Class News

Reflecting on our learning.

Posted on Friday 05 January 2018 by

Children reflecting on their own learning is an integral part of the learning journey and all children in school have regular opportunities to do this. Some of the ways reflection can happen is through verbal discussions with an adult, peer discussions or through written feedback.

Here are a couple of examples of written feedback in maths. This reflection is detailed, specific and shows the learning journey this child has made in these particular lessons. It is great to see the use of our 8 Rs for learning in the feedback!

Let’s Get Active!

Posted on Thursday 04 January 2018 by Mrs Latham

As part of our commitment to being a happy and healthy school, we’re continually looking at ways to increase the physical activity undertaken within school. The UK Chief Medical Officers found that, “the latest evidence shows there is a clear link between physical activity and chronic disease.” We want to reduce this risk by ensuring that our children can achieve the recommended 60 minutes, or more, of physical activity per day. The government wants schools to provide 30 minutes of this.

In response to this we have launched the  30:30 Wristband Challenge.
Y1-6 children should have brought a recording sheet home. We’ll be taking part in the challenge in school and are encouraging children to continue this at home as well. We already do 10 minutes of Wake Up, Shake Up per day (join in here). We are now striving for 10 minutes of running per day and a further 10 minutes using interactive online resources. The Change for Life website has fun ideas how you can achieve 30 active minutes at home, too.

What would happen if …?

Posted on Wednesday 03 January 2018 by Mrs Allaway

Today, we started our science based mini-topic.

We made and recorded predictions about what would happen when we poured water on to Skittles.

Eva predicted that the Skittles would move around and float in the water.

Annabelle predicted that the Skittles would move and the colouring would come off in the water, leaving them white.

Finlay also predicted that the water would make the Skittles move and leave them white.

This is what actually happened!

This got us thinking!

  • Freya: What would happen if we poured hot water on Skittles?
  • Evie: What would happen if we poured milk on Skittles?
  • Brandon: What would happen if we poured lemonade on M & Ms?
  • Conor: What would happen if we poured  water on Smarties?
  • Ben: What would happen if we poured water on Skittles that were placed in a line instead of in a circle?
  • Lilia: What would happen if we also added an extra Skittle in the middle of the dish?

The children are keen to try out some of their ideas at home. Let us know what you find out!

Movie Makers

Posted on Wednesday 03 January 2018 by Mrs Latham

We learnt so much reading Naughty Bus last half term: retelling the story orally and with props, writing it, writing our own naughty vehicle stories and making movies! We really enjoyed thinking of naughty ideas and using iPads to capture images to make videos in iMovie.

Happy New Year!

Posted on Tuesday 02 January 2018 by Reception Team

Happy New Year! We’re looking forward to seeing lots of refreshed, smiling faces this week and we can’t wait to find out all about your Christmas excitement and holiday adventures. Don’t forget to e-mail us some photographs and let us know what you have been up to over the last two weeks. The children love to share their photographs with their friends and it’s a great opportunity for them to develop their speaking and listening skills.

Before the holidays, children really enjoyed counting buttons onto a gingerbread man on the interactive whiteboard. This led to discussions about ‘The Gingerbread Man’ story which is one of our nursery favourites. Some children were familiar with the traditional tale, whilst others hadn’t heard it before. This week, we’re going to enjoy listening to the story of ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and will hopefully be able to use the small world story props to re-tell the story.

You may even be able to smell something delicious cooking over the next two weeks…

If you have the story at home, you could read it together this week to help familiarise your child with the story.


Posted on Tuesday 02 January 2018 by Reception team

We are so impressed with those children who have worked hard over the Christmas holidays and have learnt how to zip up their coat. It has made a very big difference to your child’s independence. They can get ready to go outside quickly without adult help. Thank you to those of you who have emailed a picture – your child will be getting 3 challenge cubes!

There’s still time to complete the challenge. A reminder of the challenge is below.

Your child’s challenge is to learn/practise to zip up their coat.

This will help your child to become more independent and get ready to play outside without adult help.

Can you email a photo of your child practising to zip up their coat? Your child will get 3 challenge cubes for having a go!

The email address is:

PE update

Posted on Tuesday 02 January 2018 by Reception team

Your child will be doing PE on a Friday afternoon this term. Please make sure your child has their PE kit (white t-shirt and blue shorts) in school on a Friday. Swimming days have remained the same as last term.

SATs in May

Posted on Monday 01 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree

The Key Stage 2 tests (commonly called SATs) are in May:

  • Monday 14 May: English grammar, punctuation and spelling papers 1 and 2
  • Tuesday 15 May: English reading
  • Wednesday 16 May: Mathematics papers 1 and 2
  • Thursday 17 May: Mathematics paper 3

New style National Curriculum tests were introduced in 2016. This video lasts around five minutes and gives you a useful overview of the tests.

As always, speak with us if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

A challenge over Christmas!

Posted on Thursday 14 December 2017 by Reception team

Your child’s challenge over the Christmas holidays is to learn/practise to zip up their coat.

This will help your child to become more independent and get ready to play outside without adult help.

Can you email a photo of your child practising to zip up their coat? Your child will get 3 challenge cubes for having a go!

The email address is:

Have a lovely Christmas and we’ll see you on Tuesday 02 January 2018!

Scientific enquiry with Christmas wrapping paper

Posted on Wednesday 13 December 2017 by Mrs Allaway

Today, Y3/4 children were asked, “Which wrapping paper is the strongest?”

We made predictions:

Alex: I think the blue Christmas tree paper is the strongest because it is made up of different layers. It feels different on the front and the back.

Piper: I think the Santa paper is the strongest because it feels a bit like cardboard. It’s thicker than the others.

We thought of ways of testing the paper to find out which is strongest:

Ruby: We could wrap up one of our trays and drop things on it to find out if it rips easily. If we drop something heavy and  the paper doesn’t rip, it’s strong.

Cyrus: We could get something sharp and scratch each piece of wrapping paper to see how easily it tears.

Lilia: We could put water on it and see if it makes a hole in the paper.

We tested by attaching a bag to a strip of each type of wrapping paper and adding weights until it ripped.

Ask your child to tell you what they found out.