Class News

Art: observational drawing

Posted on Thursday 07 November 2024 by Mr Lindsay

Year 5 and 6 have been practising our observational drawing skills. We drew a line drawing of the leaves and then consider which colours (hues) to use.


Help at home: Take a winter walk and collect some items from nature. Have a go at drawing them. Can you use shade to help give your drawing form?

Our new school charity

Posted on Thursday 07 November 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

As part of our Community Week, we have been discussing about charities and how charity is the act of giving help to those who need it. There was a list of charities for each class to research and consider. The children enjoyed discussing these with their peers. A democratic vote was made in each class and the result was brought to the Junior Leadership Team. They discussed the votes and settled on The Willow Foundation.

The main objective of the charity is to support 16-40 year olds in the UK who are newly diagnosed with a life-threatening illness. When they should be enjoying the prime of life, they’re dealing with stress, isolation, medication and hospital appointments.

Willow believes that every moment should be precious. They’re dedicated to helping young adults take much needed time out from the reality of living with serious illness, creating magic moments that become lasting memories.

If you’d like to find out more about the charity, please visit the website below.

Fundraising that takes place this year will be donated to this charity.

Thank you for your support with this.

Scholes Community Library

Posted on Wednesday 06 November 2024 by Fiona Brown

All classes in school have been lucky enough to visit Scholes Library this week. It has been a fabulous opportunity to support a great community resource which we are fortunate enough to have on our school’s doorstep. Each class had the opportunity to explore the library and to bring back five books to enjoy in class.


Help at home: Visit the library with your child. You can help to engage your child with reading new books and help to support our local community at the same time.

Back to Funky Fingers with a bang!

Posted on Tuesday 05 November 2024 by Miss Young

We’ve had a brilliant evening at Funky Fingers club. We started off the session with 2 draw along videos of fireworks… after all, it is Bonfire Night!

How To Draw A Firework

How To Draw An Exploding Firework

(Please note that these videos do not belong to School. Please watch your child when on YouTube).

The children then used their imaginations to make various collages, drawings and models inspired by the fireworks.

KS1 Caring For Our Community

Posted on Monday 04 November 2024 by Fiona Brown

Today we launched Me and My Community Week in class. It started with a discussion about the word ‘community’ and what it means. We talked about how you can be connected with people within a community in lots of different ways. The pupils thought about the family, friendship groups, school, clubs and religious groups that we may be a part of. We wondered about the people who we are connected with through these groups.

Circle Time

During Circle Time, we played a game where we each, in turn, chose someone and thought of a way we’re connected with them and then sat down. They then had their turn to choose someone and sit down. And so it went until everyone was sat down. We learnt that some of us are connected together in different ways but we are all connected together in class by being part of the Scholes (Elmet) Primary School community.

“I’m connected with R because I saw him at Lotherton Hall in the holiday.”

“I’m connected with K because we both go to football.”

“I’m connected with D because we go to the same school.”

“I’m connected with A because we always play together.”

Caring for our community

How can you look after your family community?

“I can look after my family community by making dinner for them and whatever they want, I’d give it to them.”

“I can look after my family community by making my bed and cleaning the yard.”

“I can look after my family community by cleaning the mess downstairs and in my brother’s bedroom.”

“I would just help them and if they’re sick I would help them and give them medicine and plasters and chairs to sit on so they can rest their energy.”

How can you look after your school community?

“I can look after my school community by not getting any warnings.”

“I can look after my school community by tidying up.”

“I can look after my school community by helping people with their handwriting and telling them the sentence when they forget.”

“I can look after my school community by tidying up the classroom.”

Help at home: Talk to your child about your community and which groups or clubs they may be a part of. Who do they know from them and how are they connected to those people? You could create a spider chart of one of the clubs with strands of the people they know from it.

Community week – library visit

Posted on Monday 04 November 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

We were lucky enough in 5,6B to start Community week off by visiting Scholes library. Even though it is only two minutes from school, it was great to be reminded of what a little gem it is. We were given a talk on how the library runs by Madeline and what books are stocked in the library. She emphasised how easy it is to get a library card and be able to borrow books to enjoy at home. We then spent some time perusing the shelves in order to select a few books to bring back and enjoy in class.

Help at home: Encourage your child to visit the library and access this brilliant resource. It will get your child enthusiastic about reading at home!

Living and Learning- I take part in democratic decisions

Posted on Wednesday 30 October 2024 by Mrs Wilkins

Voting for our class Junior Leadership Member is always an exciting part of the school year. KS1 had a fantastic time listening to candidate speeches and voting via secret ballot. Congratulations to our winners. We anticipate great things from our Junior Leadership Team this year!





Is there room on the broom?

Posted on Friday 25 October 2024 by Nursery Team


We’ve enjoyed re-telling the story in the book corner using props and puppets, joining in with the repeated refrains “…and whoosh they were gone!” In group time, we drew patterns on the witch’s hat and we had to use our listening ears to listen carefully to the description and animal noises to work out who was hiding from the story. Was it the cat, dog, frog or bird?

In the sensory area, we loved exploring the inside of some pumpkins. We added some sticky spaghetti worms too, they were ” gooey”

Outside, children loved searching around the garden to find all of the hidden characters and props from the story. Where was the broomstick hiding? 

Have a look at some of the other activities from this week.

When we return to Nursery on Monday 04 November, we’ll re-cap on the story before we begin to think about Bonfire night.


Please send any photos of your half term adventures to our email address We can share them at group time.

Our Nursery coffee morning is on Tuesday 05 November at 9am.Come and join us to meet other nursery parents In the Hub.

Have a happy and healthy half term.

Potion Commotion

Posted on Thursday 24 October 2024 by Reception Team

Potion Commotion

We’ve been reading Potion Commotion by Peter Bently and Sernur Isik.

We’ve been writing our own potion recipes and making potions in the water tray. Using our growing phonic knowledge and skills, we have been able to represent the sounds (phonemes) we could hear in words with the letters (graphemes).


We’ve enjoyed themed activities, with a focus on developing important skills.


This week has been a revision week.

In provision, we’ve been making our own flashcards.

Poetry Picnic

Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers. This week’s poem is called Pointy Hat

Watch us recite it here!

Help at home; light and dark

If you go to any light shows, see any illuminations or go to a firework display over the half term break, we’d love to share your photos in class. We’ll use the pictures to support our next topic on light and dark.

3,4 DT – egg pots

Posted on Thursday 24 October 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

Over the last couple of weeks, the children have had a great time making an egg pot.

The children practised cracking eggs and using a knife safely to cut the tomatoes. The children also discussed the importance of food hygiene.

At home, why not make this recipe!


Well done for a fabulous half term of learning!

Enjoy the holidays and see you soon!

Team 3,4