Home Link activity – Christmas holidays
Please send us some photographs of your Christmas celebrations with family or of an exciting day out that you enjoy. We will share these photos during group time in the first week back in January; they’ll be a great way of starting our conversations.
Please email scholesf1@spherefederation.org
We hope that you have a lovely Christmas holiday and wish you a very happy New Year!
Story time with Santa
Did you hear that Father Christmas came to visit today?
There was a lot of excitement in Nursery this morning when we heard a jingle and jangling of bells. We gathered in the Quiet Room and were very surprised to see Santa appear at the door!
We were very lucky; Santa had heard about how much we love to listen to stories in Nursery and so he had brought a Christmas book to read to us. Children sat very still as Santa told the story of a missing present and a special Christmas star. At the end of our story, Father Christmas very kindly gave all the children a present. Thank you Santa!
A touch of frost
Brrrrrr! It was very chilly outside on the walk to Nursery today. Children came into Nursery talking about the frost that they had seen. We went for a walk in the garden but we had to be quite careful as it was very slippy! Miss Backhouse noticed that you couldn’t see very far into the distance because it was so foggy. Everybody found a leaf on the floor and we talked about the tiny little pieces of ice that covered them. We even found some frozen droplets of water underneath the lid of the water tray.
These were the first signs that we’ve seen of winter so far but we’re sure there’ll be many more when we return to Nursery in January.
The last day of term, Friday 20 December, is a non-uniform day.
Party time!
We all had a great time at our Nursery Christmas party on Monday. First, we went into the hall to play some party games including pass the parcel and ‘pin the nose on Rudoph’!
After the games, we enjoyed sharing some party food. The pineapple and watermelon were popular, but maybe not quite as much as the Christmas cup cakes! Yum, yum.
We also enjoyed singing along to some of our favourite Christmas songs. You could join in at home with Jingle Bells or ‘When Santa got stuck up the chimney’.
Christmas reminders
Just one more week to go! Here are a few things to remember this week…
- Our Nursery Christmas party is on Monday afternoon. Please make sure you add your £1 contribution to our pot when you sign in. We are using your donations to buy the party food and treats. Thank you.
- Please send children to Nursery wearing their Christmas clothes.
- If your child doesn’t usually attend on Monday afternoons, you can bring them to Nursery at 1 pm and return to collect them at 2.30pm.
- If you are joining us for one of our ‘Stay and decorate‘ sessions on Wednesday or Thursday, please check the notice board for the date and time that you have selected.
- Have you returned your Story Time with Santa letter and payment? If you haven’t please send your £1.50 contribution to Nursery this week. Thank you.
- Finally, please take home all of your child’s belongings including their wellies on their last session and remember to check their going home folder for Christmas cards and pictures.
O Christmas tree…
In between our performances this week, we managed to make the most of some outdoor learning time. Children had great fun working together to create some giant artwork by decorating a Christmas tree. They loved adding the loose parts to the Christmas tree outline and were very pleased with their finished tree.
Here we go round the Christmas tree, the Christmas tree, the Christmas tree. Here we go round the Christmas tree, doesn’t it look lovely!
In our water tray this week, we removed the water and added some festive sparkle instead! Children loved the sensory experience of the shredded paper; exploring it’s texture, how it moved and scooping and pouring it. There were also some hidden presents to find. The presents were all different shapes which provided lots of opportunities to talk about the properties and names of basic 2D shapes (square, triangle, circle and rectangle). Please continue this learning at home. What shapes can you find on the presents under the tree? Can you see any shapes on the patterns on the wrapping paper?
It’s Our First Christmas Play
Well done, Nursery! We were very proud of all of our children this week during our performances of ‘It’s Our First Christmas Play’. It’s not easy to stand in the bright lights on a stage in front of so many adults, especially when you are just 3 or 4! We thought the children did brilliantly; they joined in with singing and dancing and were well behaved throughout. We hope you thought so too! Thank you for all of your positive comments regarding the performance and for your support with their super costumes.
Home Link – Christmas story
A few children brought in their favourite Christmas stories last week and we enjoyed sharing them during story time. We enjoyed looking at all of the miniature letters and cards that were inside the ‘Jolly Christmas Postman’ and the children loved peeking through the postbox at the end of the story. ‘Stickman’ was also very popular at story time too; many children could join in with the repeated parts of the story.
We haven’t had chance to read of all your books yet though so we’re going to continue this Home Link for the week beginning Monday 9 December. If you haven’t had chance yet, please bring in your child’s favourite Christmas story (or any favourite story if you don’t have a Christmas one) this week. Thank you
Christmas has arrived in Nursery!
December has arrived and children came to Nursery on Monday morning full of excitement and with tales of decorating Christmas trees and visits to see Santa.
We’re sure you’ll have already noticed the Christmas themed enhancements in Nursery this week. Here are a few of the areas that we have adapted to promote learning though different areas of play.
In our Maths area, we have a selection of baubles, bells and pom poms. Children can use tweezers to pick up the objects and sort them onto the Christmas tree shapes. This is an open ended activity to promote counting and sorting. It also doubles up as a fiddly finger challenge too, helping to strengthen children’s hand muscles as they squeeze the tweezers. We have a similar activity in our water tray, but on a larger scale. Children are enjoying catching the floating baubles using larger tongs and both hands.
In our small world areas, children have been learning about the Nativity story and delivering presents in Santa’s sleigh. Children have even started to tell their own stories involving Santa’s sleigh getting stuck in the snow!
Many children have been talking about writing a letter to Santa. In our mark making area, we have been practising our scissor skills by cutting out toys that we would like. There are some very long lists! Some children wrote their name next to their chosen toy and others practised writing the first letter of their name.
In our new North Pole role play area, children, or should we say elves, were very busy wrapping presents ready to put in Santa’s sack. We’ve seen some great team work as children used the bricks to make a sleigh for Santa. We counted how many elves there were and worked out how many seats the sleigh would need to have.