Nursery Class News

A very busy week

Posted on Friday 14 February 2025 by Nursery Team

This week, as part of our Expressive Arts and Design curriculum, we’ve re-visited learning to draw ourselves. We used mirrors to look at our faces and talked about what shape we needed to draw on the paper first. We then looked at our features and tried to add more details to our drawings such as hair, ears and eyes. Some children added eye lashes and eyebrows.

Have a go at home together. Can you draw each other? Start with a circle shape for your face and then add in some features

Tuesday was our Internet safety Day at Nursery. We talked about ways to stay safe whilst using technology at home such as always making sure that we are near a grown up. Only using apps and games that our parents and carers have said are ok for us to play. We also agreed that we’d tell someone if we saw anything that we didn’t like pop up on our screens.

We also followed an interest in magnetism this week. The children found the magnetic boards outside and wanted to find out more. We began exploring to find out which things were magnetic.

“It sticks to the cake tin, look”

“Metal, it sticks to the metal leg”

We found a construction kit that we could make models that used magnets to hold the parts together.

Learning after half term: 

We’ll be reading Jack and the Beanstalk and beginning our ‘growing’ theme.  If you have a copy of the book at home, please read it together.

Nursery rhyme of the week – Mary, Mary quite contrary.

Sound of the week – ‘Uu’ for Umbrella

We’re also learning about growing up and looking at how we change as we get older.

It would be great if we could look at some photographs of children when they were babies and toddlers. If you are able to, please send us an email with one photograph of your child as a baby and one photograph of them as a toddler. We’ll use these in group time sessions and will also be adding them to our Home Corner family display.

Reminder – World Book Day

It’s World Book Day on Thursday 06 March. This year, we will celebrate by bringing our favourite book to nursery to share with our friends. Please make sure that your child’s name is in their book. If you can stay a little bit longer at drop off on Thursday morning, we’d love for you to share a book with your child or to join in with some of the World Book Day activities that will be in provision. It’s always a day that we really enjoy at nursery, so please join in if you can.

We hope that you all have a happy and healthy half term and we’ll see you on Monday 24 February.

Nursery Coffee Morning

Posted on Wednesday 12 February 2025 by Nursery Team

Following the half-term break we will be holding another Nursery coffee morning.

As you will have seen advertised in the school calendar, this will take place on Thursday 27 February 2025 from 9am until 9:30am.
Come and get to know other Nursery parents/carers and some of the Scholes (Elmet) Primary School staff.
We look forward to seeing you – come along to the Hub (the door just to the side of Nursery) after you have dropped your child off at Nursery.

Feed the birds

Posted on Sunday 09 February 2025 by Nursery Team

It’s been a busy week in Nursery. The children love exploring the outside area, especially looking for worms and bugs under the logs. This week they began to notice that they couldn’t find many.  Where they had gone?

We talked about the cold, frosty weather and how the ground had been very hard. The children then began to think about the birds in our garden and wondered what they were eating?  We decided to make them some food. Cutting up lard very carefully, we mixed it together with bird seed, it was “sticky” and “gooey”

We pressed it into cups, added string, and then hung them in our Nursery garden. We took some home too, so that we could watch the birds at home. Let us know if your bird feeder attracts the birds into your outside space. 

Some other activities from this week in Nursery.

Self-help skills are very important as the children develop. At lunchtime we are developing our skills of independence by learning how to use a knife and fork. We have been practising this skill in our dough area too.

In group time, children in red, blue and green group learnt about the number 2.  We looked at a domino that had one spot on one end, and one spot on the other. When we looked at the spots together, there were two. Children knew that they had 2 eyes, 2 ears and 2 feet. We jumped twice and counted two claps.

Help at home: Have a look around your house and surroundings – What can you find two of?  You might see two wheels on your bike or 2 eggs left in the box. Can you spot any number twos on doors or number plates?    Send us an e-mail to let us know how you get on – you could send a photograph to show us what you find. 

Next week’s learning:

Sound of the week- “e” for elephant.

We will be choosing some of our favourite Nursery rhymes to revisit this week. Which is your favourite?

Pat a cake, The Grand old Duke of York or Jack and Jill?

