Class News

People who help us…nurse visit!

Posted on Thursday 08 March 2018 by Reception team

This week we had some special visitors in F2.

As part of our ‘people who help us’ topic, Ruth and Sarah (a hospital nurse and a community nurse) came to visit us. They spoke to the children about how they care for people at home and in hospital.

They asked the children what the role of a nurse is?

  • “Put plasters on.”
  • “Might do an x-ray if somebody get hurt on their bone.”
  • “Help you get healthy.”

They brought some of their equipment (stethoscope, bandages, heartbeat monitor) to show the children. They showed the children a stethoscope and explained how they use it to listen to a person’s heartbeat and their breathing. They modelled how to dress a wound using a bandage. The children talked about their experiences of bandages:

  • “If your hand is bleeding you need to put it on your hand.”
  • “One day when I was riding on my bike I fell off and daddy put one on my hand.”
  • “I hurt my elbow and had it all up my arm.”

We’d like to say a big thank you to Ruth and Sarah for coming in to see us. We’d love to have more visitors to talk about their job and how they help others. Please speak to a member of the F2 team if you are interested.

Living and Learning

Posted on Wednesday 07 March 2018 by Mr Lindsay

This week, class 5/6M thought about the different types of compliments we give and receive. We decided that you could classify them based on whether it was about a skill, your looks or a personality trait. Which one do you like to receive the most? The children also made a pledge about giving compliments.

Weekly skipping challenge

Posted on Wednesday 07 March 2018 by Mr Lindsay

For the past few weeks, children have set themselves a skipping challenge: how many skips can they achieve in a minute? Most children have made good progress. Some have made outstanding progress. One child, who had never seen himself as a skipper, has gone from five skips to a super 70 skips per minute. Try to make skipping part of your 30 active minutes at home. 

Shared reading

Posted on Tuesday 06 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

After the success of the shared reading last week, 3,4E and 1,2V joined together for another session on Monday. We were reading purely for pleasure which brought a smile to all our faces😊

Living and learning – I can pay compliments

Posted on Monday 05 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

This week’s Living and :earning statement is ‘I can pay compliments in a sensible way’ and how it is important to pay compliments about how the person is and how they behave, not just how they look.

We talked about giving and accepting compliments. 1,2V recorded the compliments using iPads. Check out the videos below. 1K and 2KL made certificates with compliments on. They had fun ‘awarding’ them to each other!

‘I like your hair’    ‘You are good at playing’   ‘I like your headband’   ‘I like your hair’   ‘I like your spots!’  

World Book Day Celebrations

Posted on Monday 05 March 2018 by Reception Team

Thank you to everybody who was able to join us this morning for our World Book Day ‘stay and read’ session. It was great to see everyone sharing their favourite stories and to see some super book character costumes!


Can your child talk about their favourite story?  

To help us find out even more about your child’s reading at home, you’ll find a sheet in your child’s going home folder that we’d like you to complete. It’s really helpful to find out about your child at home – we often see a different side to them in nursery and we can use your information to help us plan their next steps.

Join-in Afternoon 05 March 2018

Posted on Monday 05 March 2018 by Mrs Lake

Today, Year 3/4 N enjoyed our parent join-in afternoon. Thank you to all the parents that came to help support the children’s learning this afternoon.

Without your help, we wouldn’t have been able to enjoy such ‘hands-on’ activities. The children have produced some fantastic work all linked to our Life Forces topic. We enjoyed weaving, aboriginal animal painting, food chain art and learning facts about endangered animals through a game of Top Trumps.

Home Link – World Book Day and Snow

Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by Reception Team

World Book Day – Week beginning 05 March

We’re going to celebrate World Book Day on Monday as we were unable to take part on Thursday 01 March.

  • What is your child’s favourite story?
  • Who is their favourite character?

Please bring in your favourite stories for us to read at group time (don’t forget to write names in!).

You could also:

  • Visit the library or a book shop
  • Read your favourite story together
  • Draw/paint/collage a picture of the story or a character
  • Re-tell the story using props

If you’ve already completed this, we’d love to see some snowy paintings or photographs.  Let us know what your child thought of the snow.

Did you talk about freezing/melting? Could they put their own shoes and coat on? Could they fasten the zip themselves?

A chilly week!

Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by Reception Team

We hope that you enjoyed some extra family time this week and had lots of fun in the snow. On Friday, we wrapped up warm and ventured outside to complete a ‘snow hunt checklist’ and, of course, we just had to make a snowman!


As a result of the adverse weather, we’ve rearranged our World Book Day celebrations for Monday 05 March. Unfortunately, some children that were due to be in nursery on Thursday won’t attend on Monday and some children that were going to miss it, will be in nursery! If you haven’t got a costume prepared, don’t worry, children don’t need to dress up. If your child was going to take part, but won’t be in nursery on Monday, they can still wear their costume when they next visit. Please remember to make sure that children can easily play inside and outside whilst wearing their costume and we’d prefer superheroes to stay at home!

Parents and carers are still invited to join us for our ‘Stay and Read’ session from 8.30-9.10 on Monday 05 March. There will be different story-telling activities in nursery for you to take part in with your child including re-telling the story of ‘What the Ladybird Heard’, making gingerbread men in the playdough and mixing porridge for the three bears in our sensory area.

Have you heard about the eggs in nursery? Children (and some parents) are very excited about the eggs that we have in the incubator. For the next three weeks, we’ll be looking after them and we’ll hopefully be able to watch the chicks hatching just before we break up for the Easter holidays. We’ll learn all about the life cycle of a hen over the next few weeks.

On the days that we were at nursery this week, we enjoyed… Building a den frame, transporting objects on a sledge, building a snowman, looking for very long worms and ordering numbers on the whiteboard.

Week 3 – What are we learning this week?

We’re sure that the World Book Day celebrations will provide us with lots of new interests next week – we’ll be watching to see what the children are really excited about and will adapt our nursery provision accordingly. In our maths area, we’ll learn to name and describe basic 2D shapes (circle, triangle, square and rectangle). Children will take part in lots of shape activities over the next few weeks, so you could begin to spot shapes in the environment when you are out and about.

In our group times, children are continuing to listen for the initial sounds in words and some children will be learning to ‘robot talk’ words. This involves them breaking up/segmenting the word into each sound. For example, s-u-n and  p-i-g. We’ll use ‘pure sounds’ to do this; if you’d like to listen to the correct pronunciation for each sound, please follow this link to see the Foundation 2 teachers,  Mrs Flynn and Miss Eckersley, demonstrating how to pronounce each letter with the corresponding Jolly Phonics action!

We love reading!

Posted on Friday 02 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

Even though World Book Day was snowed off at school yesterday, some Y1,2 and Y3,4 children enjoyed sharing their favourite books today. For the past couple of weeks, we’ve been pairing children up to read for pleasure. It has been really successful. It encourages the Y3,4 children to develop their fluency and intonation, while the Y1,2 children have support with their decoding and understanding.