Class News

5,6M: Leeds University workshops

Posted on Wednesday 28 March 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Yesterday, children had two science workshops delivered by students from Leeds University. The workshops helped consolidate our learning on the human body. One workshop focused on the circulatory system and the other on what humans need to survive.

You might want to try making your own model diaphragm. You’ll need a few items to help construct one:

  • a plastic cup
  • a straw
  • two balloons
  • a blob of Blu Tack
  • an elastic band

A request for photos

Posted on Tuesday 27 March 2018 by Reception team

Writing that is interest-led and purposeful can engage your child in meaningful writing experiences. After the Easter holidays, we’ll be asking your child to write about their Easter experiences. This is similar to a Monday where your child writes about their weekend. To help your child remember and motivate them to write please email a photo of your child during the Easter holidays.

We’ll print these and put them in the writing area for your child to write about. We often put photos of the children in the writing area – the children really enjoy writing about themselves!

Outdoor learning

Posted on Monday 26 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

All year 1 and 2 classes were excited to take a look at the newly renovated pond and wildlife area. We believe there are many benefits from taking learning outside and the English Outdoor Council agree, stating that exposure to the natural environment is beneficial to human health by ‘enhancing personal and social communication skills, increasing physical health, enhancing mental and spiritual health and enhancing spiritual, sensory, and aesthetic awareness.’

We counted flies, trees, daffodils and other natural features to learn how to make tally charts and count in fives.

You can help at home by counting things around your house or garden and record the results using a tally chart.


Posted on Monday 26 March 2018 by Reception team

Your child will return to swimming next week. Swimming will be on a Wednesday and your child will swim once a fortnight. The timetable below indicates what week your child will swim – depending on their class.



Wednesday 28 March Rainbow class (Miss Eckersley)
Wednesday 18 April Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn)
Wednesday 25 April Rainbow class (Miss Eckersley)
Wednesday 02 May Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn)
Wednesday 09 May Rainbow class (Miss Eckersley)
Wednesday 16 May Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn)
Wednesday 23 May Rainbow class (Miss Eckersley)

Busy bees!

Posted on Saturday 24 March 2018 by Mrs Lake

This week, Year 3 and 4 have been busy rehearsing their spring production: The Bee Musical. Well done to all of the children who have spent time at home learning lines and song words. We’re ready to show off our great acting skills and wonderful singing voices on Wednesday. If you still require tickets, please return the slip from the production letter to the school office on Monday and Tuesday. Our performance times are 9.30am and 1.30pm on Wednesday 28 March.

Skipping Success

Posted on Saturday 24 March 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Skipping fever is alive and well at Scholes. Here are some children who have made rapid progress with their skipping skills over the last few weeks. Although each of them had different starting points, they have set their own targets and shown great resilience in achieving their goals.

Another EGGcellent day!

Posted on Friday 23 March 2018 by Reception team

Yesterday, we talked about how a hen sits on the eggs to incubate them. The children were questioning how the hen can sit on the eggs without breaking them! So we decided to call Professor Myers to see if she could explain.

Professor Myers came to school today to show us how if she distributed her weight she could walk on the eggs and…it worked!

We also got to hold the chicks today. The children were very careful when holding the chicks.

Can your child write about their eggciting week using the this writing frame? Your child will get 5 challenge cubes!

A skipping frenzy!

Posted on Friday 23 March 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Today our Year 3/4 children, along with the rest of our school, enjoyed skipping their way to over 100,000 skips, in order to raise money for Sport Relief and our current school charity, The Donkey Sanctuary.

Children practised various skipping styles and jumps by themselves, with partners and  in groups. Well done for trying your best and raising money.


114,530 skips at Scholes School today!

Posted on Friday 23 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

As part of our efforts to raise money for Sport Relief and our school charity, The Donkey Sanctuary, we aimed to complete 50,000 skips collectively today. We smashed our target and completed 114,530! We also enjoyed watching our Year 4 skipping team rehearse for the skipping competition in May.

Kylie Minogue at Scholes School…!

Posted on Thursday 22 March 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well, not quite. We enjoyed measuring our height today and found out Miss Parling is the same size as Kylie. The children were pondering the question ‘Do taller people have bigger feet?’ in our Science lessons today. We measured our height and the length of our feet and decided that, generally, taller children had bigger feet. It was also an opportunity to continue our Living and Learning (body image) discussions about how we’re all unique, special and equal, no matter what our bodies look like.