Class News


Posted on Saturday 01 December 2018 by Mr Lindsay

We had a smashing time this week! Children designed and made a parachute to guide an egg safely to the ground. After yoking around for a while, the children developed their own hypothesis: The bigger the parachute, the slower the drop.

You might want to design and make you own parachute at home. Just make sure you leave enough eggs for breakfast!

Stick Man

Posted on Saturday 01 December 2018 by Reception Team

We’re going to read one of our favourite Julia Donaldson books this week, ‘Stick Man’.

If you have a copy, please enjoy reading it together so that your child gets to know the story well. Mrs Long has just visited the theatre in Manchester to see a stage production of ‘Stick Man’ – it was great! It held the attention of a two year old for 55 minutes. If you can’t get hold of a copy from the library, you could always watch the animated version. (Amazon Prime members can access the full version.)

The story provides lots of learning opportunities to help develop early reading skills. We’ll order events in the story and talk about how Stick Man is feeling at different parts. Is he sad, scared, lonely, happy or excited? There are also lots of points in the story where children can join in with the repeated refrains, “I’m Stick Man. I’m Stick Man…”

Have fun doing the Home link activity this week; we look forward to seeing your own Stick Man creations.

Living and Learning – I know who I am

Posted on Saturday 01 December 2018 by Mrs Lake

Our Living and Learning statement this week was ‘I know who I am‘. In Year 5 and 6 this week, we’ve discussed the importance of having a sense of our own identity.

Every child could discuss their own beliefs and what makes them who they are. We all found that we have similarities (attending Scholes (Elmet) Primary School, for example) but also have a lot of differences that make us unique.

Fantastic Forces

Posted on Friday 30 November 2018 by Mr Roundtree

In Year 3/4, we have started out new topic, Forces, this week.

It began with a lively experiment using magnets to test how many paperclips could be ‘stuck’ together using a magnet.

The children were amazed to see how the paperclips were magnetised through each other, displaying the wonderful forces in action.

One …

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Four …

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Three …
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Six, but it quickly broke …
Three …
We tested different magnets of different strengths.
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There are many magnet investigations that you can try at home:
  • Test a magnet strength through a pull
  • Magnet fishing game
  • How are magnets used at home? Go around the house and find some: fridge door, hand bags, shower doors…
  • Magnetism through materials

3 2 1 Dodgeball!

Posted on Friday 30 November 2018 by Mrs Latham

We entered a Year 5 team into the East Leeds dodgeball competition this week and they were fantastic! Mr Gledhill accompanied the children and was amazed by how brilliantly they performed, particularly commenting on their teamwork, resilience and determination. It was tough getting photos that weren’t blurred as they were moving around so fast! They came second in their group. Well done!


Time Travel – topic review

Posted on Monday 26 November 2018 by Mrs Latham

We have come to the end of our, history-based, Time Travel topic. We used food as a focus and have read Stone Age Boy, learnt how people cooked in the Stone Age, tried creating ‘cave paintings’ using sticks and stones, looked at food wrappers, sorted cooking implements, investigated how packed lunches have changed over time, used Andy Warhol’s to inspire our own art work and had a camp fire on the playground! We discussed all our exciting learning with children from other classes in our final session last week.


World Nursery Rhyme Week

Posted on Monday 26 November 2018 by Reception team

This week we have enjoyed singing lots of nursery rhymes. The children have brought in books, jigsaws and objects to talk about their favourite nursery rhymes and it has also been great to find out what your favourite nursery rhymes were when you were growing up.

On Monday, our song of the day was 5 Currant Buns. The number 5 was also our new number of the week. The children had fun baking some buns.

On Tuesday, our song of the day was Humpty Dumpty. The children enjoyed sharing their favourite nursery rhymes and books, jigsaws and objects from home.

We also did a very excited science experiment. Professor Myers came to visit and told us that somebody was pushing Humpty Dumpty off the wall and we needed to find a way to protect him! We experimented with different materials to see which material would protect him the most. Before dropping the egg we predicted (a sensible guess) what might happen. The children also had some great ideas of what else we could use to protect Humpty Dumpty.

  • “We could drop him on a cushion then he won’t break.”
  • “We could wrap him in an apron.”
  • “We could wrap him in paper.”

On Wednesday, the song of the day was A Sailor Went To Sea. The children enjoyed playing hand games together.

On Thursday, the song of the day was I’m a little teapot. The children had lots of fun experimenting with different musical instruments when singing the song.

On Friday, the song of the day was Round and Round the Garden. The children enjoyed making circle movements during squiggle whilst we wiggle. Squiggle whilst we wiggle is a great way to develop our gross motor movements that help with letter formation. On a Friday we also do dough disco – this is a great way to develop our fine motor skills that help with writing.

What a busy week we have had!

I know we’re all the same and we’re all different-Living and Learning

Posted on Sunday 25 November 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

We’re all human, we all look pretty much the same, and like and do similar things. We want to celebrate our differences, too! Some of us are shorter, thinner, fairer; some of us have a mum and dad at home and lots of us don’t…

Every child in KS1 has enjoyed finding similarities and differences between themselves and others. 

Golden Star

Posted on Sunday 25 November 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

Congratulations to the pupil who received the prestigious Golden Star, in 2KL, this week. 

Homework review – I know how to STOP bullying (Living and Learning)

Posted on Sunday 25 November 2018 by Mrs Latham

Thank you to all the parents and carers who came to our homework review session on Thursday. There was some great Talk Time homework and we discussed it in our classes. We had posters, poems and a video news report that was sent to the school email: These were shared and discussed in classes, with children engaged and keen to share or show what they had created.

Please feel free to write comments about how your child approached, found and responded to the homework.