Class News

Walk around Scholes – our first trip out

Posted on Wednesday 19 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

We thoroughly enjoyed our first trip of the year today. Ninety children, thirty adults and three class mascots (Cupcake, Spike and Nutkin) invaded Scholes and walked over three miles around the village. We looked for good places to hide our rocks that we had painted in school as part of the ‘Barwick and Scholes Rocks’ game. As well as exploring our local environment, we had some lovely conversations with the grown ups who volunteered their time to accompany us. Thank you!

  • The best part was stopping for our snack.

  • I liked walking down into the woods.

  • My legs were really tired!

  • We found loads of conkers.

1,2V Join-in Monday

Posted on Wednesday 19 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came into school for 1,2V’s Join-in Monday.  We designed and painted rocks to hide as part of the ‘Barwick and Scholes Rocks’ game. We also went on a 3 mile walk later in the week and hid them along the way!

Library and PE

Posted on Wednesday 19 September 2018 by Reception team

Today, we went to the school library for the first time. We’ll be visiting the library every Wednesday. Your child will be issued with a book which needs to be returned every week. If your child wishes to keep the book for longer, that’s fine, but please note that a new book will not be issued without the return of the old one. If your child loses their school library book, we’ll ask for a donation towards replacing this book.

We’ve also had our first PE lesson. This half term your child will not be getting changed for PE. They’ll be talking their socks/tights and shoes off for PE in the hall. To help your child with this please practise at home.

Making friends and exploring Nursery

Posted on Tuesday 18 September 2018 by Reception Team

We’ve had a great start to the week in Nursery; most children have now had their first session and we’ve been really proud of how well they’ve all settled in. Children are beginning to make friends and it’s been lovely to see them playing alongside each other and starting to become involved in role play together. The home corner has been a hive of activity with children enjoying making cups of tea and some breakfast for Mrs Long.


In our Nursery garden, we’ve been collecting lots of apples from the trees.  Miss Backhouse, and a group of little helpers, used them to bake some delicious apple buns. The children helped to count out the apples, weigh the ingredients and mix them together. We enjoyed eating the apples and buns at snack time. Yum yum!


In the Early Years Foundation Stage, physical development is one of the important Prime Areas.  Children should be able to move freely with pleasure and confidence in a range of different ways such as slithering, shuffling, rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, skipping, sliding
and hopping.

As you can see, we’ve been busy developing our climbing and balancing skills already this week.

A fantastic start to school!

Posted on Monday 17 September 2018 by Reception team

We have had an exciting few days welcoming everyone on their first few days of school!

We are very proud of how the Foundation 2 children have settled in and adapted to all the changes in their lives. They have been learning how to listen in larger groups, take turns and have formed new friendships and relationships with adults. Their independence and confidence is increasing on a daily basis!

They have been exploring all the new areas, activities, toys and resources in Foundation 2. We are following the children’s interests and adapting our provision accordingly. This has included pirates, dolls, cars and dinosaurs so far. Please let us know if your children have any particular interests that we can share at school too.

You can add to ‘our interests’ board any interests your child may have. We will use this information to plan for your child’s classroom environment. We love to read their favourite stories, so if they would like to bring in a book to share, they are more than welcome.


Photo time!

Posted on Friday 14 September 2018 by Reception team

On Monday, a photographer will be taking class photos for the Yorkshire Evening Post.

A letter will be sent home with the opportunity to pre-order the newspaper.

Gold stars

Posted on Friday 14 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Well done to our first 2 golden stars.

Where in the World – Longitude and latitude

Posted on Friday 14 September 2018 by Mr Lindsay

After learning about longitude and latitude through playing an online game, we studied our local area using Ordnance Survey maps. Some children spent a long time looking for the PC symbol!

Second week back

Posted on Friday 14 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Everyone is settling in well and we have been working really hard. There is still always time to get active though. We’ve all enjoyed getting back into our Go Noodle activities and also working on our mindfulness techniques. We’ve also been learning the names of the oceans and continents through song. Have a go at home…

Oceans song    Continents song


Where in the … Yorkshire County?

Posted on Thursday 13 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Map Skills

As part of our Where in the World topic, the children are learning about cities in the UK. Today, we looked at large OS maps of cities local to us in Yorkshire – York and Leeds.

What can you find?

The children enjoyed finding many physical and human features on the maps. Children enjoyed being able to spot their village and street where they lived!

We’re currently working on a piece of artwork using OS map symbols, so watch this space!