Class News

Reception learning updates and home-learning resources

Posted on Wednesday 20 December 2023 by Reception team

Today (Wednesday 20 December), your child will be coming home with their second learning update of the school year.

Alongside this, we are sending a phase 2 GPC (grapheme-phoneme correspondence) mat. On this mat, sounds that your child was not secure on in their most recent phonics assessment will be highlighted. If no sounds are highlighted, your child was secure in recognising all of them.

We have also included a phase 2 tricky word mat, to re-read and re-visit at home.

Some children will have additional resources in their pack. This may include flashcards of words to blend, and/or some pattern flashcards for mathematical subitising. This will link to How can you support your child at home? targets on their learning update sheet.

Please let your class teacher know if you have any questions regarding the learning update or resources sent home.

Finally, your child’s pack will include some very special Christmas crafts that they have been working on over the past couple of weeks. Enjoy!

British Library Visit

Posted on Tuesday 19 December 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

We were lucky enough to be visited by the British Library yesterday, who are based in Boston Spa. This is a research library that holds books, newspapers and documents.

The children had the opportunity to read a book called “The Phoenix of Persia.” The book contains a range of different Persian instruments, such as the Daff – a type of drum.

The children used percussion instruments to compose music for different pages in the book. They used instruments such as: castanets, egg shakers, bells and wooden blocks.

KS1 Science

Posted on Monday 18 December 2023 by Miss Young

For our final piece of Science learning this half term, KS1 have learning about the word ‘absorb.’ We did a comparative test where we used 4 different types of material to soak up the same measurement of water.

We found that cotton wool absorbed the most water, foil absorbed the least water and the carboard absorbed some but not all of the water.


Posted on Friday 15 December 2023 by Reception Team

We had such a busy week learning the songs and rehearsing for our ‘Santa’s Hat’ production. We can’t wait to share it with you on Monday and Tuesday and hope you enjoy watching.

During group time, we enjoyed drawing some decorations onto a giant tree and learning about the letter ‘n’. We could hear the ‘n’ sound at the beginning of the words nurse, nose, nut and net.

Outside, we decorated trees,  used chalks to draw snowmen and we aimed red balls (noses!) at a giant rudolph on the wall to practise our throwing skills.

We also made Christmas cards for our families; children can’t wait to bring them home so please remember to check their folder on their final day in Nursery next week.

Next week:

We will consolidate the letter sounds that we have learnt so far – s, a, t, p, i and n.


  • Our Early Years Christmas performance will take place on Monday 18 December at 1.30 – 2.15pm and on Tuesday 19 December at 9.45 – 10.30am.
  • Thank you to everyone that has replied to say which ‘Stay and Decorate‘ session they would like to attend.  If you haven’t returned the slip yet, please let us know if you’re able to join in with one of the sessions. They will be on Wednesday 20 December 9.00- 9.45am or 2.00 -2.45 pm and Thursday 21 December 9.00-9.45am.
  • Our Nursery Party will take place on Friday 22 December from 10-11.15am. Children can attend Nursery wearing their party clothes.  Please remember that we will still take part in Nursery activities (which can be messy) and we’ll also be outside so footwear needs to be sensible.
  • A pot for your £1 party contribution will be available in Nursery all week. Thank you in advance for your donation towards the cost of treats for our party.




Yorkshire Sculpture Park

Posted on Friday 15 December 2023 by Mr Lindsay

This week, children are writing about one of the statues at Yorkshire Sculpture Park coming to life. It was such a fantastic trip that we had to share some of our best moments.

Lentil and tomato Soup

Posted on Friday 15 December 2023 by Mr Lindsay

Children in year 56 have been making lentil and tomato soup this week. They have used the ‘bridge’ and ‘claw’ techniques to slice vegetables. They have discussed how to stay safe in the kitchen by washing hands, removing any loose clothing and keeping their hair up.

Help at home: Why not try making the soup as a family! Discuss the method with your child. You might want to change some of the ingredients to some family favourites.

The Jolly Christmas Postman

Posted on Friday 15 December 2023 by Reception Team


This week we enjoyed the story, The Jolly Christmas Postman.

The children loved seeing the different letters, gifts and cards inside each envelope.

Inspired by the book, we wrote our own postcards with special messages. We learned about the journey of a letter from the post box to our front door and can’t wait for our own letters to be delivered!



We have looked at 2D and 3D shapes. We made shapes with lolly sticks, found shapes in our classroom, and discussed their properties.

In provision, we used shapes to create pictures. The children were able to talk about the different shapes they had used.



Feeling the Christmas spirit, we listen to Michael Bublé – White Christmas.

We moved in time to the music, listened carefully to the lyrics, and the different sounds and instruments.

I can hear a trumpet. Rupert

I heard high voices. Charlotte

I heard some Christmas song. Heidi

I hear people singing. Asha

I can hear a drum and a tambourine. Sofia

It was really interesting. Finlay


Check out our other learning…





British Sign Language

Posted on Friday 15 December 2023 by Oli Wain

This week, we had our final British Sign Language session.

Each week over the last half term, we’ve been learning how to sign lots of different things.

Some of the topics we’ve covered include: greetings, food, transport and this week… Christmas!

Here are some pictures of us in action!

Well done, 56A!

Design technology – food glorious food!

Posted on Wednesday 13 December 2023 by Mrs Hogarth

It’s that time of the term again where we get to cook again. The children have had a great time this week, working in small teams to cook tomato and lentil soup. They had to measure out all the ingredients and use their cutting and slicing skills to prepare the vegetables. The children prepared and cooked the soup and then even got to eat it after. They said it was delicious!

Help at home: Talk to your child about how their cooking went this week. Can they remember the recipe? What changes would they make if they cooked this recipe again?

Living and Learning – Mental Wellbeing

Posted on Friday 08 December 2023 by Mrs Paterson

We are focusing on mental wellbeing in Living and Learning across all three classes at the moment. This week’s theme has been about knowing some simple self-care techniques we can use to help ourselves feel good. In the classroom, in circle time and in assemblies, we have discussed different strategies to help us feel calm such as breathing exercises, spending time with people we love, telling someone else how we’re feeling and getting some fresh air and exercise.

Help at home by asking your child how they can look after and calm  themselves, particularly if they are feeling angry or sad.