Class News

Keeping healthy!

Posted on Wednesday 04 July 2018 by Reception team

We have been talking about how to keep fit and healthy. We talked about 5 things we can do;

  1. Eat healthily
  2. Exercise
  3. Sleep well
  4. Keep clean
  5. Drink lots of water.

Today, we have looked at eating healthily. We sorted foods into food we should eat every day and food we should only eat occasionally. We looked at a fruit juice carton and had some interesting conversations about if we can drink it every day or occasionally. We decided because it had lots of added sugar we can only drink it occasionally.

Then, we tasted different fruit. The children were fantastic at  tasting new fruit they had never tried before! We tasted mango, lychee, passion fruit, pomegranate and persimmon.



Crucial Crew event 

Posted on Tuesday 03 July 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Year 6 children enjoyed learning about staying safe at Harrogate College today. There were several infomative workshops:

  • Fire safety at home
  • The Samaritans 
  • High voltage electricity 
  • Staying healthy 
  • The signs of domestic abuse
  • Drug and alcohol awareness 
  • What to do if you smell gas 

Daily Mile Challenge

Posted on Tuesday 03 July 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Children continue to challenge themselves to run 10 laps of the playground as part of their 30 active minutes at school. Children are encouraged to match this with 30 more active minutes at home. Perhaps a game of football or a tennis match. 

Keepy Uppy production

Posted on Tuesday 03 July 2018 by Mrs Lake

Today, we enjoyed a performance of Keep Uppy, presented by Tutti Frutti productions. The play told the story of a boy, Joey, who worshipped football. He dreamed about it, talked about it and played it whenever he could. The show ignited children imaginations with the use of music, dance and visual effects. It made children think about their own passions and ambitions. 

Returning books

Posted on Monday 02 July 2018 by Reception team

Your child will be returning their library book to Scholes library on Tuesday 17th July. Please ensure your child brings their library book to school to return on time.

We will also shortly be asking children to return their books borrowed from the school library. Please start to return these to school.


Posted on Monday 02 July 2018 by

Our final week of rehearsals are going well. The children know their lines, the choir know the songs, props are in progress and the choreographer has worked really hard on the songs and fight scenes!

Our director, Mr Lindsay, is just putting the finishing touches to the acting. We can’t wait for next weeks performances!

We Love Poetry!

Posted on Sunday 01 July 2018 by Mrs Latham

We all enjoyed our visit by Yorkshire poet and storyteller, Conrad Burdekin. He entertained and enthused us and got us talking about poetry, creating and writing our own.

Home Link – Being Healthy

Posted on Saturday 30 June 2018 by Reception Team

This week, we will be talking about how we keep healthy. Talk to your child about all the things they do to keep fit and be healthy.

  • Do they go to any sporting activities or clubs?
  • You could play some games in the garden together. What happens to your body when you exercise?
  • What are your favourite foods? Ask your child to help you prepare a healthy snack.
  • Make a chart to see if you can eat your ‘5’ fruit and vegetables every day.
  • How do you look after your body? Bath time, cleaning teeth, going to bed early etc.. You could draw a picture of all the things you do to stay happy and healthy.

This week’s letter sound is ‘Jj’ for jumping and jiggling jelly. Please sing along to the Jolly Phonics song at home and look for things beginning with ‘j’.

You could even make some jelly (sugar free, of course!),and talk about how you make it and the changes that occur.

Celebration assembly!

Posted on Saturday 30 June 2018 by

Congratulations to the children whose effort and achievements have stood out this week. It’s been particularly impressive to maintain such focus on their learning in such high temperatures! In addition, we celebrated the Y5, who triumphed in the Brownlee Triathlon hosted by John Smeaton School. Well done everyone! 

Healthy Eating

Posted on Saturday 30 June 2018 by Reception Team

Week 4 – Healthy Eating

Children have loved tasting different types of fruits at snack time this week. Some children had never tasted some of the fruits and with a bit of encouragement to try them, they were pleasantly surprised and enjoyed it!  Thank you very much for your kind donations. In group times, we talked about healthy eating and how to look after our teeth. Children enjoyed using toothbrushes to clean the ‘teeth’, making sure that they brushed the top and the bottom ones and got into all the gaps.

We were really pleased to see the butterflies had emerged from their cocoons. We looked at the patterns on their wings and talked about symmetry. In our painting area, we made butterfly prints and we used the Smartboard to draw symmetrical patterns.

Children were really excited to be able to release them into the garden and watched them fly away.

It was a very hot week in Nursery, we found lots of ways to try and keep cool. Can you guess what our favourite way was?

Week 5 – What are we learning this week?

There are lots of sports activities happening in school this week. Nursery will join in with some of them and take part in our own sports themed fun. We will:

  • Play ‘Sport’s day games’ outside involving running, jumping, throwing and catching.
  • Take part in Wake-up Shake-up.
  • Talk about how our bodies feel after we have been exercising.
  • Think about ways that we try to keep healthy.
  • Learn about the letter sound ‘j’ for jumping.
  • Play skittles and count how many pins are left standing.