Class News

Happy New Year!

Posted on Tuesday 09 January 2024 by Reception Team

Happy New Year and welcome back to Nursery!   We hope that you all had a great Christmas and enjoyed a break over the festive period. It was lovely to see everyone on Monday morning and hear about your holiday adventures and presents from Santa.

This week, we’re reading ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and children are already beginning to retell the story in our small world area.  If you have a copy of the story at home, please enjoy reading it together. If not, you might like to listen to Mr Tumble reading it.

Children love to join in with the repeated refrains in the story. Can they remember what the Gingerbread man shouts?  “Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man.”

So far this week, we’ve made Gingerbread Men in the playdough area, counted buttons on his tummy and we’ve loved getting messy in the gingery cornflour gloop!

This week’s letter is ‘m’ for mouse.  We pronounce it as  ‘mmmmm’.

Help at home: In group time, our sound bag had lots of ‘m’ objects including a marble, a mouse, a map and a mirror.  What can you find around the house that begins with the ‘m’ sound?  What other ‘m’ objects could we have put in our sound bag?

Nursery rhyme of the week: Pat-a-cake

Pat a cake, pat a cake,  Baker’s man.  Bake me a cake as fast as you can. Pat it and roll it and mark it with B. Put it in the oven for baby and me. 

There are lots of different versions of this rhyme, here are two from CBeebies if you would like to sing along at home.  CoComelon   The Baby Club

It’s been a cold start to the week so children decided to make a ‘fire’ and loved toasting marshmallows on the sticks that they collected.  Just as a reminder –  we play out in ALL weathers at Nursery and at this time of the year, it can be very cold.  Please make sure that your child has a warm coat, a hat and some gloves to wear to help keep them warm and happy whilst we play.  Please write their name in them too as it’s really helpful when we’re trying to find who they belong to. Thank you in advance.

You may have noticed some new faces in Nursery this week or heard your child talking about some new Nursery members of staff. We’d like to welcome Mrs Gall, Miss Swift and Miss Bennett to our Nursery team.

Next week  – 15 January 2024

We look forward to welcoming some new families and children to Nursery for their first sessions on Monday 15 January. Our new ‘yellow group’ children will join red group as they come into Nursery through the main door each morning so it may feel a little bit busier than usual. Please be patient as we help to settle the new children into Nursery. We’re looking forward to getting to know everybody and making some new friends.

Story – Little Red Riding Hood

Letter next week – ‘d’ for duck

Nursery rhyme next week – The Grand Old Duke of York




Living and learning: I know what a drug is

Posted on Tuesday 09 January 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Our living and learning statement this week has allowed the children to explore the idea of peer pressure. They began by discussing the influences that might make someone try drugs such as social media and friends. They ranked them in order of the biggest influence. We discussed strategies that could get the children out of a situation where they felt pressured. These included coming up with an excuse and leaving the situation or being more assertive and explaining why they don’t want to try something.

Help at home: How confident does your child feel about resisting peer pressure? Ask them what strategies they’d use.

New member of staff in 1,2B

Posted on Monday 08 January 2024 by Mrs Latham

We said goodbye to Mr Goodwin before Christmas but we’re now saying Hello to Miss Gilliland, who will be with us until July

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…

Posted on Friday 22 December 2023 by Reception team

This week, we’ve been learning about the story of the first Christmas- The Nativity. We know that this story is why Christians celebrate Christmas.

We re-told the story with actions. This helped us to remember key people and events.

Christmas around the world

We’ve been exploring the different ways that people celebrate Christmas around the world. We looked at the difference between Santa in the UK and Santa in Australia.

Did you know that when Santa gets to Australia, the reindeer are given a rest whilst the six white boomers (kangaroos) take over pulling Santa’s sleigh?!

We made Chinese paper lanterns for decorations.







We read about the good witch, La Befana, who brings presents to children in Italy.

Ask your child if they remember the story of La Befana and who she helped that were on their way to see the baby Jesus.

We made observational drawings of Poinsettia- a popular Christmas plant here, in Mexico and in India.

We went hunting for the lucky almond (in picture form). In Denmark, it’s a Christmas tradition to hide an almond in rice pudding. The finder has good luck for the year!

