Nursery Class News


Posted on Wednesday 15 May 2019 by Reception Team


Here are a few photographs from our first encounter with the new chicks. As you can see from our faces, we were captivated by them and amazed at how tiny they were.

Three more chicks hatched over night so we now have seven. We’ll keep you updated with their progress.

Cheep cheep!

Posted on Tuesday 14 May 2019 by Reception Team

What an egg-citing day! This morning, we noticed that one of the eggs in the incubator had a little hole in it and we could hear some chirping coming from inside. We were very excited and waited patiently, peeking in the incubator throughout the morning. By lunchtime, a chick had hatched fully and it was followed shortly afterwards by 2 more.

We can’t wait to see if the other eggs will hatch over night. Please call into Nursery this week and have a look.

Meet Feather, Chicky and Hattie! The fourth chick hatched right at the end of the day so still needs a name. Let us know your suggestions.


We’ll post some more photos soon.



Tadpoles and frogs

Posted on Sunday 12 May 2019 by Reception Team

This week, we enjoyed learning a little bit more about our wriggly guests in Nursery. We looked at the tadpoles carefully and drew them using fine liners; they were too quick to look at with our Exploroscope!

Children loved singing ‘Five Little Speckled Frogs’.  Here’s a link to a video in case you don’t know the song so that you can sing a long at home!

In the sensory area, we had ‘tapioca’ frogspawn and tadpoles. It was great fun to scoop it up and look at all of the little jelly balls. It looked like tiny tadpole eggs which we learnt is called frogspawn. We enjoyed finding out about the life cycle of a frog and children can’t wait for the legs to begin to grow.

It was a very wet week but that didn’t stop us from taking our learning outside. We made potions and explored colour mixing in the rain. As we were making our potions, we noticed that we could smell something. After a little bit of investigating, we realised that it was the herbs that we could smell. We talked about fresh basil on pizzas and the smell of mint reminded us of brushing our teeth.

Some children noticed that the water in the tray changed colour when they added some paint. This led to lots of conversations regarding colour mixing and how to make the blue water change to purple or green.



The Evil Pea strikes!

Posted on Sunday 05 May 2019 by Reception Team

Oh, what fun we’ve had in Nursery this week! Continuing with our love of the Supertato stories, this week, the Evil Pea visited Nursery and has been up to mischief.

On Tuesday, he kidnapped all of the carrots from our snack bowl and hid them outside. Children were very excited trying to spot them all from the window and couldn’t wait to get outside to find them and set them free. Children worked together to figure out how to get them down from all of the different places, high and low.

Once the carrots had been set free, we used a giant tens frame to count how many we had found and marked on our carrot clipboards.

The children were very excited and couldn’t wait to see what the Evil Pea would get up to next!

On Wednesday, he had visited Nursery and left us a letter.

The Evil Pea had captured all of the vegetables from our fridge and locked them up outside.  Luckily for us, he must have dropped his map on the way out and so we had a clue to follow.

We drew on the locations of the keys that we could see in our garden and went outside to hunt for the missing keys.

Children quickly found the keys and began to try and unlock the mini padlocks. However, the keys didn’t fit! With a bit of team work,  they figured out that the coloured bands on the padlocks must match the colours on the keys. Phew! The locks opened and the veggies were free.

Our visit from The Evil Pea caused lots of excitement in Nursery and stimulated some fantastic conversations as a result of his mischievous deeds.

Children demonstrated lots of the ‘characteristics of effective learning’ during these activities; they were… motivated, curious, exploring, engaging, pretending, solving problems, deciding, negotiating, thinking, focussing, persisting, concentrating and proud of their achievements.

Outside, we practised aiming and throwing by trying to knock Evil Pea and his friends off their spots and squirting them with water! These activities are a great way to develop both gross and fine motor skills from the Physical Development part of the Early Years curriculum.  Squirting water  definitely helped to strengthen finger muscles!



Get active with orienteering – FREE EVENT

Posted on Tuesday 30 April 2019 by Mrs Latham

Your local orienteering club, AIRIENTEERS, are hosting a FREE orienteering event especially for juniors, families and anyone new to the sport.

PLACE : Millennium Field, off Barleyfields Ct, Wetherby, LS22 6FZ

DATE : Saturday 11th May 1:30-2:30

There will be courses with electronic timing for all ages.
See for more information about the races.
Start any time from 1:30 to 2:30. Just turn up and run.

Supertato to the rescue!

Posted on Friday 26 April 2019 by Reception Team

Children are thoroughly enjoying the Super Veggie themed enhancements to Nursery. They loved creating their own vegetable superheroes; thank you to everyone who supported us and provided their child with a vegetable for the home link activity.

