Class News

Supertato continued…

Posted on Friday 02 February 2024 by Reception team

Spring 1 week 4 saw another week of Supertato studies, as we tried to capture the Evil Pea!…


We’ve been making Wanted posters to warn everyone who to look out for and describing his features. Lots of children used last week’s word of the week-  mischievous, to describe The Evil Pea.

Our new word of the week is: villain. We know that a villain is the bad character, important to a story or plot.

In the reading area, we’ve been digraph/trigraph detectives.

Design and technology

We’ve been designing and then making our own traps to capture that pesky Evil Pea! Take a look…

Art; Observational drawing

We’ve been using charcoal to draw real fruit and vegetables, looking carefully at the details we need to add.

Later in the week, we did some observational drawings of our faces! It’s fantastic to see how our self-portrait art has developed since September.

Shop- using our imaginations and exploring money 

Supertato takes place, ‘at night-time, in the supermarket’

We added our own supermarket to the role-play area and is has been a huge hit. Children have loved role playing their own experiences of visiting shops and having a go at paying for items with 1p/2p coins.

Maths; 5 ‘and a bit’

In Maths, we’ve been using the song ‘five little aliens’ to explore one less within 5. We’ve been using Hungarian 5 frames (or ‘die’ frames) to represent and subitise numbers.

Later in the week, we used the aliens and frames to explore ‘5 and a bit’ We started with 6, then 7 aliens and noticed what each are ‘made of’ by subitising what we could see across the frames, for example:

7 is made of 3 and 4

Did you know?…

We’ve recently had some new flooring added to our outdoor area, giving us even more space to use our gross motor skills and play safely together. Check out how much fun we’ve been having…


Spring 1 week 2  has focused on our final sounds of phase 3: air, er

We’ve learnt the tricky words; are, sure, pure

Tricky words are words that should be read by sight.

In provision, we’ve been playing tricky word BOO- an updated version of a game we played earlier in the year, to include our newest words.

Each week, we’d like to give you an idea of a game you could play at home to make reading even more exciting.

This week’s games are from the website: Phonics Bloom

You can play many of the games for free. Try out Tricky Trucks to practise tricky words and Alien Escape to make words. Stick to your child’s current level. If they are confident with all of their sounds, you should use Phase 3.

Please note these are games to be played alongside an adult, who can support and correct any misconceptions where needed.

Poetry Picnic

Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers. This week’s poem is called A Little House

We talk about how a poem sometimes has rhyming words and sometimes doesn’t. We also talk about how a poem can have a fast rhythm or a slow rhythm.

Click below to watch Reception recite this week’s poem!

A Little House

Diary Dates

Mon 5 Feb/Wed 7 Feb 2024- Parent Teacher Conferences (pre-booked appointments)

Tues 6 Feb 2024- Fine Motor Control, Stay and Learn Coffee Morning This session is all about Fine Motor Control and Writing. It’s followed by a chance to meet up with other parents/carers and your child’s class teacher.

Living and Learning – Being Safe

Posted on Friday 02 February 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

In Living and Learning this week, each class teacher has delivered the NSPCC Speak Out Stay Safe assembly which aims to help children understand their rights, what is okay and not okay and what they can do if they are ever worried or scared.

We have discussed that:

  • every child has the right to speak out and stay safe
  • making a child feel sad, scared or worried is never okay and is not the child’s fault
  • if they are ever worried, they know who to talk to so they can get help
  • whatever their worry, they can always call Childline on 0800 1111 or visit

3,4C Class News

Posted on Friday 02 February 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

Well done to 3,4C! Another fabulous week of learning. We all had great fun visiting Yorkshire Museum on Wednesday.

We explored the Roman exhibition and saw Roman artefacts, walked on a mosaic and some of us dressed up as a Roman. In the Jurassic exhibition, we were amazed to see the huge collection of fossils.

Before getting on the coach, we were lucky enough to see the flood gates in action along the River Ouse, protecting the local residents’ homes from flooding. This experience will help our understanding of flood defences in our geography topic after Easter.

Today, we got to try out the new adventure playground at break time! It was great fun.


Posted on Wednesday 31 January 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Exploring vocabulary was the focus of our reading lessons this week. We read a text about the Islamic Golden Age and identified lots of facts that we previously didn’t know. We then went on to identify unknown words within the text. Using dictionaries and iPads, we identified the definitions of these words and also searched for antonyms and synonyms. We were able to use these words in our own sentences to show our understanding.

Multiplication in Maths

Posted on Monday 29 January 2024 by Miss Young

In 2C we are learning about multiplication. We have been looking at lots of different representations.

First we count the amount of equal groups and then we count how many objects are in each group. Then we multiply these numbers together to get our total amount.

Help at home: by practising times tables on Times Tables Rockstars (TTRS)


Posted on Friday 26 January 2024 by Reception Team

It’s been great to see our new children becoming more familiar with Nursery routines and lots of them have now stayed for lunch and their first full day. Well done, yellow group!

