Class News

3/4F – Fantastic homework showing the 8Rs!

Posted on Saturday 20 October 2018 by

Last week, our homework was to think of a way to help us remember our 8Rs. Everyone was asked to record how they did that.

I was absolutely bowled away when the children shared the vast array of creativity in their thinking. They created poems, stories, posters, explanation texts and drawings. Amazing!

Living and Learning – Rights and Responsibilities.

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

KS1 have been discussing ‘Rights and Responsilities’. We have the right to be educated (by coming to school). We also have the responsibility to learn (through our attention and effort).

We mimed different responsibilities that we might have at home or at school. The class enjoyed guessing what the miming represented. The children are proud of being responsible for various things.

Trip to The National Science and Media Museum

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Mrs Lake

What a brilliant day! 5/6NK thoroughly enjoyed learning about how entertainment has changed through time. At the museum, we explored different galleries showcasing how television, computing and photography have evolved and developed  over the past 100 years.



Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Reception Team

Children have loved exploring the pumpkins this week; we’ve rolled pumpkins, weighed pumpkins, drawn and painted on pumpkins, made pumpkins in the playdough and explored patterns on pumpkins in the maths area. At the end of the week, we especially enjoyed cutting them open to explore their slippery, slimy contents. What a lot of pumpkin-themed learning!


Thank you to everyone who completed our ‘Autumn bag’ Homelink activity. Children enjoyed sharing the contents of their bags with their friends during group time.  This is a great way to encourage children to speak in front of their peers and to build their confidence. Children love to talk about things that they have done at home with friends and family and they especially like to show items that they have found.

If you’d like to do something creative at home over half-term, we’re sure that children would love to have a go at making a pumpkin bowl. They’d love tearing up the paper (which is good for developing finger strength) and getting messy joining in with the papier mache part of this art project. Some parts are trickier and would need an adult to help. 

There’s a fun CBeebies ‘Peter Rabbit and the Giant Pumpkin’ story available to read on the Storytime app too.

Swimming dates (November – December 2018)

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Reception team

Please see the table below for the dates your child will be swimming after half term.



Wednesday 7th November Rainbow class (Miss Eckersley)
Wednesday 14th November Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn)
Wednesday 21st November Rainbow class (Miss Eckersley)
Wednesday 28th November Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn)
Wednesday 5th December Rainbow class (Miss Eckersley)
Wednesday 12th December Sunshine class (Mrs Flynn)
Wednesday 19th December Rainbow class (Miss Eckersley)

National Science and Media Museum Trip

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Mr Lindsay

As part of our Time Travel Big Topic, we visited the National Science and Media Museum to see how entertainment has changed.

Golden Star 

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Reception Team

Well done to our most recent golden star!

Impressive homework: our 8Rs re-interpreted

Posted on Friday 19 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

We love this great homework in 3,4EK.

Here’s a poem which is great to read – especially the part highlighted in purple!

This Scrabble game is a great challenge. (It’s a good way to learn spellings, too – whether you have real Scrabble pieces or not, can your child arrange this week’s spelling words in a grid?)


Outdoor Maths – QR codes

Posted on Tuesday 16 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

The year 2 children enjoyed some outdoor maths this afternoon using QR codes. They had to use their knowledge of tens and ones to follow a treasure hunt type activity, using iPads to read the QR codes. You can only move on to the next question if you get them correct in the right order. It was great fun but also involved lots of learning!

Parental partnership meeting

Posted on Tuesday 16 October 2018 by Reception team

Thank you to those who came to the parental partnership evening. We hope you found the evening informative and have lots of ideas on how to be involved in your child’s learning journey at school.

We value the importance of working together with you to gain a holistic view of your child’s learning. You can share your child’s learning moments with us by email (, wow documents and time to talk sheets. These sheets can also be found on the parental partnership board in your child’s classroom for you to take. In rainbow class, the parental partnership board is on the right as you enter the classroom. In sunshine class, the board is next to your child’s learning journey profiles as you enter the classroom. Please feel free to look at your child’s profiles – you will find observations and pictures of your child learning at school. This might prompt discussions about things your child is doing at home and allow us to gain a bigger picture of your child’s learning and development. We often find play is linked to things that have happened at home – it would be great to hear about these moments!