Class News

Time Travel and Transport

Posted on Friday 28 September 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Time Travel

We’ve kicked off our Time Travel topic with some learning about chronology, looking at how transport has changed over time. The children pieced together a timeline of different transport designs.

For homework last week, the children created their own type of transport and we certainly had some imaginative designs.  The quality and variety of models were wonderful to see.

Living and Learning- Resourceful and Resilient

Posted on Friday 28 September 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

This week, we’ve been thinking about the resourceful squirrel and the resilient tortoise. We’ve made posters to help us remember the ‘8Rs’ that we have discussed so far. Can you remember which animal goes with which learning skill?

Reading meeting

Posted on Friday 28 September 2018 by Reception team

Thank you to those who came to the reading meeting yesterday. We hope you found the evening informative and have lots of ideas on how to be involved in your child’s reading journey. When teaching phonics we teach the children the pure sounds e.g. ‘sss’ not ‘suh’.

If you didn’t attend the meeting, your child will be bringing their reading book home tonight. It’s in a reading wallet which your child needs to bring to school every day. Please keep your child’s reading wallet separate to your child’s book bag. Your child will be expected to put the reading wallet in a box (just like their book bags) every morning. The contents expected to be bought into school everyday are labelled on the wallet.

Most importantly – have fun reading!

Great games in 5/6NK

Posted on Friday 28 September 2018 by Mrs Lake

This afternoon, 5/6NK have had a brilliant time in our homework review. The children were set the task of creating a game to entertain the children in their class. I was extremely impressed with the effort all the children had gone to in order to create board games, outside games, computer games, card games and sketching games. The children thoroughly enjoyed trying them all out. They talked about what they enjoyed the best about each game.

‘I really liked Archie’s game. I liked that you had to memorise where the times table questions were to find a pair.’ Reuben

‘Lilia’s game was fun and I will play it again.’ Freya

What are these bricks my child keeps talking about?

Posted on Friday 28 September 2018 by Reception team

This week, we’ve introduced your child to challenges. Challenging activities are around the classroom for your child to complete to earn a brick. The aim is to get a tower of bricks taller than five. Challenges include the learning we’re focusing on throughout the week – for example, writing our name. Ask your child what challenges they’ve done this week.

We talked about who had more and who had fewer bricks. If your child’s tower was more than five, your child will come home with a certificate!

Year 6 Drug Awareness Talk

Posted on Friday 28 September 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Steve, from The Children’s Charity, came into school today to discuss drugs. With the help of his cartoon friend (Bob), Steve informed year 6 about the difference between legal and illegal drugs. The children asked many questions about the effects of drugs and showed a good awareness of the subject. At home, you might want to follow up this talk with your own discussion.

Year 1 reading meeting

Posted on Thursday 27 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to the Year 1 reading meeting tonight. The presentation can be downloaded here. The other resources will be sent home in your child’s book bag.

Active Maths

Posted on Wednesday 26 September 2018 by Mrs Latham

We like to learn outdoors in Key Stage 1. Today, 2KL were continuing our indoor learning about tens and ones with an outdoor lesson on the playground 100 square.

Help at home! Talk about how many tens and ones are in numbers. For example, find out how many tens and ones make up your age, house number, the date or shoe size.

2 tens and 8 ones

We’ve been orienteering!

Posted on Tuesday 25 September 2018 by

This morning we spent an hour learning how to orienteer around our school grounds. It was lots of fun! We practised some map reading skills and showed resilience when it got tricky. We kept going and didn’t give up!

Autumn treasure

Posted on Monday 24 September 2018 by Reception Team

Autumn has definitely arrived. Lots of children have been out exploring this weekend are were keen to show us the Autumn treasure that they had collected. This generated a lot of discussion about the windy weather and conkers falling off trees.

We looked at some conkers that children had brought into Nursery and talked about the different shapes and sizes. Some of the conkers that Mrs Long had found were still in their cases. We looked closely at the shells and felt their prickles carefully.  Children were excited to see a crack down one of the shells; we carefully opened it and found not just one, but two shiny conkers inside!

The Autumn woodland small world area was popular today and the tractors were very busy collecting hay bales in the fields.  Some children tried to stack the hay bales in the trailer. It was quite tricky and took a lot of perseverance to stack them in a tall tower. It was even harder to stop them from falling off as the tractor moved across the bumpy field to the farm!

The Sunshine room was buzzing with excitement this morning. Children loved ordering and making pizzas in our new role play area.  They played together, taking turns to take orders and to make and cook the pizzas.  Some pizzas cost “5 dollars” and some were “2 pounds”. Children counted out the coins carefully as they paid.