Class News

Year 6 high school taster day

Posted on Monday 23 September 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Today, the year 6’s enjoyed the opportunity to spend a day in the life of a high school student. Upon arrival, we kicked off the day with PE and and food technology. The children were challenged to  beat their best times possible on the rowing machines. This resulted in lots of sweating and competitiveness. In food technology, we cooked a healthy vegetable stir fry. The children were able to apply their cutting and chopping skills that they had learnt at Scholes to this lesson.

Drama gave the children an opportunity to work collaboratively to create freeze frames to express their interpretation on different images. Finally, we applied our coding knowledge to crack a code and create a game.


English – reading and writing

Posted on Saturday 21 September 2024 by Mrs Latham

We have been reading several versions of Little Red Riding Hood in the first few weeks of September. Most of the children have heard the story before and we enjoyed comparing different versions. Bethan Woollvin has written several ‘twisted tales’ and we enjoyed her version – Little Red.

We decided Little Red is a fearless, brave and clever character in this story. We had to use our inference skills because the story does not directly tell us this.

We have also used these books to give us ideas to write sentences, discuss new words and read with prosody (expression).

What big teeth you have grandma!

Help at home by reading stories out loud to your child and showing a love of reading.


KS1 Maths-Numbots time!

Posted on Friday 20 September 2024 by Mrs Wilkins

All children in Year 1 have been given an account and login for Numbots. This is an interactive tool that school heavily invests in for your child. It is an engaging platform to help your child learn the foundations of maths.

Numbots is all about every child achieving the ‘triple win’ of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction, so that they move from counting to calculating.-Numbots Innovators.

We have seen the amazing impact that Numbots can have on a child’s knowledge and confidence in Maths. Numbots is part of the weekly homework for Year 1 children. Please can we ask that you make this tool a part of your weekly family routine. Once children have logged on a few times, they’re hooked and really enjoy ‘playing’!

We have class leader boards that tell us the amount of time, amount of correct answers etc for each child. In our weekly celebration assembly we reveal the weekly winners and give certificates. Who will it be next week?

(For Your Information: Once children have completed the Numbots levels they can then move on to TTRockstars which is based on multiplication and division.)

If you are experiencing an difficulties with logging on, please chat to your child’s teacher.

Help at home: Help your child log on to their Numbots account. Guide them to navigate the devise being used and let them impress you!



Living and Learning : 8Rs for learning

Posted on Friday 20 September 2024 by Mrs Latham

Last week’s Living and Learning statement is ‘I use the 8 Rs to help me learn.’

In KS1 we have been discussing each of the 8 Rs and how they are important in supporting our learning. They are:

  • being ready
  • being responsive
  • being reflective
  • being resourceful
  • remembering
  • risk-taking
  • being resilient
  • being responsible

Being ready is one of our school rules. We are learning our new routines really well and getting better and better at being ready.

1A Class Reward

Posted on Friday 20 September 2024 by Mrs Wilkins

In 1A we have a class motto: ‘We’re not collecting warnings, we’re collecting marbles!’ For the past 3 weeks children have been putting marbles into a jar for excellent behaviour, good manners, superb work, listening to instructions, lining up beautifully…the list goes on. In short, our marble jar was filled to the top and because of this we had a class treat. The adventure playground in KS2 was a well deserved reward for everyone in 1A.

Living and Learning : school rules

Posted on Friday 20 September 2024 by Mrs Latham

We have been talking about our school rules since we came back to school. They are useful rules for life too and help make our school a happy and healthy place to learn.

Help at home by talking about why we have rules.

The Great Big Book of Families

Posted on Friday 20 September 2024 by Reception Team

This week we’ve been reading  The Great Big Book of Families(This is a YouTube link. Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog along the play bar and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip.)  Through the book, we have explored and celebrated the variety of families. Children had lots of suggestions about what makes a family.

What is a family? 

People who live in the same house.

People don’t have to live in the same house.

They love each other.

Grandma and Grandad because they can live in your house.

In the writing area, we drew our families and we used loose parts to make the faces of people in our families.

Help at home: Family photos 

Thank you for sending your family photos. There’s still time to email one if you haven’t had the chance yet.  Over the next few weeks, we will also be thinking about our homes. To help support our discussions and art project, please send in one picture of your front door.  You can email photos to


We’ve been using our subitising skills in maths this week.  When subitising, we can say how many there are in a small group by ‘just looking’ and knowing without needing to count.

