Class News

Home Link – We’re going on a bear hunt

Posted on Friday 06 October 2017 by Reception Team

Do you have a copy of one of our favourite stories, ‘We’re going on a bear hunt”? If so, we’d like you to share it together at bedtime.

If you don’t have a copy of the book, perhaps you could visit the library or enjoy watching Michael Rosen telling the story on-line. He’s a brilliant story teller!

We’ve a small world area linked to this story in our outdoor area and children are enjoying re-telling the story using the props.

Swishy swashy…Squelch, squerch… Hoooo wooo…

Remember to tell us about your favourite part in the story and you’ll get a star for your hand print.

Exploring our local area

Posted on Friday 06 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

Our current Big Topic is Explorers.

We ended our week with a walk exploring Scholes and it was a perfect sunny day for it. Thank you to all the parent and grandparent helpers – we wouldn’t have been able to do it without you. We walked three miles over nearly two hours so I imagine there will be some tired legs tonight. We mapped our route when we got back to school and will be talking more about what we saw next week. The highlights, according to one child, were eating our snack and jumping in muddy puddles!

Well done to our Golden Star this week.

Phonics fun

Posted on Friday 06 October 2017 by Reception team

Your child may be coming home and singing lots of jolly phonics songs. We have learnt the sounds ‘s’, ‘a’ and ‘t’ this week. We are teaching the children to say the pure sound, for example, ‘ssss’ not ‘suh’ (try to avoid saying the ‘uh’ bit at the end).

We’re focusing on hearing the initial sound in words. We’ve sorted objects that began with ‘s’, ‘a’ and ‘t’. For example, ‘s’ for sock and ‘a’ for apple. Can you play ‘I spy’ with your child?

Please let us know about any WOW moments so we can celebrate them in class.

Thursday 12 October – exploring Brazil, Africa and Thailand

Posted on Thursday 05 October 2017 by

As part of our Big Topic on Explorers Y5 and Y6 will enjoy a morning of exploration, travelling around the world to experience music and physical activities from Brazil, Africa and Thailand.

The classes will rotate around three activities:

  1. Capoeira is an Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics and music. It was developed in Brazil mainly by Angolans
  2. International African drumming
  3. International Thai boxing

Please arrive in your PE kit on Thursday 12 October. Wear trainers, jogging bottoms and a long sleeve sweater as some of the activities may be outside. You’ll stay in your kit all day.

Year 5/6 are going to have an exciting and challenging morning!

Join In Monday! (02 October 2017)

Posted on Tuesday 03 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to everyone who attended the first Join In Monday afternoon of the year. Class 1,2V hosted the Autumn-themed afternoon. Parents and carers joined in with children making leaf lanterns, leaf mobiles and leaf rubbings. There were also 933 conkers to count and play with!

Monday news

Posted on Monday 02 October 2017 by Reception team

We love hearing about what your child has been up to at the weekend during Monday news. It’s a great chance for your child to build their self-confidence by speaking in front of their peers. It’s also a valuable time to develop their communication and language skills.

If your child brings a ‘time to talk’ sheet on a Monday, they’ll be able to share their Monday news with their key worker group. If your child makes you go WOW  at home it would be fantastic if you could share these with us at school.

Home Link – Five currant buns

Posted on Sunday 01 October 2017 by Reception Team

We love to sing!  If you walk through nursery, you can usually hear someone singing somewhere. One of our favourite songs to sing at the moment is ‘Five currant buns in a baker’s shop‘.

For our Home Link activity this week, can you sing the song?                                                          

You could act out the song using pretend buns and pennies!

Remember to take one away and talk about how many you have left.

Don’t forget to let us know you’ve been singing it at home so that you can get a star sticker for your hand print. You could sing for your key person or go to the nursery rhyme table and sing along with the singing pegs!

Counting conkers, Autumn treasure and splashing in puddles.

Posted on Sunday 01 October 2017 by Reception Team

Wow! We’ve had another really busy week in Nursery. We continue to be really pleased with how well children are settling into Nursery life.

In the Sunshine room, the construction area has been popular. Children have loved using the bricks and other props to build trains, buses and planes. We’ve been on some exciting journeys; we even remembered that we needed tickets and made our own in the creative area.

There has been a lot of interest and enjoyment in playing with shapes and exploring colours. We shall continue with these themes next week as we add some shapes and colour enhancements to our provision to help consolidate the children’s learning.

In our maths area, the conker themed enhancement is providing lots of counting opportunities. Children have especially enjoyed trying to balance the conkers onto the Numicon pieces and dropping the correct number into the matching egg box.

Despite the varied weather, the children have continued to enjoy investigating and playing outdoors. Thank you to all those who brought things in for the Autumn investigation table or emailed pictures of your Autumn observations.

Each time your child participates in the home link activity they will get a star for their hand print. Our home link activities provide a great opportunity for your child to share and extend the activities they have enjoyed doing at Nursery.

‘We can’t go over it…’

Over the next few days, we’ll bring one of our favourite stories to life in our outdoor area – ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. There’ll be lots of opportunities for small world re-telling of the story and making the props to go on our very own bear hunt!

Christmas cards…and a traffic survey!

Posted on Sunday 01 October 2017 by Mrs Latham

I know it sounds early, but these cards will be printed and can be bought for friends and family.

All the year 1 and 2 classes conducted a traffic survey of Station Road in front of school. We predicted that cars would be the vehicle we saw the most and this proved to be true when we counted up our scores. A year 2 child commented, “This is the best day. I love counting cars!” We will be using our findings in our topic lessons.

Well done to our golden star this week.



What are these bricks my child keeps talking about?

Posted on Friday 29 September 2017 by Reception team

This week, we’ve introduced your child to challenges. Challenging activities are around the classroom for your child to complete to earn a brick. The aim is to get a tower of bricks taller than five. Challenges include the learning we’re focusing on throughout the week – for example, writing our name. Ask your child what challenges they have done this week.

We talked about who had more and who had fewer bricks. If your child’s tower was more than five, your child will be coming home with a certificate!