The Nursery Team

Lunar New Year

Posted on Sunday 02 February 2025 by Nursery Team

We have had a great week; children loved reading a book about the Lunar New Year and we watched some short video clips to find out how people prepare for the festival and celebrate with their families.

To join in with the celebrations, we painted ‘good luck’ banners in the creative area. We enjoyed decorating a lunar lantern with some patterns that we’re learning (circles, zig-zags, waves and lines) to help improve our pencil control. We used scissors to practice our “snipping skills” to help to let the light through. The children were very proud of their learning.

In the sensory area we explored noodles.  They were “ sticky” “ stretchy” “ gooey” “ cold” and “ sticky” Lots of great vocabulary to describe how the noodles felt.

Help at home 

Independence is an important skill for all of the children in Nursery. Being able to put on their coat, fasten it  and go outside  is a significant achievement.  We support the children to do this independently at Nursery. Practicing these skills at home, maybe on a weekend when you have a little more time, will support the children’s development considerably.

Next week’s learning: 

Nursery rhyme of the week –Jack and Jill went up the Hill

Sound of the week – ‘c’ for cat and ‘k’ for kite


The weather is still very cold and we spend lots of our time learning outside. Please ensure that you child has a warm coat, hat and gloves/ mittens every day. As always, name everything.

Thank you as always for your continued support.

The Nursery Team

Dinosaur Roar

Posted on Sunday 26 January 2025 by Nursery Team

It’s been great to see our new children becoming more familiar with Nursery routines and lots of them have now stayed for their first full day. Well done, yellow group!

Children continue to explore nursery and are independently choosing resources to enhance their play; we’ve created amazing constructions, working together and sharing ideas.

We have also enjoyed finding out about dinosaurs. Digging up dinosaur skeletons in the sand tray, finding out about dinosaurs in our small world area and learning their names.

In the sensory area, we loved playing with the slime in our dinosaur swamp! Ergh.. it’s very sticky!

Mark making always plays an important part of our learning in Nursery and this week the children have been practising their skills in many of our provision areas. In the paint, sand, message centre and making patterns on giant pieces of paper.

In group time, children in red, blue and green group helped Mrs Beesley with her shopping bags. One bag was very heavy and the other bag was quite light. We looked at the different items in each bag and compared them. Children had to find an item that was heavier or lighter than the tin of baked beans.  You could try this at home.

Our sounds next week is Oo 

Make your mouth into a round shape and say o.

Our Nursery Rhyme of the week next week is Row Row Row your Boat.

Can you sing the rhyme fast, slow, loud or quiet?

Have a happy and healthy weekend and thankyou as always for your continued support.

The Nursery Team.


Making new friends

Posted on Sunday 19 January 2025 by Nursery Team

We have had a busy week settling yellow group into Nursery and helping them to explore their new environment. They’re all doing really well and are gradually getting to know us and beginning to make some new friends. They have already stayed for lunch and next week will stay for their first full day, what a fantastic start!

This week, in Maths, we have been finding out about number 1. We have been representing 1 in lots of different ways with our fingers, on a five frame and with marks.

Next week we will start some new learning about weight. We will be using words such as heavy, light, heavier and lighter to compare different objects.

Help at home: You could continue this learning at home by asking questions during everyday activities. Which bag from the supermarket is heaviest/ lightest? Which toy is lighter? Can you find something that is lighter than the bottle of milk? Can you find something that is heavier than a packet of crisps?

Our sound next week is Gg

Our nursery rhyme of the week – Ring-a-ring-a-roses

Can you join in with the rhyme and the actions at home?

We will continue reading Dinosaur Roar next week. Can you remember all of the different types of dinosaurs in the story?

“Dinosaur weak, dinosaur strong, dinosaur short or dinosaur very, very long”

We look forward to finding out more about dinosaurs.

Have a happy and healthy weekend and thank you as always for your continued support.

The Nursery Team

Run, run, as fast as you can

Posted on Friday 10 January 2025 by Nursery Team


Happy New Year and welcome back to Nursery! We hope that you all had a great Christmas and enjoyed a break over the festive period. We were expecting to welcome everyone back on Monday morning but the weather had other ideas ! It was lovely, however, to see everyone on Tuesday morning and hear about your holiday adventures and presents from Santa. Thank you for sending in your photos of your Christmas celebrations.

