Class News

We love to read!

Posted on Friday 27 April 2018 by

Did you know, that every week in Year 5/6, each class receives 3 copies of First News for the children to enjoy? The children can often be found enjoying the articles, sharing them with friends and having a go at the crosswords and word searches.

We love to read lots of other texts as well, including graphic novels, group reading books, fiction and non-fiction.

We just love to read!

Living and Learning – Identifying Emotions

Posted on Thursday 26 April 2018 by Mrs Latham

Our Living and Learning sessions this week involved identifying different emotions through facial expressions and whole body movements, postures or poses. We also talked about how different situations make you feel. Music is a great way that you can help at home. Listen to a variety of classical music and talk about how it makes you feel.

Making switches

Posted on Thursday 26 April 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Our Year 3/4 children have been making circuits this week, looking at different components and testing switches.

The task today involved making two switches: split pins and paperclip; foil and card.

Here are some pictures of our successes.


Slippery slime and tiny tadpoles

Posted on Tuesday 24 April 2018 by Reception Team

We’ve had a great start to the week. On Monday morning, children helped Miss Backhouse to follow some instructions for how to make slime. They helped to measure out a cup of glue, a teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda, a tablespoon of a special ingredient and a splash of colour and they mixed them all together in a bowl. The result was a bowl full of colourful slime! It provided lots of opportunities to talk about its texture and properties. Some children realised that they could stretch it and stretch it and stretch it… We talked about the length of their ‘slime worms’ and compared them to find out which was the longest and shortest worm.

If you’d like to make some at home, follow the recipe that we used.

On Tuesday morning, some children noticed that there was a new tank on display in the Quiet room. After closer investigation, they could see that it contained a jelly-like substance and some tiny ‘fish’.  We talked about what was in the tank and used some non-fiction books to find out more information.  Children were very excited to discover that they’re not tiny fish, but tadpoles!  We’re looking forward to learning all about the life cycle of a frog and watching the tadpoles grow and change over the next few weeks.

Elmete Elderberries

Posted on Monday 23 April 2018 by Mrs Latham

Some Year 2 children visited the Elmete Elderberries at St Phillip’s Church today. It was lovely to see the older and younger generations of our village making connections and enjoying each other’s company. The highlight for the children was being serenaded out by the brass band. Thank you for having us, Elmete Elderberries!


Football match

Posted on Sunday 22 April 2018 by Mrs Latham

Our Year 4 and 5 players put in a gutsy performance on Friday, playing their first match against Woodlesford. Although we didn’t win, every player showed determination and resilience against a formidable Woodlesford side. Thank you to everyone who came to show their support in the sunshine. Well done, Scholes!

Golden Stars

Posted on Sunday 22 April 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our two most recent Golden Stars!

Maths – capacity

Posted on Sunday 22 April 2018 by Mrs Latham

We took advantage of the mini heatwave this week and took our maths lessons outside. We filled three containers to different levels (full, half full, less than half full), found out how many scoops/cups it took to fill different containers, looked closely at the measurements on different containers and talked about how taller containers don’t always hold the most.

Help at home by looking at the capacity of juice, sauce, shampoo or water bottles. Talk about how many litres or millilitres containers hold. Use a spoon, scoop or cup to find out how much bowls, jugs, bottles or the sink holds. Bath-time can be learning time, too!


Home Link – ‘r’ sound

Posted on Sunday 22 April 2018 by Reception Team

This week we are going to be learning about the ‘r’ sound

Here is a link to the Jolly Phonics song that we will be singing to in Nursery. We sometimes watch Geraldine Giraffe video clips, too. Geraldine likes to find things in the house that begin with the letter…

Can you find things in your home and environment that begin with ‘r’?

If you have something that begins with ‘r’, that you’re happy to send in, please put your child’s name on it and bring it to nursery for our sound shelf.  Alternatively, you could draw a picture or take a photograph of it.

Mischievous Bunnies

Posted on Sunday 22 April 2018 by Reception Team

Week 1 – welcome back!

It was great to see so many happy faces returning to nursery after the Easter holidays. We hope you had lots of fun; we heard all about Easter egg hunts, visits to the cinema and trips to the seaside and farms. Unfortunately, as Mrs Long wasn’t very well before the holidays, some Parent Consultation Meetings had to be cancelled. Please sign up for a new one this week, if you haven’t already. Appointments before and after nursery are available on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Please speak to Mrs Long if you’re unable to find a suitable time. It’s a good opportunity for us to discuss with you how your child is progressing in nursery and for you to look through their Learning Journey. For those children moving to Foundation Two in September, we’ll share with you some of the targets that well work towards for the rest of the year.

Here are a few photographs of our Easter fun in nursery before the holidays. Children enjoyed tasting hot cross buns, making Easter nests and cards, going on an Easter egg hunt in our garden. The highlight of the term was definitely seeing the chicks hatching and holding them!

This week, we’ve enjoyed talking to children about the holidays and finding out what their new fascinations are. Thank you for all of your emails with photographs and details of your holidays. Remember, our email is if you haven’t had chance to send us any yet. We also like to hear about your child’s Wow! moments, too; these could be small or large achievements at home such as fastening a zip by themselves, learning to ride a bike or recognising a letter/number in the environment. Basically, anything that you may suddenly think…Wow! I didn’t know they could do that!

We loved seeing the sunshine this week! Outside was a hive of activity; children were busy making campfires to toast marshmallows (after a few children had a trip to This Green Moon’s Easter event) and using puppets to re-create the Mimika ‘Landscapes’ theatre show that some children were lucky enough to watch this week. There was also a lot of excitement around a certain film involving a rather mischievous bunny…



Week 2 – What are we learning this week?

As part of our continuing theme of ‘Spring’, we’ll learn about Peter Rabbit and his friends. Children are already busy learning how to look after animals in our new vet role play area and we’re finding out how plants grow so that we can have a vegetable patch just like Mr McGregor. We’ll read some of the traditional stories written by the famous author, Beatrix Potter and we may even have a visit from a furry, four-legged friend. Please let us know if you do not wish your child to take part in handling/stroking the rabbit.