Class News

Mr McGregor’s Garden

Posted on Sunday 13 May 2018 by Reception Team

We enjoyed learning all about the life cycle of a bean plant. We are just beginning to see signs of life in some of our beans. At the beginning of the week, children enjoyed talking about the type of plants that Peter
Rabbit likes to find in Mr McGregor’s garden. They drew pictures of the plants and we used them to create a big map of his garden on the floor. We had great fun navigating a remote-controlled Peter Rabbit around the garden and we used lots of positional language.

Here are a few other things we’ve enjoyed this week:

  • looking at leaves with the digital microscope

  • creating a new supermarket role play area and writing our own signs

  • painting outside in the Tuff Spot

  • making a ‘seaside’ area on our stage outside


  • counting lots of satsumas at snack time

Children continue to watch the tadpoles and wait with excitement! We noticed a few of them have already grown back legs.

Week 4 – What are we learning this week?
Over the last couple of weeks, there have been a few recurring interests that we’ve noticed amongst children. The first is a fascination with very long worms and the other is an interest in wands, princesses and castles. So, as we like to follow children’s interests as much as we can, we’re going to learn about worms! We’ll enjoy reading the popular rhyming story ‘Superworm’ and we’ll use non-fiction books to find out fascinating worm facts. Listen to the CBeebies Bed Time story of Superworm.

In our sensory area, we’ll have wiggly spaghetti worms and in maths, we’ll be comparing and measuring the length of worms. We’re hoping to investigate a different printing technique by using string to create worm prints.

Look out for some castle enhancements in our construction area and a new castle small world scene that we’ll develop with the children. We’re also aware that there’s likely to be a lot of excitement and interest in the up and coming Royal wedding…

This week’s letter sound will be ‘Ww’ for worm!

  • Listen to the Jolly Phonics W song and sing along at home.
  • What can you find around your house that begins with w?
  • Keep encouraging your child to hear the initial sounds in words by playing eye-spy games.

Reminder -Please remember to send only water in your child’s water bottle and ask children to leave their toys at home to play with after nursery. Thank you.

3,4N PE

Posted on Saturday 12 May 2018 by Mrs Lake

This week, 3,4N have been working in groups and using equipment to create their own games with rules. They then had to teach their game to another group. They worked on problem solving, group work and used the skills they’ve developed over the year.


Golden Star

Posted on Friday 11 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well done to this week’s Golden Star!

1,2V PE

Posted on Friday 11 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

We enjoyed our PE lesson on the field today. We worked on our balł skills, played fetch and timebomb. Please ensure your child has tracksuit bottoms, if they prefer, and suitable shoes (or bring trainers/pumps) for PE so they can fully participate.

Living and Learning – change and loss

Posted on Friday 11 May 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

2KL discussed a time when they had experienced change or loss and expressed their feelings through pictures.

Living and Learning: I can describe ways to calm down. 

Posted on Friday 11 May 2018 by

This week, we’re thinking about ways to stay calm in difficult situations. We have practised mindfulness and breathing exercises to stay calm.

It will really help us to know and be able to use these strategies in the future. (Maybe even as soon as next week!)

Ask your child to share the techniques with you. Maybe mindfulness could help your whole family? There are some great short clips on ‘go noodle’ to lead you through the exercises.

Living and Learning – dealing with emotions : change or loss

Posted on Thursday 10 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

In our Living and Learning lessons this week, we’ve continued to talk about dealing with big emotions. In particular this week we have discussed dealing with loss, bereavement and change. We have used mindfulness techniques to help us cope with the physical changes that happen to our bodies when we deal with big emotions. We also watched The Small Creature and talked about how these feelings can be overwhelming but they don’t last forever.

Image result for small creature book bhf

Marvellous maths

Posted on Thursday 10 May 2018 by Mrs Latham

Some of the Year 1 and 2s enjoyed applying maths skills and collaborating with each other to complete puzzles and games today. Maths is fun!

Making pasta!

Posted on Thursday 10 May 2018 by Reception team

Today, we made fresh pasta!

This week in maths, we’ve been looking at how to find half of an object or a group of objects. We’ve been looking at pasta recipes and halving the ingredients. Once we had halved the recipe we were able to make our own pasta!

We used half the eggs and measured half of the flour. Some children were able to work out that if half of two is one then half of 200 is 100! After, we mixed eggs and flour in a bowl. Next, we used our muscles to knead the dough – a fantastic way to build the muscles needed to write.

After the dough had been in the fridge over lunchtime, we used the pasta machine to roll out the dough – another great way to build the muscles needed to write.

Every time the dough came out of the machine we had to fold it in half.

“Two groups that are the same amount!”

We talked about one more and one less when moving up and down the settings on the pasta machine.

The pasta got longer and longer as we put it through the pasta machine – we needed lots of helpers! Everyone worked very well as a team.

Later, we cooked the pasta with some tomatoes and tasted it.

Nursery places available for September 2018

Posted on Wednesday 09 May 2018 by Reception Team

We currently have spaces available in nursery for September 2018. If you are looking for a nursery place for your child, or know of anyone who is, please get in touch.

15 hour and 30 hour places are available and we offer a variety of session times including morning sessions and full days. We begin each day at 8.30am and wrap around care is available.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.

Contact Mrs Beesley or Mrs Long:

  • e-mail:
  • call the school office: 0113 2649149

We look forward to hearing from you soon.