Children continue to explore nursery and are independently choosing resources to enhance their play; we’ve created wildlife parks, giant train tracks and we’ve even flown on a plane to the beach.  Some children worked together to build, what might just be, the world’s tallest tower of pegs!

In the maths area, children have enjoyed sorting, matching and counting  different dinosaur counters.  We talked about how they were the same or different…This dinosaur is the same as yours. My dinosaur is the same, but a different colour. I have put all the blue dinosaurs in the blue dish. 

We also read a counting book about ‘5 Little Dinosaurs’ and enjoyed carefully counting the dinosaurs on each page.

In group time, children in red, blue and green group helped Mrs Long with her shopping bags. One bag was very heavy and the other bag was quite light. We looked at the different items in each bag and compared them.   Children had to find an item that was heavier or lighter than the tin of baked beans.  Lots of children could identify and say when something was ‘heavy’ but some were less familiar with the word ‘light’.

Help at home: You could continue this learning at home by asking questions during everyday activities. Which bag from the supermarket is heaviest/ lightest? Which toy is lighter? Can you find something that is lighter than the bottle of milk? Can you find something that is heavier than a packet of crisps?

Next week’s learning: 

We look forward to reading ‘Dinosaur Roar’  by Paul and Henrietta Stickland in our story times next week.  If you don’t have a copy of the book at home, you might enjoy watching the first 3 minutes of this clip together.

Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog (it’s along the play bar) and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.

In maths, we’ll continue learning about weight so will be using words such as heavy, light, heavier and lighter to compare different objects.

Nursery rhyme of the week – Ring-a-ring-a-roses

Sound of the week – ‘O’ for octopus.


  • Please check that your child’s water bottle still has their  name on – we’ve noticed that some have washed off. It makes it much quicker and easier to hand them out when they’re clearly named. Thank you.


Posted on Friday 26 January 2024 by Reception Team

This week began with a vegetable based mystery!

Who had captured the vegetables and why were they trapped? 

It could only be one thing… EVIL PEA.

After reading the story Supertato, we read true and false statements to show our knowledge and understanding of the story.

The children enjoyed creating their own.

Can they tell you which ones are true or false?

Evil Pea drew on broccoli’s face. Libby

Supertato trapped Evil Pea in ice. Austin

Evil Pea wrapped cucumber in toilet paper. Isobel

Supertato nearly got squashed by Evil Pea. Florence


This week, we explored the composition of five in different ways. Using the song Five Little Speckled Frogs, we were able to develop our understanding of one less as well as explore the number bonds of five.


We played a game by throwing beanbags in a hoop and creating number statements to say how many were in or out of the hoop.


Four in the hoop and one out of the hoop.

4 and 1 make 5


Poetry Picnic

Our sessions this week have been a little different as we learnt and recited a traditional nursery rhyme.

The children used gestures and expression to recite Jack and Jill.

Watch it here!


Spring 1 week 2  has focused on the digraphs ur, ow, oi, ear. 

We’ve learnt the tricky words; my, by, all. 

Tricky words are words that should be read by sight.

Each week, we’d like to give you an idea of a game you could play at home to make reading even more exciting.

This week’s game is: Tricky Word Splat

  • Write a selection of tricky words on paper/sticky notes.
  • Place around the room/floor.
  • Say a tricky word for your child to splat. You might jump on the words, splat with a masher or create your own ideas.

Focus Artist: Yayoi Kusama

Over the next two weeks, we will be exploring the art of Yayoi Kusama. This week, we have been colour mixing and drawing different sized dots onto pumpkin pictures.

We visited a special one day only Scholes Art Galley and used sentence stems to talk about our opinions.

I like it because..

I don’t like it because…

I like it because it’s colourful. Kitson

I don’t like it because of the spikes. Sofia

I like it because of the flowers. F

I like the explosion of poppies everywhere. Myla


The children had an opportunity to observe before drawing their favourite piece of art.




Cancelled swim session

There will be no swimming (for Rainbow Class) on Wednesday 31.01.24.



Abbey House Museum Photos for 1A

Posted on Friday 26 January 2024 by Mrs Wilkins

Science: we are chemists

Posted on Wednesday 24 January 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Science this week has led to the children investigating which materials make the best thermal insulators. Thermal insulators don’t let heat pass through easily or quickly. They planned their enquiry and tested bubble wrap, tin foil and fabric. Which one would keep the water hottest for longest?

The children used thermometers to measure the temperature every five minutes and they recorded their results. Next week we will analyse the results to see which was the best insulator.

Year 1 maths : place value to 20

Posted on Tuesday 23 January 2024 by Mrs Latham

We are starting to look more closely at numbers to 20, exploring their composition in terms of tens and ones. We will be ordering and comparing numbers, as well as representing them in different ways.

Help at home by counting forwards and backwards to 20. Talk about how many tens and ones are in numbers eg 14 is made of ten and four.