Class News

Fantastic Football!

Posted on Saturday 08 June 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

Well, what a day!

Today it was Boston Spa Football Gala and Mr Catherall and myself took some year 5’s and 6’s to try our luck in the football tournament. We had a boys team and a mixed team. The boys fought hard against some really strong teams and tried their best. The mixed team were on fire today and walked away being gala winners and are now the proud winners of a very big, shiny trophy! They worked amazingly as a team, great communication between all the girls and boys and even though they were exhausted, they tried their best to the bitter end! Lily was an amazing goalkeeper and did some amazing saves! Elisa, Thomas and Jeevan scored the winning goals in the final. Thomas was ‘Man of the Match’ – well done! Thank you to all the parents who supported us today – we couldn’t have done it without you!

I will polish the trophy ready for school on Monday! Well done to all the players today – you made us very proud and represented our school fantastically.


Posted on Friday 07 June 2024 by Reception Team

Children returned to Nursery happily on Monday and enjoyed telling us  about their holiday adventures. These conversations led to us to talk about different types of transport, including trains, boats and planes.

We sorted and counted lots of vehicles in the maths area and built a train with carriages in the construction area. Children made tickets to sell to the passengers as they got on board.

During story times, we’ve enjoyed hearing about the adventures of ‘The Little Red Train‘ and watching a song about a magic train ride. We looked closely at the detailed illustrations in the Little Red Train books and talked about the different places that Duffy, the driver, visited. Was it the city, countryside or seaside?  How did they know?

Children drew a map of the journey; the train started in the city and travelled past farms in the countryside and went through a dark tunnel before it reached the seaside.

Children loved using the remote controlled cars this week and were able to move them backwards and forwards between the obstacles.

In group time,  we talked about night and day and next week, we’ll move on to ordering key events in our daily routines .

Help at home: Talk to your child about day and night time. What activities do people do in the day and at night?   What do they do in the morning/afternoon/evening?

After lots of interest in pouring the PVA glue between containers in the craft area, we decided to add to slime to our sensory area. It was a big, albeit messy, hit!

We’ve also enjoyed fire fighter role play (Do you like our safety helmets?), making planes and spaceships and practising our cutting skills.

Next week’s learning:

For the final half term, we’ll revisit all of the sounds we have learnt and we will focus on key phonics skills such as identifying initial sounds, spotting rhymes and segmenting and blending words.

Over the next few weeks, our focus will be on oral ‘segmenting and blending’ skills. This is when we segment words into sounds and learn how to blend them together. Segmenting and blending orally is an important skill for children to acquire before they begin the more formal teaching of phonics in Reception.  We practise segmenting and blending sounds that we can hear in words, we don’t expect children to recognise or write the letters in Nursery. This skill is quite tricky and can take children some time to grasp; it will continue to be taught throughout the Foundation Stage.

To segment ‘bus’, we would say ‘b – u – s’ . We always use pure sounds and try to avoid putting ‘uh’ on the end of a sound. E.g. ‘ssss’ not ‘suh’.

Please don’t hesitate to ask Nursery staff for any further information with how to support your child at home.

3,4A Class News

Posted on Friday 07 June 2024 by Mrs Paterson

A new half-term means new topics! This week, we have started our DT unit and have been learning about the design process before we go on to design and sew our own products.

In Writing, we are learning about what makes a good instruction text, looking at features such as adverbs and imperative verbs. We will be writing our own recipes to show off these skills.

Help at home by asking your child about their learning. Can they give you an example of an adverb? What job does an adverb do?

In PE, we have started a series of tennis lessons and this week, focused on developing our throwing and catching skills.

In Y3 Maths, we are learning about shape and have started by looking at different types of angles. See below where we identified right angles around the classroom.

Maths right angles

One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab

Posted on Friday 07 June 2024 by Reception Team

One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab

We’ve been reading One is a Snail, Ten is a Crab by April Sayre and Jeff Sayre.

This book, which is set on a beach, has a maths link. It describes how many legs you can see when combining different animals, insects and humans!

In our writing, we’ve used images from the book and described what we can see.

The book has also inspired lots of talk around seaside locations we have visited before.

Help at home- To continue our discussions around seaside locations, it would be lovely to have some pictures up around the classroom of the children visiting a beach. Please email these over to


Geography- Where do we live?

In our non-fiction reading, we’ve been looking at maps of the United Kingdom. Country is our word of the week. We’ve learnt that there are many countries across the world and that our country is called England.

The children enjoyed looking at a map of the United Kingdom, locating Leeds and having a go at reading seaside towns.

Help at home- Next week, we’ll be focusing on our city; Leeds. Please have a chat with your child about their favourite places to visit in the city, as we’ll be asking about this in class. 

Maths; counting and arrangement of shapes

Over the next few weeks, we’ll be revisiting mathematical skills learnt across the year. This week, we’ve been revisiting number patterns, such as double facts.

In provision, we’ve been using Tangram pictures to match position, orientation and arrangement of shapes.


We’ve been making observational drawings of real-life objects(shells).


Summer 2 week 1 has focused on phase 4 words with long vowel sounds.

In provision, we’ve been having a go at ‘sentence substitution’; reading a sentence and replacing one word with a different word, making sure the sentence still makes sense.

Poetry Picnic

Each week we will be learning a new poem. We will recite this poem each day. By saying the poem out loud, we can focus on the sounds and rhythm of each word or line. We talk to the children about how this can help us become better readers. This week’s poem is called Thunderstorm.


Living and Learning

I know the ingredients of a happy and healthy relationship.

During our living and learning session, the children created a friendship soup. They thought carefully about what ingredients would make a good friend.

If someone wants to play and no-one else will play, I will play with them.

Please can I have that?

You share toys.

Please may I play with you.

Please can I have a turn.

Go to someone if they feel sad.


Listening to a piece of music, the children drew in time to the music and shared their feelings.

When it was loud, I wanted to run. Violet

I liked it because there were drums. Frankie

It makes me want to dance. Eli

It made me think of an elephant because it was loud.  Sienna

It made me feel excited. It sounded like a lion. Lula



Getting ready for year one

We are now in Summer 2 and starting to think about transition into year one. To get the children prepared, we’d like parents/carers to encourage children to come into school through their classroom door independently and wave them off at the waving window. We know there are a few children already doing this, which is great for developing that independence.

Having said this, please know that our door will continue to be open to you for chats and if your child wants to show you their learning.

Thank you for your support.

Swimming dates 

Rainbow –  12 June, 26 June, 10 July

Sunshine – 19 June, 3 July, 17 July

More From Day Three at Robin Wood

Posted on Friday 07 June 2024 by Mr Lindsay


Day Three at Robin Wood

Posted on Friday 07 June 2024 by Mr Lindsay

Adventure playground fun

Posted on Friday 07 June 2024 by Miss Young

2C have come back to school for their final half term in Year 2 fantastically well. They have been incredibly well behaved, followed our school rules and have been kind and respectful to one another.

Our class target this week has been 3-2-1 STOP this week. They achieved this several times this week and that meant that the class got their class prize. This was to spend some time in the afternoon on our adventure playground.

We had a brilliant time!

Day 2 in the Robinwood House!

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2024 by Mrs Hogarth

More Fun from Day Two at Robin Wood

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2024 by Mr Lindsay

Reading – class novel

Posted on Thursday 06 June 2024 by Mrs Latham

Our focus reading book for the next few weeks is Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett.

We are loving the story and the messages within it.

Help at home by talking to your child about the book and asking them if they would sell something precious that made them happy. Do they think that money automatically makes you happy?