empty hands, silent voices and eyes on the speaker on 3-2-1 stop’.

‘Being ready means when the tambourine rings at play time, freezing and listening to instructions.’

‘At lunch time we can be ready by making sure we line up sensibly and walk through school with a silent voice.’

Science: we are physicists

Posted on Thursday 14 September 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

The children are learning about forces this half term, which allows them to experience the physics strand of science. Air-resistance (a type of friction between air and another object) has been our focus for the lesson this week and we began by testing this on paper. The children dropped a piece of paper and a scrunched up piece of paper from a height to see which would land first – they predicted that the scrunched up one would land first. They discussed how surface area affects the force of the air acting upon it. The whole piece of paper was the last to fall as it had the largest surface area.

The children then used bin bags and ran holding them, a bit like a parachute. This was to allow them to feel the drag associated with air resistance.

Help at home: Ask your child about the science vocabulary they are learning about. What can they remember?

Meet the Key Stage 1 team

Posted on Tuesday 12 September 2023 by Mrs Latham


Posted on Tuesday 12 September 2023 by Miss Young

This week in Science, KS1 have been discussing the human body. We started off by brainstorming all of the body parts we could think of. After this we labelled the human body.

We then took part in an experiment. The question we wanted to answer was ‘Do all older children have bigger feet?’

During the experiment each child drew around their foot.

They wrote their name, age and birthday. We then lined up the feet in birthday order starting with the oldest child and finishing with the youngest.  Before we looked at our data we made predictions in small groups.

We compared the sizes of some of the children’s feet and concluded that not all older children have larger feet.

See some images taken in 2C earlier this week!


Phase 3,4 reading

Posted on Tuesday 12 September 2023 by Mrs Wadsworth

Reading books and library:

By now, your child should have brought home a library book.

Each Friday, they will be set a reading challenge which is noted on the weekly homework sheet. Details of ideas and what to do for each task can be found in the reading records.

Your child will have the chance to change their library book each week. They are more than welcome to keep the same book until they have finished it. All classes will visit the library on Wednesdays.

Book Club:

Your child will need to bring their book and reading record to Book Club each week. The reading record must be signed by an adult to show that your child has been reading at home.

Book Club days:

3,4 A – Wednesday

3,4 B – Wednesday

3,4 C – Friday

E- books:

Some children will continue to read the e-books. In this case, you will be notified by your child’s class teacher.

If you have any further questions, please ask your child’s class teacher.