Class News

Living and Learning: I can take part in democratic decisions.

Posted on Thursday 25 October 2018 by

This week, our Living and Learning has been the British value of democracy.

We began with our homework, set last Friday.  The children were all asked to consider if they would like to stand for election for our new School Council.  Two representatives from each class, chosen democratically by their peers, will join the new School Council.

On Wednesday, we listened to the prepared speeches. It was quite nerve-racking for some children! Well done to everyone who stood up and gave their speech. It shows great courage! We were all very impressed.

Thursday was voting day! We lined up, gave our names, then received the ballot papers. The children used the ballot booths to vote in secret. It was very exciting!

Now, we await the results! Log in later to find out who will represent our classes in the new School Council!

Is there room on the broom?

Posted on Wednesday 24 October 2018 by Reception Team

There were some unusual footprints on the floor in Nursery on Monday morning!


Following on from the children’s interest in footprints last week, we looked closely at the shapes and sizes of the mysterious visitors’ prints.  Children suggested different animals that they might belong to. The dog was the easiest to guess; many children recognised it because it looked like their pet dog’s muddy footprints. The frog, bird and ‘dragon/monster’ prints caused a bit of confusion.

In group time, we read ‘Room on the Broom’ and children joined in with the repeated refrains in the story. They’ve enjoyed using the story props to re-tell the story in the small world area.

Outside, we created a dragon’s cave and then decided that it would be a good idea to make our own dragon. We looked at some pictures of dragons and talked about the different colours and body parts. Next, we worked together to paint our dragon and added different materials to create scales and spikes.

Whilst reading ‘Room on the Broom’, children enjoyed the part of the story where the witch makes a magic potion in her cauldron. We made our own fizzing potions…

Iggity, ziggity, zaggety, ZOOOOOOOM!

If you’d like to try it at home, there’s one way to do it here. We just used bicarbonate of soda, white vinegar and food colouring in Nursery but there are many different versions. Not only is it fun, but it’s a good talking point and provides lots of opportunities to extend children’s vocabulary. We used pipettes in Nursery, which are a good way of helping to strengthen and develop children’s finger muscles.

We’ve made slime and investigated its properties: stretchy, slimy, sticky, runny…

On Monday, it was very windy so we went onto the KS1 playground with ribbon sticks to watch them dance in the wind.

It’s been a busy week so far and there are still two more days to go before half term.

3/4F trying something new!

Posted on Tuesday 23 October 2018 by

This morning, in the school hall, 3/4F tried something new! JUDO! ‘New’ is always exciting! What will you try that’s new and exciting this week?

Judo Taster Session at Scholes!

Posted on Monday 22 October 2018 by Mr Roundtree

At Scholes (Elmet) Primary School, our children certainly have an opportunity to experience a broad range of sports and activities.

Today’s 30-minute taster session, led by Destination Judo, was full of energy, movement and fun.  Judo sessions are always enjoyable as the children learn how to throw, hold and pin their partners to the ground, with an element of rules, discipline and respect.

If your child would like to attend a further free taster session at a local HUB location, then contact Destination Judo, Leeds for information.

Look out for flyers in bags being sent home this week.

Nouns means names

Posted on Monday 22 October 2018 by Mrs Latham

We have been learning a song to help us remember what a noun is (sung to the tune of the Heinz Meanz Beanz advert).

Every person, place or thing
Needs a name and so we sing
Nouns means names

Help at home by talking about nouns and how they are all around us! Don’t forget proper nouns (Monday, Christmas), abstract nouns (happiness, excitement) and pronouns, which replace a noun in a sentence (I, we, she).


Let’s talk numbers!

Posted on Monday 22 October 2018 by Reception team

It’s been great to talk to some of you about your child’s progress during parents’ evening. A few parents have been asking about how to support their child at home with numbers.

In Foundation 2, we focus on numbers to twenty throughout the year to get a depth of understanding of what the numbers really mean. For example:

During the past couple of weeks we have been focusing on the number 3.

Finding 3

The children have been finding 3 by looking at their environment and at pictures. For example: 3 pigs, 3 houses, 3 noses, 3 hats…

Number stories

Once the children had looked for three around them, they have begun to tell number stories. We use the language first, then and now to tell the stories and have developed some actions to support us.

First there was one flower in the garden. Then two more flowers grew in the garden. Now there are three flowers altogether.


First there were three ice-creams. Then I ate one. Now there are two ice-creams left.

These number stories support your child’s understanding of number in real-life experiences. Looking at numbers in the environment and number stories support your child in developing a deep understanding of what ‘3’ really means.

Can your child tell you a number story that makes 3? Can your child find 3 in the environment? Please let us know what your child has done using a wow sheet – we can then celebrate their learning at school.

Judo taster session

Posted on Monday 22 October 2018 by Mr Lindsay

Balazs from The British Judo Association came into school today. Children enjoyed competing against each other. They learned how to move around the mat and how to pin their opponent.

Home Link – Room on the Broom

Posted on Sunday 21 October 2018 by Reception Team

Our Home link activity this week is to enjoy reading ‘Room on the Broom’ together at home.

If you don’t have a copy, you could visit the library or watch an on-line version of the story here.

There are some fun activities and colouring sheets available to download on Julia Donaldson’s website. We’re going to try and make some mini broomsticks in Nursery this week. You could also print off some of the animal masks and try re-telling the story together at home using them.

Spooky spectacular!

Posted on Saturday 20 October 2018 by

The annual Halloween-themed disco was a great success. There were some amazing costumes!

3/4F Class assembly

Posted on Saturday 20 October 2018 by

All the children’s hard work, rehearsals and preparations paid off on Friday afternoon for our class assembly. The children all remembered what to say. The poem recital was fantastic. It was loud, clear and confident. Well done, children!

Thank you to all the parents and family members who came to watch and encourage the children.