In maths, we’ve been learning about heavier and lighter using the balance scales. Lots of children knew the word ‘heavy’ but many needed support to understand ‘light/lightest’. You could continue this learning at home by asking questions during everyday activities. Which bag from the supermarket is lightest? Which toy is lighter?

Outside, some children showed real perseverance when building a frame for a den.  They had to work out where to put each connecting part and  cooperate with each other, to help hold the poles in place until the cube was stable. Great team work, Nursery!

The tadpoles and arrival of our eggs have also created lots of excitement; we’ll continue to learn about their life cycles over the next few weeks as we watch them grow and develop and wait for the eggs to hatch!

Super Veggies!

Posted on Sunday 21 April 2019 by Reception Team

Once the Easter excitement has faded, we’re going to enjoy reading about the adventures of ‘Supertato’ and his vegetable friends. Many children have shown an interest in this book and its superhero characters.  We’ll also continue with our ‘growing’ theme and learning about different life cycles. As well as our new Nursery children, we will also welcome some other visitors to Nursery. Some are small, wriggly and live in a tank and some are very fragile and will spend the next 21 days in our incubator… You’ll have to ask your child to tell you more!

For this week’s home link activity, can you visit the supermarket or raid your fridge to find some weird and wonderful veggies to send into Nursery? We’re going to transform them into superheroes – watch this space for some photos next week.

Easter fun

Posted on Friday 19 April 2019 by Reception Team

It was lovely to see everyone’s smiling faces on their return to Nursery this week. We enjoyed hearing about all of your fun adventures over the holidays; from camping trips with inflatable sofas, sledging in the mountains, meeting Princesses and building sandcastles in Wales!

This week, our learning was themed around Easter. We enjoyed sampling hot cross buns at snack time and talked about the Easter story and some of the ways that Christians celebrate Easter.

One of the most popular activities this week was decorating and rolling eggs.  After rolling our eggs, we noticed that the shells had begun to crack. We enjoyed cracking them open and carefully removing the shell.  Many children were amazed at what they found inside! They loved peeling away the egg white to reveal the yellow yolk.

Outside, we enjoyed taking part in egg hunts. Children took turns to hide the eggs for each other and pretended to be the Easter bunny.  We counted the eggs back into the basket each time and somebody realised that the golden egg had gone missing!  We looked all over for it, but couldn’t find it anywhere. We drew a map of the Nursery garden to make sure that we searched everywhere. A few children thought that Jack had stolen it, just like he stole the golden egg from the giant.  Mrs Brown called Jack’s mum on the phone but he was out – probably climbing beanstalks! Eventually, we decided to make a giant, golden egg; we certainly wouldn’t loose that one!

When the missing egg was found (it was hiding in a welly!), some children decided to make a special nest to help keep it safe.

At the maths table, we counted eggs and compared their sizes, colours and patterns.  We also had some stacking chicks; it was quite tricky to find the matching top and bottom parts.  In our Fiddly Fingers area, we used a timer to race against the clock to see how many eggs we could pick out of the nest in 3 minutes. Using the tweezers was difficult, but it was great to see children persevering until they mastered it.


Welcome back!

Posted on Friday 12 April 2019 by Reception Team

We hope that you’ve had a great holiday and are looking forward to returning to Nursery.

Over the next few weeks, we’re going to be learning about Spring time. It would be beneficial for your child if you could consolidate this learning at home too.
There are lots of things you could do:

  • Talk about any signs of spring that you can see when you go for a walk to the park or visit a farm. Can you hear the birds singing?
  • E-mail us some photographs of flowers, buds on trees or baby animals that you see.
  • Draw/paint a picture or create a collage of some spring flowers.
  • Learn the names of some farm animals and their babies (eg sheep/lamb)

As always, we’d love to hear about your holiday adventures. Please e-mail or bring in a leaflet to show us where you have visited during the holidays.

RSPB visit

Posted on Wednesday 20 March 2019 by Reception Team

This afternoon, we had a special visitor from the RSPB. We listened to a story all about a baby hedgehog. Everything in the hedgehog’s nest and little world was brown. The walls were brown, the floor was brown, Mummy hedgehog was brown – brown was everywhere!  One dark night, Mummy hedgehog decided it was time to leave the nest. A whole host of sights, smells, sounds, tastes and textures awaited the little hedgehog.  He enjoyed crunching a beetle in the garden; it tasted yummy. He saw colourful flowers and felt the prickles of a bramble bush on his nose. Ouch!

We talked about using our senses to explore our environment, just like the baby hedgehog had done on his adventures outside his nest.  Next, the children worked in groups to explore the Nursery garden using all of their senses.  They listened to the special call that robins use to ‘talk’ to each other and looked for different coloured flowers and plants. We enjoyed finding ‘smelly’ plants to make a special hedgehog soup.

What a great afternoon of learning in the sunshine! We’d like to thank the RSPB for joining us and running this session; we had a great time.