Class News

Well done, Charlotte!

Posted on Wednesday 20 June 2018 by Mr Roundtree

It’s great to see this by Leeds Civic Hall – great design, Charlotte!

(Bit of a shame about the dodgy grammar and spelling…)

1K Join In Afternoon

Posted on Tuesday 19 June 2018 by Reception Team

Thank you to everyone who attended the Join In afternoon.  We had a great time making our own miniature rooms just like Deborah in our class novel – The Teddy Robinson Storybook.

Thank you to all the grown-ups who were able to join us.

Scholes Tennis Club – coaching sessions

Posted on Tuesday 19 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

A message from Dwight Brown, tennis coach …
Our newly launched fortnightly coaching session is back tomorrow (Wednesday 20th June) evening… all welcome!
Session Times
Junior players (Under 14yrs) 5:30 – 6:30pm
Full Ball & Adults (15yrs+) 6:30 – 8.00pm
Technical and tactical play on the evening.
Rackets available. 
Junior Session – Members £2.50, Non Members £5
Full Ball Session – Members FREE Non Members £5
Hope to see you there!
Any questions – just email or text 07715 627159

Hope to see you there!

Library competition – please vote!

Posted on Monday 18 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

Please vote for Scholes Elmet Primary in the National Book Tokens Competition!


Home Link – week beginning 18th June

Posted on Sunday 17 June 2018 by Reception Team

We’re going to read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ this week. The caterpillars in nursery were beginning to make cocoons at the end of last week, so we’re hoping to see some butterflies emerging soon.

Here are few ideas of things that you might like to do at home to support your child’s learning:

  • Read ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and talk about the story. What are your favourite types of fruit? Discuss the days of the week. What day is next?
  • Paint a picture of a butterfly or make a butterfly print. Talk about the symmetrical pattern on the wings.
  • This week we are learning about the letter sound ‘Bb’. What can you find around your house or outside that begins with ‘b’? You could bring it into nursery for our sound shelf.

Ladybirds and bees

Posted on Sunday 17 June 2018 by Reception Team

Our ladybird and bee activities were popular last week; children especially enjoyed sampling different types of honey and looking at real honeycomb. We talked about how bees make honey and how it is collected from hives. It was lovely to see lots of creative activities throughout the week. Children painted and drew some great pictures of ladybirds with spotty wings and stripy bees. Outside, we used some large rollers to explore painting with different colours and textures. This led to lots of talk about colour mixing as children used the rollers to paint over existing patterns with different colours. At the end of the week, children enjoyed creating a giant race track down the hill using pipes and guttering.

Week 3 – What are we learning this week?

Hopefully, children will have told you that we have some caterpillar visitors in Nursery. Well, we did last week! We’re hoping that they will have been busy making their cocoons over the weekend. This week, we will read one of our favourite stories – ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’.

In the maths area, we will make caterpillars with repeating colour patterns and will use loose parts to create caterpillars of different lengths. We’ll learn about symmetry and experiment in the art area with ‘butterfly’ printing and colour mixing to make different shades of green. Our letter sound this week is ‘b’ for butterfly. Please listen to the Jolly Phonics song on-line and sing a long at home together.

Visit this website for a fun caterpillar counting and ordering game or this website for a simple game about symmetry.

Transition to Foundation Two

For those children that will join Foundation Two at Scholes, we have begun our transition activities to help to prepare them for September. Children are getting to know the staff, visiting the classrooms and playground and are beginning to go to assemblies in the hall with the older children. At lunch time, children are learning how to carry their tray carefully to the table without spilling their lunch or dropping their cutlery! They’re doing very well.  We’re talking to children positively about the changes ahead and we hope that this will help them to feel happy and secure about the move to ‘Big School’.

Gold Star

Posted on Sunday 17 June 2018 by Reception Team

Well done to our very proud gold star this week. 


1 potato, 2 potato, 3 potato MORE!

Posted on Saturday 16 June 2018 by Mrs Latham

We enjoyed harvesting and eating the potatoes we planted back in Spring. They we delicious! 😋

Celebration assembly

Posted on Friday 15 June 2018 by

Well done to all the Key Stage Two children who received a certificate today. The teachers have all seen great attitudes to learning and enthusiasm in class this week. 

Living and Learning-Friends and Family

Posted on Friday 15 June 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

For the past two weeks, in KS1, we have been discussing our unique families and friends. Children spoke about their favourite family traditions and who is the best cook in their house! 

The story of ‘Elmer’ helped us to think about how to be a good friend. Are you a good friend?