Nursery Class News

Thank you – ALDI sticker collection

Posted on Wednesday 18 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

This week, we received our free sports kit from the ALDI sticker collecting we did last year. We collected two posters worth, so got two bags! We look forward getting sporty with them in the not too distant future.



Parent/carer meetings – postponed

Posted on Tuesday 17 March 2020 by Reception Team

As outlined in our latest social media post, we are following government guidelines regarding social distancing. We have therefore cancelled our parent/carer meetings next week. We will inform you of the alternative dates when we have more information.

Home Link – Spring

Posted on Saturday 14 March 2020 by Reception Team

We’re beginning to notice some changes in our Nursery garden; spring is definitely here. Over the next few weeks we’ll be learning about spring time. Please continue with this learning at home by taking part in one or more of these activities.

  • Go for a walk, what signs of spring can you see? Buds and leaves growing on trees? Birds singing? Baby farm animals in the fields?   Take some photos or even better, draw a picture to show us what you saw.
  • During spring, lots of animals have their babies. Find out the name of some baby animals e.g Sheep, pig, goat, duck and cow.
  • Draw a picture of a flower you can see growing on your walk to Nursery or in your garden. Remember to draw the petals, a stem and some leaves. Talk about the shapes and colours as you draw.
  • During spring, seeds begin to grow. In the story of Jack and the Beanstalk, Jack’s magic beans grow into a beanstalk. Tell the story of Jack and the Beanstalk with your grown up, you could even act it out together.

Remember to let us know when you have completed some learning at home together so that we can add a star to your child’s photo.

Parent/carer meetings

Posted on Saturday 14 March 2020 by Reception Team

We’re looking forward to meeting you all over the next two weeks to discuss your child’s progress in Nursery.

Our evening appointments on the 16 and 25 March will take place in the main school entrance hall. Please wait in the lobby for your allocated appointment time.

Morning appointments will be held in Nursery so please come to the Nursery door before your appointment time and somebody will greet you.

Sport Relief – take two

Posted on Friday 13 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We joined in with Sport Relief again today. Each class completed their own sport challenges – trying to improve personal best scores in skipping, basketball, running and football. Thank you for all the donations to this charity.

Some sunshine!

Posted on Friday 13 March 2020 by Reception Team

We had some very mixed weather this week again, but when the sun came out, so did we! The children enjoyed singing together in the sunshine and using the bikes, climbing frame and slide.  As we posted a few weeks ago, behind every photograph, is lots of learning.

Whilst lots of people may just see children having fun riding bikes and whizzing down the slide, we see this too, as well as lots of aspects of the Physical Development part of the Early Years curriculum being developed.

In the 30-50 months developmental band for Physical Development, children should be able to:

  • Move freely and with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways such as slithering, shuffling, rolling, crawling, walking, running, jumping, skipping, sliding and hopping.
  • Mount stairs, steps or climbing equipment with alternate feet.
  • Walks downstairs, two feet to each step while carrying a small object.
  • Runs skilfully and negotiates space or direction to avoid obstacles.
  • Can stand momentarily on one foot when shown.

At the end of the week, as part of Sport Relief, we took part in an obstacle course which practised many of these skills. Photographs to follow soon!

We loved listening to the story of Jack and the Beanstalk this week so we’re going to continue with this story into next week. We’ll also be learning about changes that we can see around us during spring and Mother’s Day.

Fee Fi Fo Fum!

Posted on Sunday 08 March 2020 by Reception Team

Last week, we enjoyed a few sunny afternoons in the Nursery garden. Children noticed the daffodils and some other flowers growing and we began to talk about spring time and growing. Some children helped Miss Backhouse to weed and prepare the planters ready to plant our seeds. This week, we will plant some vegetable seeds outside. We’re also going to plant our own bean seeds, and as you will have already guessed, we couldn’t possibly do this without reading one of our favourite stories, Jack and the Beanstalk.

This week, some of our learning will be themed around this story. In maths, we will count magic beans and remember to STOP at the stop number. Eg. Jack needs 5 magic beans.  In our sensory area, we’ll be exploring different types of beans, including baked beans, kidney beans and runner beans.  We might even find some of the hen’s golden eggs in our water tray. Which eggs float? Which eggs sink? Why?

Hens, hand washing and hunting for treasure

Posted on Friday 06 March 2020 by Reception Team

What a busy week! On Tuesday, Mrs Beesley collected some eggs from the farm and we put them in our incubator. During group time, we talked about how to care for the eggs and how to behave when we’re near the incubator. We have to be very careful not to knock it! Children were fascinated by the eggs and were very curious about what was happening inside the egg.  We read a non-fiction book about the life cycle of a hen; we looked carefully at photographs which showed what happens inside the egg as the chick grows. It takes 21 days before the chicks will hatch. We’re counting down the days…

With the increased focus on hygiene in the news at the moment, we’ve been paying extra attention to handwashing this week. We’ve enjoyed singing a  few songs about washing our hands, inlcuding this song  and have learnt how to wash our palms, in between our fingers, the backs of our hands and our thumbs and fingernails! We’ve all noticed a big improvement in children’s hand washing, we hope you have at home too.

Over the last few weeks, children have returned several times to making pirate ships in our role play area. To follow this interest further, we’ve created a small world area outside with pirate ships. Children have been hiding and hunting for treasure but we couldn’t do this without drawing some treasure maps. Can you find the ‘X’ that marks the spot on our maps?

Thank you for helping us help Sport Relief

Posted on Friday 06 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We started our Sport Relief fundraising a week early because we were expecting BBC Look North coming to launch the Big Summit Sofa challenge. Unfortunately, we were let down and they postponed the event at the last minute last night. We are resilient and resourceful at Scholes though and were determined to make it a happy and healthy day anyway. We completed nearly an hour of Wake Up Shake Up routines and raised £219.24 for Sport Relief. Thank you to everyone who sent contributions in and to the people who came to watch and support us!

POSTPONED – Big Sofa Summit for Sport Relief 6 March

Posted on Thursday 05 March 2020 by Mrs Latham

We have had a message from the BBC tonight saying,

We have taken the difficult decision to postpone the Big Summit Sofa Challenge until later in the year. Our role is to deliver our audience the best possible coverage and to do that we need every member of our team on duty.

We are all so disappointed but we will still be dressing in our sports kits and raising money for Sport Relief by doing an extended Wake Up Shake Up dance-athon session as one of our sports challenges. Feel free to come and watch from 9am.