Class News

Cross Country Champion

Posted on Sunday 25 February 2018 by Mr Lindsay

A huge congratulations to Freya for her fantastic result in the second stage of the Leeds cross country event last week. After a brilliant performance in her first race a few month ago, Freya was selected to run in the final.

Freya placed 17th out of more than 100 competitors.

Well done and keep up the running!

Learning to count…

Posted on Sunday 25 February 2018 by Reception team

This week, we’ve been looking at the number 11. We have introduced the children to the vocabulary ‘tens’ and ‘ones’. The children have learnt that to make the number 11 we need one big ten and one one.

The children have enjoyed making a big number-line by ordering the numerals 1-20.

They have also enjoyed answering questions such as:

  • which number is two more than eleven?
  • which number is two fewer than eight?
  • which number has one big ten and 6 ones?

Ask your child to tell you how to make the number 11. Please send us an email to share how your child has made the number 11. Your child will receive two challenge bricks for practising at home!

Living and Learning – Vampire cough and sneeze

Posted on Friday 23 February 2018 by Mrs Lake

As part of our focus on manners this week, we’ve been mastering the ‘vampire method’.  I cover my mouth (when I cough, sneeze or yawn) is our Living and Learning statement so we looked at why this method can help to prevent germs spreading.  By coughing or sneezing into our elbow, germs are not spread into the air or on our hands which may contaminate other things.

Join-in Afternoon 19 February 2018

Posted on Friday 23 February 2018 by Mr Roundtree

On Monday this week, it was year 3/4 E’s turn to have our parent join-in afternoon. It was a great opportunity to attempt hands-on activities, like sewing and gardening, with the help of some or our parents.

We had a very enjoyable join-in session making funny face cushions, planting of daffodil bulbs (for our Life Forces topic) and creating a diary ready to record our observations.

Thank you to all our parents who helped out on the day – we achieved so much with your help! Hopefully, we’ll be doing it again soon so that all our parents get the opportunity to ‘join-in’.

1K Class Assembly

Posted on Friday 23 February 2018 by Reception Team

It was our class assembly this afternoon. A massive well done to 1K. You were amazing!

Crazy About Cricket

Posted on Friday 23 February 2018 by Reception Team

Year 1 and 2  took part in a cricket session promoted by All Stars Cricket this week. They focused on key cricket skills: throwing, catching and batting techniques. All of the children thoroughly enjoyed being active and challenging themselves to beat their personal best.

KEIOTSUKE (attention) – we’re doing judo!

Posted on Wednesday 21 February 2018 by Mrs Latham

All classes in school enjoyed some judo this week. Reception and Key Stage 1 were introduced to judo by Glynn from Sportif Judo and were thoroughly active for the full session – foot grabbing, pushing, pinning and bulldozing each other!

The Key Stage 2 classes also experienced a second session, building on skills from last month. They improved and developed their pinning, rolling  and throwing techniques. If you’d like to continue judo, fliers were sent in book bags.

30 Active Minutes

Posted on Wednesday 21 February 2018 by Mrs Latham

A huge well done to the first group of children who achieved their bronze wristbands as part of the 30:30 challenge. As well as improving our fitness levels, this also has an impact on self-esteem and self-image (our Living and Learning focus this half term). It’s been proven that children who are physically active throughout the day are happier and more confident.  So, aiming for 60 active minutes is great for physical and mental health.

Their photos are on our podium display just inside school.

They will now progress on to the silver challenge. If you didn’t complete the bronze challenge, it’s not too late. Spare copies of the recording sheets can be collected from the office. To help achieve the 30 active minutes at home you could check out the new site that the BBC have launched, called Super Movers, that combines learning and exercise.


Askham Bryan Animal Visit

Posted on Monday 19 February 2018 by Mrs Latham

We’re continuing with our Life Forces big topic. We re-ignited our interest in the topic by arranging a visit from Askham Bryan Wildlife and Conservation Park today. We took part in two workshops. One focused on habitats where we learnt why animals choose certain habitats and how they adapt to their habitats. The second workshop looked at animal skulls and teeth. We learnt about how different teeth tear, rip, grind and chew. The most exciting part was meeting the animals though!  We looked closely at a giant hissing cockroach, White’s tree frog, a bearded dragon, a tortoise, a Madagascan tenrec and a python. We were given the opportunity to touch the animals (except the tree frog – they’re too sensitive). This also allowed us to talk about how to be gentle and respectful towards animals.

Help your child at home by talking about animals and habitats you may visit: parks, woodlands, rivers, seaside…

What is my child learning?

Posted on Monday 19 February 2018 by Reception team


You’ve probably heard your child talking about digraphs, trigraphs and tricky words. A few parents have been asking what their child is talking about so we’ll be sending an information flyer home to help.

Your child has been learning all the letter sounds for the alphabet – please see the YouTube video for help pronouncing the ‘pure’ sounds.

Since January, your child has started to learn the letter names for these ‘pure’ sounds. We have enjoyed singing a song that sings the letter sounds AND names. Your child has also been learning to read digraphs and trigraphs.

Digraphs consist of two letters (graphemes) but they only make one sound (phoneme). The digraphs are shown below:


ch sh th ng


oo ar or



oa ur er


Trigraphs consist of three letters (graphemes) but they only make one sound (phoneme). The trigraphs are shown below:

ear air



Using their digraph and trigraph knowledge your child will be able to read words such as…

The sound buttons/lines shown underneath the letters help your child sound out words. A line is shown when the letters make a digraph or trigraph- that way your child will only make one sound when reading a digraph/trigraph.

Sound buttons and lines are not everywhere so we need to teach your child to independently spot the digraphs and trigraphs so that they only make one sound when reading a digraph/trigraph!

Can your child spot any digraphs or trigraphs in their reading book?

Tricky words are words your child cannot sound out using their phonic knowledge – they just have to know them by sight… that’s what makes them tricky!



































