Class News

Living and Learning – being the same and being different

Posted on Sunday 25 November 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Blob tree

This week we have talked about being the same and being different.

We often use a blob tree to reflect on our learning and understand our emotions.

This week, we used a blob tree to identify how we are all the same (the blobs are all the same, in the same community) but can feel different at different times, or in different situations.


What we did:

  • Identify two blobs that represent them and how they feel
  • Explain the feelings to a partner
  • Share our blobs with our peers
  • Appreciate the feelings of others

Importantly, children noticed how they almost all had selected different blobs. If children had chosen the same blob, they loved telling each other why.

The blob tree is a powerful learning tool to help children understand their feelings.

Whole school topic review!

Posted on Friday 23 November 2018 by

This afternoon, children from across the school came together to share what they’ve learned during our ‘big topic’ of Time Travel. It was a fantastic opportunity to practise speaking and listening skills. It’s  so interesting to find out what other year groups have been learning about. 

Ask your child what they ‘ve learnt? What have they enjoyed finding out about the most? What would they like to learn more about? Maybe you could learn more together, as a family. 

Living and Learning: I know how to STOP bullying.

Posted on Friday 23 November 2018 by

Last week, our Living and Learning statement was ‘I know how to STOP bullying.’ Our homework was to be creative and respond to the statement. 

Once again, our children have demonstrated how creative they are. Just look at the range of fantastic responses we got! We were very pleased to share this week’s homework review with some of our parents. 

Bullying is a very important area to think about in school and at home. Understanding what bullying is and how to stop it is vital. 

Creative Curriculum – toasting marshmallows on a camp fire!

Posted on Thursday 22 November 2018 by Mrs Latham

To round off our Time Travel topic in style, we had a camp fire this afternoon! When we were learning about how people lived in the Stone Age, we found out that they cooked on a fire. Although we weren’t eating reindeer or wild boar that we had caught, toasting marshmallows (or pieces of bread if you didn’t like marshmallows), gave us the feel of what it might’ve been like!

We also talked about how toasting marshmallows was a scientific experiment – demonstrating irreversible changes.

Perhaps the most important part though, were our safeguarding discussions about fire safety, what to do in a fire drill and how to stay safe near fire.

A big THANK YOU to Andy Webb (AW2 Developments) who made the amazing outdoor benches we are sitting on too!

Also, thank you to everyone who sent in marshmallows and skewers.


Reading workshop – thanks for attending

Posted on Thursday 22 November 2018 by Mr Roundtree

Thanks to the Y5,6 parents and carers who came along to our Reading Workshop this week – it is great to know your child is being supported at home in this core life skill.

David Owen, the Sphere Federation English Leader, led the presentation which was also attended by Y5,6 teachers. Read his PowerPoint.

The feedback was really positive:

  • ‘We were really pleased we came along. It was a very informative workshop. The slides were great and explained well… All our questions were answered and we were given some great ideas…’
  • ‘It was useful to go through the SAT texts… I did not realise how much they needed to read.’
  • ‘The workshop was very informative. It set the expectations and explained how we (parents) can help.’

In the annual survey of parents and carers, respondents told us we could do more to provide you with information about your child and their learning. These workshops are an important way to gain understanding and awareness of expectations so you can support your child at home and track their progress alongside school. Please do keep making every effort to attend – thanks again to those who did come along.

Incy Wincy Spider

Posted on Wednesday 21 November 2018 by Reception Team

On Tuesday, it was very wet and miserable outside. We said lots of rainy day related rhymes, including ‘Doctor Foster’,  ‘Rain, rain go away,’ and of course, ‘Incy Wincy Spider’.

Doctor Foster went to Gloucester
In a shower of rain.
He fell in a puddle, right up to his middle
And never went there again.

Whilst singing in the Nursery Rhyme corner, a big spider ran across the carpet. We caught it and looked at it closely before letting it go again. A few minutes later, somebody found another spider in the bottom of a box. Sadly, this spider was dead, but that also meant that we could use our magnifying glasses and Exploroscope to look at its eight legs very closely. (The Exploroscope is a digital microscope that connects to the iPad. It is easy to use and very child friendly.)

Children were fascinated!

“Look at all those spikes,” one child commented when they saw the tiny little hairs on its legs. Once we’d finished looking at the spider, children went on to explore other items including shells, pine cones and their own hands and hair!

“It’s on the iPad and its really, really big!”

“Can I see my finger nail? Closer, closer,”


“It’s awesome!” – multi-use activity wall

Posted on Monday 19 November 2018 by Mrs Latham

I love it. It’s so good having it on the playground.

Year 6 were pleased to be the first on the rota to use the new equipment. It certainly made playtime and lunchtime extremely active!

World Nursery Rhyme Week

Posted on Sunday 18 November 2018 by Reception Team

We’re looking forward to joining in with World Nursery Rhyme Week. We have lots of fun activities planned around some of our favourite rhymes. Look out for more information in your child’s folder this week.

Here are a few of the popular rhymes that we’ll enjoy learning and singing along to:

Remember to take part in our Home Link activity. Please bring in an item that is linked to your child’s favourite Nursery rhyme. We’re going to create a collection of Nursery rhyme props in the Rainbow Room for children to share with their friends.

If you’d like to find out more about why singing Nursery rhymes are so important for your child’s early literacy skills and language development, there are lots of links on the World Nursery Rhyme Week website and an article here that summarises some of the many benefits.

Living and Learning-Anti-Bullying Week

Posted on Sunday 18 November 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

We kicked off Anti-Bullying Week by wearing odd socks. Proudly we displayed our odd socks and thought about how we are ‘odd’. Through doing this, we celebrated how we are all unique and that there isn’t anyone the same. We have our own thoughts, looks, likes and dislikes etc.

We sang along to the ‘Andy and the Odd Socks’ song ‘Choose Respect’. Have a listen and join in: The Odd Socks.
The Anti-Bullying Alliance’s overall theme this year is about respect. We used their video as a stimulus for discussion, drama and poster making. Anti-Bullying Alliance Promo Video 2018.

Most children in KS1 will be able to tell you about STOP. It helps us to define what bullying is; when something happens Several Times On Purpose. It also reminds us to act if we find that we are subjected to bullying; Start Telling Other People. The importance of STOP is continually taught throughout the year, to all children, but we have enjoyed a special week of focusing on it. 

Children in Need

Posted on Sunday 18 November 2018 by Reception team

The children (and staff) had a great time wearing their pyjamas to school to raise money for Children in Need. We spoke to the children about Children in Need and the different ways in which we can help others.

We then asked the children why they were in their pyjamas instead of their school uniform. A selection of their responses are below:

  • “…because it’s Children in Need.”
  • “…wear pyjamas…so people who don’t have much money as we do…so they can get clothes, food and water.”
  • “…so everyone can be happy and play with their friends.”