Class News

Sporting Success

Posted on Sunday 08 July 2018 by Mrs Allaway

Thank you for sharing your out of school sporting successes.

A huge Well done to the U10 Wigton Moor Foxes Manager’s Player of the Year! Fantastic news.

Home link – Seasides

Posted on Friday 06 July 2018 by Reception Team

This week, we’re going to be talking about going on holiday and visiting the seaside. If you have a photograph of you at the seaside, we’d love to see it and put it on our display for everyone to share. If you don’t have one, you could draw or paint a picture instead.

This week’s letter sound is ‘v’ if you’d like to play Eye-spy and spot things that begin with the letter ‘v’ at home. You can listen to the Jolly Phonics song here.

Sports Week

Posted on Friday 06 July 2018 by Reception Team

Week 5 – Sports week

We’ve had a very active week and have continued to talk about different ways to stay fit and healthy.   Children loved joining in with Wake-up Shake-up on the KS2 playground and enjoyed visiting the field to watch some of the older children take part in Sport’s Day. In Nursery, we’ve taken part in mini races and learnt how to throw foam javelins. We measured how far we’d thrown them and compared who threw the javelin the furthest. On Tuesday, we were really lucky because a theatre company came to visit.  Children were very animated after the show; hopefully they told you all about the giant football and shrinking pink football kit!  We also had an unexpected visitor at the end of the week…The Donkey Sanctuary came to school and brought a donkey to meet us.

Week 6 – What are we learning this week?

With the current hot weather and lots of children returning from holidays or about to go on one, there has been a lot of talk in Nursery about trips to the seaside. Next week, we’ll enjoy singing ‘Oh I do like to be beside the seaside’ and will take part in lots of seaside- themed fun. We will:

  • Talk about our experiences of the seaside and the associated sights, smells and sounds.
  • Create an ice-cream shop role play area and make our own ice lollies (see below)
  • Look at the size, shape and texture of shells.
  • Investigate real fish.
  • Explore what happens when we mix sand and paint.
  • Learn about the letter sound ‘v’ for van, ice-cream van!

 Fundraising – Ice lollies for sale.

We think the time has come for Ellie and Elvis to retire from active duty in Nursery! Over the last few years, they have visited many homes and are well loved by children. Elvis would like to hand over the role to someone new and has asked for your help. Next week, we will be making ice-lollies and will sell some to Nursery children at the end of the session/day for £1. We will use the funds raised to help Elvis find a replacement so that he can enjoy his retirement, knowing that children in Nursery still have an animal friend to visit. Thank you in advance for your support.

 End of Year party

We will have a ‘Teddy Bear’s Picnic’ on the afternoon of Monday 16thJuly. If your child is moving to Reception in September and they don’t attend Nursery on a Monday afternoon, they are welcome to join us from 12.30pm-2.30pm. Please bring them to the Nursery door and sign them in as usual. Please collect them at home time, which is 2.30pm.  We will be making sandwiches in the morning and will have a few picnic treats including some fruit and a biscuit. We will provide the picnic food but if you’d like to contribute towards the cost, we will put a money box in the entrance.

Healthy Week- Skipping Challenge.

Posted on Friday 06 July 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

Here is just a snippet of our skipping. How many skips can you do in one minute? Could you challenge yourself to beat that score? All of KS1 have repeated this challenge throughout the week. It’s been a highlight for lots of the children. 

Healthy Week-Daily Mile

Posted on Friday 06 July 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

We have been running our daily mile around the school playground. Here are 2KL with some eager faces. (We did stagger our starts after the photo was taken). 

Flex dance!

Posted on Friday 06 July 2018 by

This morning we’ve all taken part in a Flex dance workshop. Each class is learning a different part of a dance, which were going to perform together this afternoon! We’ve had lots of opportunities to try new activities this week. 

Still life art

Posted on Friday 06 July 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Children in 5/6 M enjoyed learning about how to cut fruit safely. They learnt the claw and tunnel technique. With adult supervision, children might like to practise this at home. 

The claw. Fingers tips are kept away from the edge of the blade. 

The tunnel. Hold the fruit at the side and place the knife through the tunnel. 

KS2 Sports Day 

Posted on Thursday 05 July 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Well done to all the children who made yesterday’s sports day such a success. The children showed great resilience and support for their class mates. 

A huge thank you to parents for cheering on all the children. 

Finally, year 6 children deserve our praise for organising and running the event. 

Living and Learning – Being Healthy!

Posted on Wednesday 04 July 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Wednesday 4 July

Today, our Y3/4 children researched, designed and created a healthy snack as part of our Being Healthy week. They tasted a selection of salad vegetables and put them into a wholemeal pitta pocket-yummy!

Healthy Week-rugby in the sun!

Posted on Wednesday 04 July 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

Our amazing 5*Sports coaches helped us with our rugby skills. Everyone had a fun time.