We used counters to create our own arrangements of 2 and 3 and sorted pictures into groups showing 1, 2 and 3.


This week, we have learnt the phonemes (the sounds a letter makes) s,a,t and p.

During our phonics learning, we listened carefully to the initial sound in a word and sorted objects into those that started with ‘s’ and those that didn’t.

In Reception, we learn to say the pure sounds that letters make, so for ‘s’, we say ‘ssss’ rather than ‘suh’. To hear the pronunciation for each letter, you might like to watch this short video clip of the letters we’ll be learning this half term.

Help at home: Look out for a ‘learn at home’ sheet which recaps the phonics learning from the week.  Please look at this with your child and complete the activities.

Poetry Picnic

Each week, we will learn a new poem and will recite this poem every day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers. This week’s poem is called  Chop Chop.

Chop Chop
Chop, Chop, Choppity Chop.
Cut off the bottom and cut off the top.
What there is left, we put in the pot.
Chop, Chop, Choppity Chop


And here are a few other snap shots of our learning this week.


Next week, you will be issued your first eBook to share with your child. Your login details and reading record will be sent home soon. Please let us know if you do not have access to a device to read at home, as we have iPads for loan at the school office.

Please read with your child each week. As teachers, we have access to reading reports. We will be giving out certificates in class to celebrate your child’s reading at home.

Reception Baseline Assessment 

Within the first 6 weeks of Reception, your child will participate in the reception baseline assessment.

“The RBA is a short, interactive and practical assessment of your child’s early literacy, communication, language and mathematics skills when they begin school, using materials that most children of your child’s age will be familiar with. It became statutory for all schools from September 2021.” 

Click here to find out more.



‘Welcome to Reception’ meeting

Posted on Friday 20 September 2024 by Reception Team

Thank you to those parents/carers who were able to attend our ‘Welcome to Reception’ presentation on Thursday evening. We hope you found it informative.

If you were unable to attend or would like to re-visit the subjects we discussed, please click here to be taken to a PDF version of the slides used in the presentation.

Week 3 in 2C

Posted on Friday 20 September 2024 by Miss Young

The children are settling into Year 2 fantastically. It has been brilliant to see how quickly the children have adapted and settled into their new routines.

Here’s an overview of what we have been up to this week!



In Reading lessons we have been looking at the book ‘Little Red’ by Bethan Woolvin. This is a story inspired by Little Red Riding Hood but it has a twist at the end. We have been reading different versions of Little Red Riding Hood and have been comparing, discussing similarities and differences.

Our Poem of the week this week has been ‘Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf’ by Roald Dahl. On the first day, we listened to the poet read the poem via audio.  The next day we focussed on rhyming words and discussed what a rhyming word is. The following day, we started to look at the meaning of some tricky vocabulary in the poem and on Thursday we showed off our fluency and prosody. This poem will be sent home alongside homework Friday 20th.




We are continuing to learn about place value in Maths this half term. This week we have been learning about what each number represents within a two-digit number. For example in the number 24, the 2 represents two tens and the 4 represents 4 ones.  See some of our learning below.



In Science this week, the children have been learning about birds. This half term we will be learning all about different types of animals. Last week we learnt about mammals.

We know that all birds have a beak, wings, feathers and lay eggs. But all birds are not the same. Some birds cannot fly and only some birds can swim. During the lesson we went onto our school playground to see if we could spot any common birds. We saw several pigeons and 3 Kites!



During Topic lessons this week, the children have been learning all about houses in the past and why the fire spread so quickly back in 1666. We learnt that the fire spread quickly because the houses were made of wood and they were very close together. We also discussed that the ‘Great’ fire refers to the fire being big, spreading quickly and lasting 4 days. It was a significant historical event that happened a long time ago.



Here’s some other photographs showing what we have been up to this week!

Class News

Posted on Friday 20 September 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

Well done 3,4 C – what a great week of learning!

In our art skills lesson, we used charcoal on large pieces of paper to create marks and patterns. We compared our artwork and were really impressed with the results.

In PE, we played hockey! We focussed on passing the ball to each other using the push pass.

Well done to everyone who has used Times Tables Rockstars and/or Numbots. Help at home by encouraging your child to access these games to help secure their number facts and times tables. Please let me know if you have any trouble accessing either of these.