Raft building at Robin Wood
Build a raft. Test it. Race it. Launch yourself off it.
Our bodies!
This week, we have learnt more about how incredible our bodies are. We have: looked at a range of non-fiction books; set up an egg experiment; and looked at the changes our bodies have made in our lives so far.
On Monday, Professor Myers our scientist came to visit the children! She set up a scientific experiment. We took chicken eggs and placed each one in a different liquid. We used milk, water and coca-cola. The children made predictions and carefully observed any changes to the eggs. Professor Myers came to help us examine the results of our investigation. Our findings resulted in the following conclusions:
Water is good for your teeth-Charlotte
If you have a fizzy drink, you have to brush your teeth!-Florence
Milk is white like your teeth-Rupert
In Maths we have been introduced to a rekenrek. We have had one each to help us with our perceptual and conceptual subitising skills.
The children have been incredible at sliding different quantities smoothly.
Home Link
Have a wonderful holiday and please send photographs of your adventures to us.
Living and Learning – Phase 3,4 – Physical Health and Fitness
Over the last couple of weeks in our Living and Learning lessons, we have talked about:
- the importance of regular exercise to keep our bodies and minds healthy
- how we keep active during the school day including our daily Wake Up Shake Up sessions
- the ways that we keep active out of school
- aiming for being active for at least 60 minutes each day
We all enjoyed our Heely session on Monday! Lots of us have walked, scooted or cycled to school this week – well done!
Help at home by discussing the importance of being physically active and how you can achieve this.
We will miss you, Lollypop Sue!
It’s a farmyard festival!
Old MacDonald had a farm ee igh, ee igh oa!…
and on that farm he had some pigs…

and on that farm he had some cows…

and on that farm he had some sheep…

and on that farm he had some cats…

and on that farm he had a donkey, dog, chicken, owl, fox and rabbits!…

Old MacDonald had a farm, ee igh ee igh oa!
Thank you for the fabulous costumes. We’ve had a fantastic farmyard festival!
Have a lovely week and we’ll see you on 3 June, for our last half term of the school year.
3,4B Class News – Heeleys special!
This week we had lots of fun trying out Heelys. If you’re not sure what they are, they’re shoes with wheels! The workshop allowed the children to try a new sport and this linked brilliantly with our living and learning statement for this week about being active for 60 minutes a day.
The children struggled a little to find their balance at first and there were a few tumbles! Luckily, we were well-protected with helmets and elbow/knee pads! Everyone had a great time and didn’t want the session to end!
Pizza Time! Year 6 treat
We’d like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to FoSP (Friends of Scholes Primary) for providing our year 6 children with a treat to remember.
Year 6 students have worked hard all year to prepare for their end of key stage assessments. Last week, they showed just how resilient and ready they were to take the tests. They met each one with a smile and steely determination to give it their all.
Living and learning: I know the importance of 60 active minutes
This week we were very lucky to try our hand at Heely’s. If you’ve never heard of them, they are shoes with wheels! The workshop allowed the children to try an new sport and this linked brilliantly with our living and learning statement for this week about being active for 60 minutes a day.
The first big challenge was putting the shoes on and attempting to get the knee and elbow pads on! Once we were kitted out, we were taught how to position our bodies to get the Heely’s to move smoothly. This was harder than it looked. The adults even had a go although I’m not sure we should’ve done! By the end of the session, we were all feeling a lot more confident – there were still a few people wobbling about though!
Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s
Over the last couple of weeks, 1A have been concentrating hard on perfecting their counting skills. We have worked practically, grouping resources into groups of 2s, 5s and 10s and then counting to find the total. We then talk about how many equal groups there are and wrote the calculation to represent our work.
Help at home: When walking down the road, you could look at house numbers and count along in 2s with them. Are they counting in 2s with even or odd numbers? How many 2s are in that number? You could also look at speed limit road signs and talk about how many 10s are in that number.
I know the importance of 60 active minutes each day
This week our Living and Learning statement is ‘I know the importance of 60 active minutes each day.’ In class, KS1 have been discussing what ‘active’ means. We know that physical activity can increase our heart rate and sometimes increase our breathing.
Physical activity is important as it helps to keep our bodies healthy. We know that we don’t have to do our recommended 60 minutes in one go, we can divide it throughout the day.
In school we keep active in many different ways such as at playtime, during WUSU, PE and Go Noodle dances. School also offers may after school clubs to keep up active, or we can do similar clubs outside of school.
In class 2C, we came up with some ways that we can stay physically active throughout the day/ week. We wrote them down and drew some pictures. KS1 also went out onto the playground and did some physical activities of their choice.