Class News

Spare clothes needed!

Posted on Sunday 18 March 2018 by Reception team

We’re in desperate need of spare school clothes in F2. If you have any spare school clothes – trousers, skirts, tights, leggings, t-shirts, jumpers or cardigans – that your child has now out-grown, we’d greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

Doctors, shapes and rainy day games!

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Reception Team

As we expected, our Doctors surgery has been extremely busy and it has been very tricky to make an appointment! The children have impressed staff with their knowledge; they recognise lots of the equipment that doctors and nurses use and they have used it appropriately in their role play.  It has been great to see children cooperating, taking turns and taking on the role of a doctor, nurse or patient to recreate familiar scenarios of their visits to the doctors.

We continued learning about shapes on a ‘Shape hunt’ around school. There were lots of familiar shapes in the environment and children are beginning to talk about some of their properties (such as the number of sides, round/curved sides). Towards the end of the week, the wet weather made it quite tricky to go outside so we turned to some more traditional ‘rainy day’ games to have fun! A group of children worked together to invent their own game, rolling a ball backwards and forwards to each other.

It’s the final countdown! We all have our fingers crossed and are really hoping that we might hear some tapping and cracking noises coming from the incubator during the middle of next week. As you can imagine, the children are very excited and are always asking questions about the eggs. This week, we tried to answer the question “Why are the chicks in water (in the shell)?” We used a little yellow chick, a bag of water and a plastic egg to try and work out the answer.

Week 5 – What are we learning this week?

This week, we’ll be learning all about eggs and chicks! We will…

  • Learn about the life cycle of a hen and hopefully watch some chicks hatch
  • Read the story of ‘Hattie Peck’ and find out about other animals that lay eggs
  • Investigate eggs – What’s inside the shell? What do boiled and scrambled eggs look like?
  • Practise our counting skills – How many eggs are there in the nest? Which nest has the fewest/most eggs? Can you put __ eggs in the nest?
  • Develop our fine motor skills in the Fiddly Fingers area using tongs to pick the chicks out of the nest

Home Link – Easter Songs

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Reception Team

Over the next two weeks, we’ll be singing some Easter songs and rhymes. It would be great if you could enjoy singing them at home together too.

Chick, chick, chicken

Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken,
Lay a little egg for me!
Chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken,
I want one for my tea,
I haven’t had an egg since breakfast,
And now it’s half past three,
So, chick, chick, chick, chick, chicken,
Lay a little egg for me!

You could even sing along with Mr Tumble!

Five Little Chicks  (Sung to the tune of Five Little Ducks)

Five little chicks went walking one day,

into the barn and around the hay.

Mother hen says, “Cluck, cluck, cluck, CLACK!”

And four little chicks came wandering back.

Four little chicks…

Three little chicks…

Two little chicks…

One little chick went walking one day,

into the barn and around the hay.

Mother Hen says, “Cluck, cluck, cluck, CLACK!”

And five little chicks came wandering back.


You could use some props whilst singing ‘5 Little Chicks’. Lots of shops sell mini chicks for £1 that you could use. Ask your child to count out 5 and then take one away each time.

Living and Learning – Body Image

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Our Living and Learning topic is body image.

Body image describes our idea of how our body looks and how we think it is perceived by others. This can include our thoughts and feelings about our height, weight, shape, skin, colour, and our appearance and attractiveness more broadly.

In Year 3/4, we’ve been discussing the importance of being different and celebrated our differences today during Circle Time: “We all have imaginations, but what we imagine is different.” Klayton, Year 3/4E

The children also recognised that although we may look different we often share similar strengths and weaknesses.

Living and Learning: I can receive a compliment sensibly.

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by

We’ve been thinking about how to receive compliments this week.

Giving and receiving compliments is a good way to make and keep friends and create positive relationships. We’ve reflected on how we react when we get a compliment. It can make someone’s day if we say thank you! Equally, it’s upsetting if you give a compliment that isn’t received well.

Homework review

Posted on Friday 16 March 2018 by Reception Team

During our homework review, 1K enjoyed sharing the different ways they counted by 2s,5s and 10s at home. We discussed a range of objects that we could count and worked in pairs to create posters to show our ideas.

  • ‘We counted in 2s using eyeballs!’
  • ‘We can use Numicon to count in 2s.’
  • ‘I used my hand because I have 5 fingers.’
  • ‘We drew 10 pencils, 10 teeth and 10 part whole models.’

An owl adventure

Posted on Wednesday 14 March 2018 by Mrs Lake

Today, Year 3 and 4 met both birds of prey and exotic creatures. This morning, all the children came face to face with three different owls and a Harris hawk. The children were very excited to take this opportunity to hold the smallest of the three owls – the burrowing owl.

All the children were extremely mature and handled the owls with great care and respect.

We were amazed to see the size of the brilliant eagle owl. The children gasped as it flew around the hall.

We all loved the barn owl! The children commented how much heavier it was compared to the small burrowing owl. Watch it fly…

The children loved seeing the Harris hawk. It was brilliant watching the Harris hawk catch its food in mid flight, as Ryan threw it up in the air. 

This afternoon, we met the exotic creatures. Meeting and holding the python was the most exciting part of the day for most. All the children were extremely brave and asked insightful questions to learn more about their favourite animal of the day.

We also met and held a leopard gecko, some cockroaches, and a giant frog.

Chris the coach

Posted on Wednesday 14 March 2018 by

We love having basketball coaching with Chris every Wednesday. Today, we learned how to pass the ball around the opposition. It was trickier than we thought!

Living and Learning – I receive compliments in a sensible way.

Posted on Tuesday 13 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

We have continued to think about compliments. Our Living and Learning statement this week is I receive compliments in a sensible way. We have talked about how it is important to compliment how other people behave and their qualities, rather than what they look like. The children enjoyed saying positive things about each other.

Reading journals

Posted on Tuesday 13 March 2018 by

Year 5/6 have been excited about using their reading journals at home. Here is a good example from Millie. She’s written a summary of a book she read at home.

Remember to record your thoughts about characters in them.