Class News

Living & Learning: staying safe (our own health)

Posted on Monday 07 January 2019 by Mr Catherall

Today, we wasted no time in carrying on where we left off in 2018 by getting straight into our learning. This afternoon, we focussed on our living & learning theme for the coming weeks: staying safe. Of course, there are lots of ways to stay safe but today we focussed on staying healthy – in particular, mentally healthy.

We started by sharing everything we knew about physical health.

Then, after some research (including a couple of videos), we shared everything we’d learnt about mental health.

Finally, we thought about ways we can look after our own mental health.

And practised a few mindfulness techniques.

Ask your child to reflect on their learning and how they can look after their mental health at home.

Happy New Year!

Posted on Friday 04 January 2019 by Reception Team

We hope that you have all had a lovely time over the Christmas holidays and enjoyed the New Year celebrations. We’re looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday 8th January. Remember, Nursery is closed on Monday 7th January as staff will be going on home visits to meet children that are going to be joining us in Nursery over the next few weeks.

Please remember to join in with our Home Link activity by sending us some of your holiday photographs.  Children love to show their friends and we’ll use their photographs to help children to remember and talk about some of their experiences over the holidays.

Email your photos to 

A special visitor…

Posted on Friday 21 December 2018 by Reception Team

Children wrote to Father Christmas to invite him to visit us in Nursery. They were very excited on Tuesday morning when they discovered that he had got their letter!

We listened carefully to the story that Santa read and afterwards, we told him what we would like for Christmas. Before Santa left, he kindly gave all the children a present. Thank you, Father Christmas!

The Santa Trap

Posted on Tuesday 18 December 2018 by Mr Roundtree

With Christmas near, we have based our learning on a fab festive picture book. This week, we have been busy writing all about The Santa Trap. Bradley Bartleby is a beastly brat who just wants all the best presents from Santa. And when he doesn’t get them, he decides to build the ultimate trap.

We’ve been rehearsing, drawing, innovating and creating our own Santa traps, based on the story by Jonathon Emmett.

There were so many brilliant ideas today!

Why don’t you check out our work on twitter #thesantatrap ?

Here are just a few …

Safeguarding – Road Safety Pantomime

Posted on Tuesday 18 December 2018 by Mrs Latham

It’s all about Christmas at the moment but we also reminded children about staying safe near and on roads. This week, we watched a pantomime with a road safety message. Help at home by reminding children how to cross the road safely, talking to them about the green cross code.


A special visitor

Posted on Tuesday 18 December 2018 by Mrs Latham

All the year 1 and 2 classes had a special visitor today.  Santa visited each class; reading a story, talking to children and handing our early Christmas presents. We thought we couldn’t get any more excitable…but we did!


Christmas in F2

Posted on Tuesday 18 December 2018 by Reception team

We have had a busy time in F2 so far…

Last week we introduced the children to ‘The Christmas Story’. Before reading the story we looked at the characters and the children were able to name most of them. The children then listened very carefully to the story about the very first Christmas.

  • It’s Baby Jesus.
  • Mary – Baby Jesus’ mummy.
  • The 3 wise men, they gave presents to Jesus.
  • Joseph and the shepherds.
  • They are in a stable.

On Thursday, it was our Christmas dinner day. We all made a Christmas hat to wear into the hall.

So far this week, we have watched a Christmas pantomime. This was lots of fun but had an important message – how to keep safe on the road. Can your child tell you how to safely cross the road? (think, stop, look and listen).

We have also had a special visit from Father Christmas. He read us a special Christmas story and listened carefully when we told him what we would like for Christmas. We were all very lucky and received a present to put under our Christmas tree ready for Christmas morning.



Living and Learning-I respect my communities and other communities.

Posted on Monday 17 December 2018 by Mrs Wilkins

This Living and Learning statement helps to promote the British value of mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. In KS1 we daily encourage respect for everyone and everything. We know that we are all the same AND we are all different! How amazing is that? 

One child shared their homework about the celebration of Christmas. He proudly showed  his Christingle. We discussed similarities and differences between Christmas and Eid. Will you be celebrating anything special this coming holiday? 

Primary school places – It’s time to apply!

Posted on Sunday 16 December 2018 by Reception Team

If your child was born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015, it’s time to apply for their Primary school place. The deadline for applying is 15th January 2019. 

Even if your child is attending a school nursery or other early years provision or you have children at school already, you mist still apply for a place.

Please visit the website  to apply online.  If you need any more information, you can contact the admissions team on 0113 222 4414.

Christmas celebrations

Posted on Sunday 16 December 2018 by Reception Team

In between our concerts last week, we still had time to enjoy some Christmas themed learning.  One of the most popular activities was helping Father Christmas in his Elves’ Workshop. After wrapping the presents, children built a sleigh and enjoyed delivering them to all of their friends.  We’ve also been writing Christmas cards, counting baubles, sorting Christmas shapes and making reindeer in the playdough.  We’ll continue with our Christmas activities for the final week.

Children will listen to the Nativity story and find out more about how some people celebrate Christmas.  We’ll be watching some of these short clips from the ‘Let’s Celebrate‘ programme on CBeebies.

If you want to play some games on the computer at home, there are lots of links to Christmas games on the Topmarks website. Our favourite games last week, were playing tunes on the reindeer’s noses and putting the correct number of baubles onto the tree. This is a great game to practise counting out the right number of objects from a group and knowing that you need to stop when you’ve reached the required quantity. That’s quite a tricky early maths skill to master!