Class News

Living and Learning – Friends and Family

Posted on Wednesday 06 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

This week we have been talking about relationships, families and friends. We quickly learnt that everyone’s are different! We enjoyed talking about who is in our family and what makes a good friend. We drew our family – there were mums, dads, dogs, fish and grumpy grampys! Help at home by talking about how everyone’s family is different.

Image result for kids drawing of family

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Posted on Wednesday 06 June 2018 by Reception team

Yesterday, the Hobgoblin Theatre Company performed a play for us. There was trouble in Fairytale Land. The Evil Queen was doing away with all of the handsome Princes and it was up to the 3 Little Pigs to stop her! 

During the production we recognised lots of characters from many fairytales but they were all mixed up into different stories. We saw the Big Bad Wolf, Snow White, Goldilocks, Sleeping Beauty, The Seven Dwarfs, Red Riding Hood and her grandma, the Magic Mirror and many more…

Scholes Gala and Scholes in Bloom

Posted on Tuesday 05 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Please come and support our Skipping Crew and WUSU Crew at Scholes Gala this Saturday, 9 June 2018. We would also like as many children as possible to visit the planting stall. Children can take them home, look after them and then bring the plants and join us on judging day for Britain in Bloom on 6 August 2018 at 10am outside school. Scholes in Bloom are going for gold this year!


Posted on Tuesday 05 June 2018 by Reception team

This half term, F2  will be having their PE lesson on a Friday.  Please ensure that your child has a PE kit in school (white t-shirt, navy shorts / tracksuit bottoms and pumps/trainers). We are hoping to get onto the field so please ensure your child has suitable footwear.

Hobgoblin Theatre!

Posted on Tuesday 05 June 2018 by

This morning, we’ve been enjoying a mash-up of fairy tales. 

So far, we’ve seen Snow White, The Evil Queen, Three Little Pigs, The Big Bad Wolf and a dwarf! All the characters are wearing disguises to pretend to be other characters in the wrong fairy tales! It truly is a mash-up! 

The children are completely engrossed! The handsome prince has just been checking if any of the children’s feet might fit the glass slipper! None fitted, not even the year sixes feet!

Walk to School Week winners

Posted on Sunday 03 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

We had hundreds of raffle tickets in the box. Well done to all those who walked, scooted or rode bikes to school before the holidays. The Buffers car park was busy all week. Here are the prize winners. Let’s keep walking!

Home Link – Minibeasts

Posted on Sunday 03 June 2018 by Reception Team

Over the last few weeks, children have loved ‘bug hunting’ in the garden so we will begin this half term learning about different minibeasts. We’ll also be looking out for any new interests, so please let us know if your child developed a fascination in anything new over the holidays.

Here are some activities that you could do…

  •   Look for minibeasts in your garden. What can you find? Where do they live?
  •  Talk about your child’s favourite bug. What would they like to learn more about?
  •   Look in non-fiction books to find out some facts about insects.
  • Sing ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ together.
  • Read a story about a minibeast e.g. The BadTempered Ladybird or The Very Busy Spider. If you have a favourite, please bring it in to nursery for us to share.
  • Solve some number puzzles together. Eg. If there are 6 ladybirds on a leaf and 2 fly away. How many will be left? You could use fingers or get children to draw a picture to help work it out.

Royal Wedding Celebrations

Posted on Sunday 03 June 2018 by Reception Team

We had  a great day celebrating the Royal Wedding. Here are a few photos from our wedding and castle themed activities.



Living and Learning – How does money affect my feelings?

Posted on Sunday 27 May 2018 by Mrs Lake

In Living and learning, we’ve finished the half term learning about careers and money.  Two questions were posed. The children worked in groups to contribute lots of great answers.

How do we look after money?

How does money make you feel?

At home, talk with you child about: how to save money, how to budget and about whether something is value for money.


Cricket coaching in the sunshine!

Posted on Sunday 27 May 2018 by

All the year 5 and 6 children have been thoroughly enjoying the cricket coaching in the recent sunshine. We’ve developed our batting, fielding and bowling skills. 

We are delighted to let you all know, that we’ve managed to secure a further five weeks of coaching! Let’s hope for more glorious sunshine! Don’t forget your sunhat and suncream!