Class News

12 January 2018

Posted on Friday 12 January 2018 by Mr Roundtree

What a smashing treat the Y3/4 children had this morning with a judo taster session by Sportif Judo! We had so much fun challenging each other in hold downs and throws. Children have a leaflet with more information if they would like to attend further sessions in Wetherby.

Book of the week!

Posted on Friday 12 January 2018 by Reception team

Every Tuesday, a very special parcel is left in our classroom and the stars of the day get to unwrap it – it’s our book of the week!

This week the book of the week was ‘Astronauts’. We looked at the front cover and blurb and predicted what might happen in the story. We then wrote down our ideas. Later, we read the story to see if we were right. We then talked about what it is like in space and watched a video of an astronaut brushing his teeth in space! We talked about the similarities and differences.

marvellous maths stay and play!

Posted on Thursday 11 January 2018 by Reception team

The marvellous maths stay and play is on Tuesday 16 January. We’re very sorry for the mix-up!

Scholes Pool – one year on…

Posted on Wednesday 10 January 2018 by Mrs Latham

A year ago today, Save Scholes Pool won £10,000 from the Aviva Community fund to reach the target to start work on the pool. Now the pool is being used by over 130 children from Scholes Primary during the afternoons and a variety of children, including babies, in the mornings, evenings and weekends.

Children in school have made superb progress with the help of our swimming instructor, Nicole. Check out the videos showing children swimming under water and demonstrating excellent breast stroke legs.

Thank you to everyone who contributed to getting the pool back up and running!

SATs Information Evening – 09 January 2018

Posted on Wednesday 10 January 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to all the parents and carers who attended our Key Stage 1 SATs information evening. The presentation can be found here for those who were unable to attend.

We also talked about a useful guide to the tests on You Tube.

Other useful information can be found on this website. A guide to phonics, addition facts guide and calculations can be found by following the links above or looking in the Learn More section.

Home Link – Christmas holidays and fairy tale stories

Posted on Sunday 07 January 2018 by Reception Team

Home Link Activity

  • Remember to send us photographs of your holiday adventures and Christmas or New Year celebrations. 

Over the next few weeks in Nursery, we’re going to be listening to a lots of traditional tales. What is your child’s favourite fairy tale story?

Please write your childs favourite story onto the childrens interest board in the entrance of nursery.

It would also be lovely to see some drawings, paintings or collages of characters, castles or scenes from their favourite story. We’d love to brighten up our corridor and will display them on the Home Link notice board for everybody to see.

Thank you.

Welcome back to nursery 2018!

Posted on Sunday 07 January 2018 by Reception Team

Welcome back to nursery. We hope that you had a lovely break and enjoyed the Christmas and New Year celebrations. We were really pleased to see so many happy and excited children on their first day back last week. It’s lovely to know that children enjoy coming to nursery and that they feel happy and safe, and have formed good friendships with their peers and staff.

Children were keen to share their news about Father Christmas and to tell us about some of their holiday adventures. However, two weeks is a long time for a 3 and 4 year old and they often forget! We’d love it if you could send us some photographs and a short description of something that you did in the holidays. It could be how you spent Christmas day with family, an outing to the seaside/theatre/park, playing in the snow (for the morning that we had some!) or anything else that your child would enjoy sharing with us. The nursery email is  Having a photograph to talk about that your child can really relate to, helps to boost their confidence and provides a great opportunity for them to talk about their own experiences. We often find that children who may be quite shy and reluctant to talk, often have lots to say when they can see a photograph and remember something special that they have done. We look forward to a full inbox this week!

We had lots of fun returning to nursery, building robots out of Christmas boxes, drawing around each other to create a large gingerbread man, using the remote control cars to navigate around nursery and taking part in throwing activities, where we had to reach the targets throwing the beanbags in different ways.

Last week, we spent time settling back into nursery routines and we introduced children to the popular traditional tale, The Gingerbread Man. Children really enjoyed listening to the story and are already beginning to join in with some of the repeated refrains “You can’t catch me…”  We will continue to enjoy re-telling the story this week and we may even have a go at baking our own gingerbread men if we can catch them before they run away! Of course, there’ll be lots of counting opportunities too; children will be counting out buttons for the gingerbread man.

You can read the story of The Gingerbread Man on-line  and there’s also a link to a game at the end of the story where children can match the correct number of buttons to the numeral on the baking tray.

This week, staff will be visiting the new children at home before they join us for a “Stay and Play “session on Friday afternoon. The current nursery children will be able to show us what fantastic friends they are by welcoming the new children and helping them to play and settle into nursery. This is a great opportunity for the children to demonstrate how much they have matured since they started nursery in September and how confident and independent they have become.

Dinosaur Stomp

Posted on Friday 05 January 2018 by Mrs Latham

Each class has been working hard to achieve their 30 active minutes during the school day. Remember the challenge includes weekends – but all 60 minutes have to be done at home! Have a look at the Change for Life ideas or sign up to Go Noodle at home for fun ideas to keep active.

We used the end of Golden Assembly to do the Dinosaur Stomp (from Go Noodle) and a jungle animal dance to complete our 30 active minutes today. It was a great way to round off our week!

Library visit!

Posted on Friday 05 January 2018 by Reception team

Today, we went to the school library. Foundation will be visiting the library every Friday. There are lots of new and exciting books! We talked about what a library is and that we must keep quiet to let others read.

Your child has chosen a book to take home. Please bring your child’s library book back by Friday 12 December if they would like to change it.

Golden star of the week!

Posted on Friday 05 January 2018 by Reception team

Well done to our golden star of the week!