On Friday, we drew presents and sweets onto a picture of shoes. In the Netherlands, Sinterklaas leaves gifts in children’s shoes, that the children fill with straw and sugar for his horse.

Our shoes were magic and turned into real treats at party time!

Christmas performance

Wow! How amazing were our performers this week?! Well done to all of the children who have been working so hard and who were so brave up on that big stage. Thank you to the parents and carers who joined us and provided such fabulous costumes. We hope you enjoyed our Christmas production!

A very special visitor

On Wednesday, we received a very special video… Santa had been to visit our school. We were AMAZED that he had managed to hide our presents in the classroom. What a special treat!

Professor Myers and The Candy Cane Experiment

On Thursday, we were visited for the first time by Mrs Myers twin, Professor Myers! Professor Myers is a science expert and often shares amazing experiments with us in Reception. We tested the strength of a candy cane, experimenting with objects of different weights to see how much the candy cane could hold before snapping (the box of rocks was the heaviest!)

A Christmas inflatable wonderland and Christmas dinner

Thank you to Mrs Pennock, who treated us to her inflatable Christmas Wonderland on Thursday!

Afterwards, we enjoyed our yummy Christmas dinner. Thank you to all of the dinner staff (and Miss Hague and Mr Catherall) for cooking and serving our special lunch.

We had so much fun at our Christmas party…

Take a look at our classroom activities this week

Christmas reading books-Nativity small world-Santa’s workshop-Bauble counting-Paw Patrol Christmas counting-Snowy scene small word-Tricky Word tree builder-Festive tinsel threading

A Christmas message from Reception 

Merry Christmas


Posted on Friday 22 December 2023 by Mrs Latham

We would like to wish all our families a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all the staff in Key Stage 1. We’re also wishing Mr Goodwin good luck on his next placement at one of our sister schools. We will miss him!

Christmas lunch

Posted on Friday 22 December 2023 by Mrs Latham

We had a lovely lunchtime yesterday. We visited the ‘Mrs Pennock inflatable display Christmas grotto’ and then had a lovely Christmas lunch together in the hall!

Exhibiting our sculptures

Posted on Friday 22 December 2023 by Oli Wain

This half term, we have created our own sculptures inspired by Barbara Hepworth’s The Family of Man (1970) – a sculpture we saw on our trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.

We were able to mix colour effectively to create the effect of patina found on The Family of Man (this is the green or brown colour created on bronze and other metals after weathering over time).

We were inspired by her use of negative space and included this in our artwork, too!

Help at home: See if your child can remember the following pieces of vocabulary from our topic and what they mean: negative space, sculpture, modern art and classical art.

Christmas in 2C

Posted on Thursday 21 December 2023 by Miss Young

This week we have been very excited about the run up to Christmas. We’ve done lots of lovely activities such as made cards, calendars and crafts. We’ve done 2 Christmas productions for the adults, seen some special Christmas decorations and today we had a lovely Christmas lunch. See what we’ve been getting up to!

We can’t wait for our Christmas party tomorrow (9am)! Remember to send your child in their own clothes, some snacks for after the party and a bag to send all of their bits and bobs home!

Art: creating patina

Posted on Thursday 21 December 2023 by Mr Lindsay

Inspired by the work of Barbara Hepworth, Year 5/6 have been creating sculptures and thinking about how to add texture through the use of patina.

Help at home: Take a look at some more pieces of art from Yorkshire Sculpture Park. Which ones inspire you? How could you use some household items to create a project in the style of a favoured artist?

Christmas in KS1

Posted on Wednesday 20 December 2023 by Fiona Brown

The children have been enjoying a lovely festive week in school this week. They performed their little socks off and displayed their singing and dancing talents at both of the Nativity shows. WELL DONE YEAR 1 AND 2!!!

Today, in all classes, we received a mysterious phone call to tell us that we had been sent a very special email. The big man himself, Santa Claus, had sent us an email with a video to watch. It turns out he had been to our school when we were at home last night and he had delivered some gifts to our classrooms for us. We were SO excited and searched for the presents in class. There was one for everyone. We’re even more excited now for the Christmas dinner tomorrow and for the party on Friday.

Merry Christmas everyone from all the KS1 staff.

Help at home: by taking some time to relax and recuperate after a long term and by enjoying some wonderful family time together.