Class News

Library visit – we need you!

Posted on Thursday 22 March 2018 by Reception team

We’re hoping to visit Scholes Library on Tuesday 27 March. However, we need your help to be able to visit.

Are you available on Tuesday 27 March at 1.00pm-2.30pm?

If so, please speak to your child’s class teacher about volunteering to help take Foundation to Scholes Library.

Special hatching visitors!

Posted on Thursday 22 March 2018 by Reception team

Wow! We have had a very exciting few days. Yesterday, we watched chicks hatching!

Foundation have been very patient waiting 21 days for the chicks to hatch in the incubator.

We have 4 chicks. The children have written their ideas for the names and we’ll decide as a class soon. Today, we talked about the life cycle of a hen and how to care for our chicks. Can your child tell you what we talked about for 2 challenge bricks? Please send us an email with your child’s response.

We also let the chicks run around on the carpet in front of us – it was very exciting! Tomorrow, we’re looking forward to holding the chicks.

Can anyone help us walking to the library?

Posted on Thursday 22 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

We need helpers to walk with us to Scholes Library. Please let your child’s class teacher know if you can spare half an hour to help us.

  • 1K Tuesday 27 March, 10am
  • 2KL Wednesday 28 March, 9.30am
  • 1,2V Wednesday 28 March, 10am

Thank you.

Golden Stars

Posted on Thursday 22 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well done to the children who were recently awarded a golden star.

Meet our newest members of nursery…

Posted on Wednesday 21 March 2018 by Reception Team

We’re quite sure that you’ll have heard already, but just in case your child hasn’t mentioned it yet, the chicks have started to hatch! We currently have four chicks in nursery and the children were really excited today and couldn’t wait to see them.

Encouraging independence

Posted on Wednesday 21 March 2018 by Reception team


  • The children enjoy self-registering and choosing an area to go to.

  • They like to choose their lunch – the pictures are really useful to support them in making their choice.

  • They enjoy reading and answering the morning question.

We’re so proud to see your child coming into school confidently, happily and independently!

We’ve been talking to the children about the word ‘independence’. We have noticed that the children are now showing a lot more independence within the classroom environment.

To begin to get your child ready for Year 1, we’d like your support in  encouraging your child to come into school and do their morning jobs by themselves. Our aim is to further develop your child’s confidence and encourage your child to come into school independently in the Summer term.

Outdoor PE

Posted on Wednesday 21 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

Children have enjoyed outdoor PE lessons this week. We’ve been particularly working on skipping skills. Please could you ensure your child has some blue/black tracksuit bottoms to wear (bare legs can get a bit chilly) and suitable shoes for outdoor PE (trainers, pumps or well-fitted school shoes are fine – not boots). If you’ve any trainers that your child has grown out of and would like to donate them to school for our spares box, we would be most grateful.

Living and Learning – Body Image

Posted on Tuesday 20 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

We’ve been thinking about body image for the last few weeks. We read the The Ugly Five by Julia Donaldson a few weeks ago and have referred back to it when discussing this topic. The sentiment of the story is to not judge others on their looks. This is such an important message for our children. We encourage them to treat everyone the same, regardless of looks, age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief.

We’ve also been reading The Mixed Up Chameleon by Eric Carle. It prompted lots of discussion about how important it is to value yourself and your own qualities and traits.

Tap, tap, tap…. crack!

Posted on Tuesday 20 March 2018 by Reception Team

There has been a lot of excitement in nursery today: two of the eggs have started to crack!

Children were able to see a tiny hole this morning and when we looked again at the end of the day, it had got bigger. We listened carefully and could hear the chicks chirping and cheeping inside. One of the eggs wobbled as the chick moved around inside.

We can’t wait to see if  they’ve managed to break free from their shells and have fully hatched on Wednesday morning!  Watch this space…

Science Week

Posted on Monday 19 March 2018 by Reception team

Last week was Science week and we had lots of visits from a special scientist – Professor Myers (Mrs Myers’ twin sister!).

The children enjoyed making predictions (a sensible guess) and then observing the experiments to see if they were right. We were able to observe the effects of some experiments immediately and for others we had to be patient and wait a few days.

We made a raw egg bounce.

We observed daffodils change colour.

We blew up a balloon by mixing bicarbonate soda with vinegar.

We made lava come out of a bottle and looked at the density of different liquids (honey, oil and water).

Challenge time…

  • Can your child tell you which was their favourite experiment from Science week?
  • Can they draw a picture and label it or write a sentence about the experiment?

Here are some excellent examples of children’s writing about Science week.

Please bring in or email your child’s comments/drawing/writing to share with the class. This challenge is worth 3 challenge cubes.