Class News

Reading Workshop

Posted on Thursday 28 September 2017 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to the parents who attended the Reading Workshop last night. The presentation can be found here.

Your child’s reading journey begins…

Posted on Thursday 28 September 2017 by Reception team

Thank you to all those who came along to the Early Years and Key Stage 1 reading workshop last night. We hope you found the information useful in supporting your child at the beginning of their reading journey.

Today, we introduced the children to the main characters (Mum, Dad, Kipper, Chip, Biff and Floppy) in the Oxford Reading Tree stories. This morning, we enjoyed using the pictures to tell a story together. The books the children first bring home are wordless.

Let’s talk about numbers!

Posted on Monday 25 September 2017 by Reception team

Today, we looked at number one – our number focus at the moment. We’ll focus on all numbers to ten throughout this term to get a depth of understanding of what the numbers represent.

We watched the number 1 block video. We then went on a hunt for the numeral 1 in the classroom.

After that, we found 1 object in the classroom.

Can you find something at home that represents the number 1? We can then put it on our number focus table.

Mindfulness, maths and library visits

Posted on Sunday 24 September 2017 by Mrs Latham

It’s been another busy week in the Year 1 and 2 classes. We started the week with a performance from One Day Creative about dealing with emotions and mindfulness. This will be followed up with workshops in a few weeks.

All classes visited the library, choosing books to encourage and enhance reading in our classrooms.

We’ve been using a variety of equipment to represent numbers, focusing on how many 10s and 1s a number has. Ten frames, Base 10, Numicon, part-part-whole models and lolly sticks are all resources we use in school – ask your child to describe the objects. (The pictures might help.)


Well done to this week’s Golden Star.

Autumn is here!

Posted on Sunday 24 September 2017 by Reception Team

We had another exciting week in Nursery as we all continued to get to know our new friends. We’re amazed by how well our new starters are settling into their new environment and remembering to do all of their little jobs!

The children have really enjoyed exploring and playing outdoors; the water area and dinosaur small world have been very popular. We have also noticed the changes to the leaves and found our first conkers under the horse chestnut tree in our garden. It was great fun harvesting the carrots and radishes that the children planted earlier in the year. This gave us lots of opportunities for counting and talking about different colours and textures. Best of all, we got to eat them at snack time along with some apples and pears from our trees… totally organic!

We’ve been playing lots of listening games to develop both our listening and sound discrimination skills. Covering objects and encouraging your child to listen carefully to the sound is a good game you can play at home. Alternatively, putting objects in socks to create ‘sound socks’ is a fun way to develop listening skills.                                              


Posted on Friday 22 September 2017 by

Today, we lauched our big topic: Explorers! Can you work out which explorers attended school today?


Amazing Autumn

Posted on Thursday 21 September 2017 by Reception team

This week, the children have really enjoyed exploring the outdoor area and looking for signs of Autumn. They found a oak tree in our garden area and we’ve started to collect conkers.

See if you can find any signs of Autumn with your child at home and bring what you find in to share with us. 

The children have also enjoyed re-enacting the story We’re Going on a Bear Hunt and they worked together to build a big rollercoaster.

We’ll be holding a number of Stay and Play sessions throughout the year. Each session will have a focus (number, phonics) and you can observe us teach an activity. Please have a look at all upcoming events on the calendar.

Thanks for your continued support,

The F2 team


Bikeability course for Y6

Posted on Thursday 21 September 2017 by

Bikeability for Y6 starts on Friday 29 September and runs until the following Friday. Please ask your child which group they are in. Each day they will need: their bike; helmet; change of warm/ waterproof clothing; snack; and water bottle in school. They should have their school uniform here too for the half day they are not in training.

Group 1 and 2 – Friday 29 September, Monday 02 October, Tuesday 03 October

Group 3 and 4 – Wednesday 04 October, Thursday 05 October, Friday 06 October

Welcome to Nursery

Posted on Monday 18 September 2017 by Reception Team

It was lovely to see so many happy faces last week, as our oldest children returned to nursery after the summer holidays.  We’ve also welcomed our new children and their families to nursery and we’re looking forward to getting to know them all over the coming weeks.


Remember to send your child with a coat and some wellington boots. We play outside in all weathers.

Please name all items of clothing, including coats and shoes. We have already spotted several children with matching shoes; as you can imagine, it’s very tricky to return shoes and cardigans/jumpers to their owners when they are the same size/brand. Thank you in advance for your help.

Science, Computing and Art

Posted on Saturday 16 September 2017 by Mrs Latham

It’s been another busy week in all three Year 1 and 2 classes.  The children have been learning about how to answer a scientific question – ‘How can we make plasticine float?’

They enjoyed trying various shapes before finding a way to make it float.

We have also had our first taster of our carousel afternoon: learning how to make music on the iPads, art and RE.


Well done to our Golden Star this week.