Class News

Living and Learning – Being different!

Posted on Friday 29 June 2018 by Mr Roundtree

In Living and Learning this week, we have been looking at ways to identify positive things about ourselves and to challenge stereotyping.

We discussed the meaning of the word ‘stereotyping’ (A fixed idea about a group of people that says that everyone who is part of that group is the same. A stereotype is an idea that limits what people can do, be or experience. Stereotypes don’t celebrate difference.
Stereotypes upset people by telling them that they can’t be who they are.)

Interestingly, the children were asked to draw pictures of a scientist, a doctor and a ballet dancer – with some surprising results.

The focus of the discussion ended on the issues of gender by inviting the class to consider whether girls and boys are good at the same things.

Art-Aboriginal art.

Posted on Friday 29 June 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

We have enjoyed replicating Aboriginal art using our fingers or a tool of our choice (A pencil or the end of a paintbrush). We found that Aboriginal art has crocodiles in it which linked to our recent book focus on ‘The Enotmous Crocodile.’ 

Maths-volume and capacity.

Posted on Friday 29 June 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

Such wonderful timing to be learning about capacity on sunny days! We have enjoyed learning the difference between volume and capacity whilst learning to read scales. Of course we challenged ourselves to solve some tricky problems too.

Living & learning- Understand that all living things start life as babies. (SRE)

Posted on Friday 29 June 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

Today we thought about the life cycle of humans. We read the book ‘Once There Were Giants’ by Penny Dale. It helped us to appreciate the passage of time. We discussed the things that we couldn’t do as a baby but can do now. We thought about what we’re looking forward to doing as teenagers and adults. Here are some examples of our work.

Year 6 enterprise project 

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Year 6 have been working hard this week to raise funds for their end of party. 

Thank you to parents and children for your support. Pupils had a wonderful time throwing wet sponges at their teachers and poet, Conrad Burdekin. 

Conrad Burdekin workshop

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Conrad Burdekin, who opened our school library, taught the children a few poems and held a tongue twister competition. Congratulations to Millie for completing this tongue twister in 2.55 seconds. 

Living and Learning-We respect and understand the differences between people. (SRE)

Posted on Thursday 28 June 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

We have had some wonderful discussions about the differences between boys and girls! We have been challenging stereotypes and questioning many things.

Do only girls have long hair? Do all boys enjoy football? Why do we dress baby boys in blue and not pink? Are girls or boys better at gymnastics?  Do only girls like fashion?

We were fascinated that girls can have babies. We linked this to our previous Topic work on mammals feeding their young. 

In the end, the children summarised their learning to this: the main differences between boys and girls are their bodies. 


Posted on Thursday 28 June 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

We have been comparing and ordering length and mass. In particular, we focused on mm, cm, m and Km. The children have enjoyed using a trundle wheel in the playground to measure our playground markings.

Year 6 investigation

Posted on Wednesday 27 June 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Children in year 6 have been investigating triangular numbers. Can you find a pattern? What is the rule?

Pupil power

Posted on Tuesday 26 June 2018 by Reception Team

Year 5 and 6 School Councillors have had a fabulous day attending the Youth Voice Summit at the Leeds Civic Hall. The purpose of the day was to learn what a campaign was and how to implement one within school.

During the day, we created a campaign – IF THE SEA CAN’T PROTEST, WE WILL! The campaign was all about using less plastic.

We made our own placards and shared our campaign aims with School Councillors from other schools. We even met the Lord Mayor and learned how the 99 council members of Leeds vote.

It was fun quizzing the Lord Mayor.

I really liked going into the council chambers.