This week, we’ve been reading ‘The Gingerbread Man’ and children have been retelling the story in our small world area.  If you have a copy of the story at home, please enjoy reading it together. If not, you might like to listen to Mr Tumble reading it.

We have enjoyed joining in with the repeated refrain  “Run, run, as fast as you can, you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man.”

This week we have been learning our new sound is ‘m’ for mouse.  We pronounce it as  ‘mmmmm’.

Help at home: In group time, our sound bag had lots of ‘m’ objects including a marble, a mouse, a map and a mirror.  What can you find around the house that begins with the ‘m’ sound?  What other ‘m’ objects could we have put in our sound bag?

As the snow froze solid in our Nursery garden it was too dangerous for us to play outside. This led to lots of discussions about keeping safe.

” We could slip and fall” 

” I might bump my head” 

“We can’t run on the snow, like we can’t run inside” 

Well done everyone!

We couldn’t to go out in the snow, but we could bring the snow inside to explore.

We added snow to our water tray to create an arctic landscape.

The snow and ice felt

” very cold”  “wet”   “freezing”

We painted the snow and it looked amazing!

We used frozen paint to create our pictures.

Next week  – 13 January 2025

We look forward to welcoming our new families and children to Nursery for their first sessions on Tuesday 14 January. Our new ‘yellow group’ children will join red group as they come into Nursery through the main door each morning so it may feel a little bit busier than usual. Please be patient as we help to settle the new children into Nursery. We’re looking forward to getting to know everybody and making some new friends.

Next week’s learning: 

‘Dinosaur Roar’  by Paul and Henrietta Stickland is our story next week.  If you don’t have a copy of the book at home, you might enjoy watching the first 3 minutes of this clip together.

Top tip for watching YouTube with your child: go to the settings cog (it’s along the play bar) and turn off autoplay – this avoids an inappropriate clip coming up automatically, and helps to discourage your child from passively watching clip after clip

Letter next week – ‘d’ for duck

Nursery rhyme next week – The Grand Old Duke of York

Have a happy and healthy weekend and thank you as always for your support.

The Nursery Team

Applications for a Reception place.

Posted on Thursday 09 January 2025 by Nursery Team

A quick reminder.

Applications for a Reception place for September 2025 can be made until 15 January 2025. Guidance on applications can be found on Leeds City Councils You Tube video

A quick guide to school admissions

Please remember that you still need to apply for a Reception place at Scholes (Elmet) Primary School, even if your child attends Scholes Nursery.

Welcome Yellow Group.

Posted on Thursday 09 January 2025 by Nursery Team


We enjoyed meeting all of our new children and families at their home visits and we’re looking forward to getting to know you more next week.

Here is a reminder of some of the important information that we discussed during the home visit.

  • Your child will need a drawstring bag with a full change of clothes. Please make sure that you write their NAME in everything.
  • We play outside in all weathers so a warm, waterproof coat is essential. Please also send gloves and a hat during winter.  Children need a pair of wellies at Nursery.  Remember to name their coat, shoes and wellies!
  • Please put your child’s water bottle in the yellow basket in the entrance. You’ll need to collect it at the end of their session each day.  Again, please remember to write their name clearly on the bottle.

Registration and end of day

  • Nursery opens at 9am and we close registration at 9:10am.
  • When you come into Nursery (main entrance via the path from Morwick Grove) you’ll be asked who is going to collect your child and for their lunch option.
  • If you change who is collecting your child, please inform the office. If we haven’t met somebody before, we will ask for your password.
  • Once you’ve put your child’s belongings on their peg, you’re welcome to settle them somewhere to play before you say goodbye.
  • Nursery closes at 3pm but you can collect your child from 2:50pm onwards.
  • At the end of the session, parents and carers are able to come into Nursery to collect your child’s belongings and check their folder for artwork.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask a member of Nursery staff.  We look forward to seeing you again at the Stay and Play visit on Monday 13 January from 3.30-4.15pm. See you all there.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Posted on Friday 20 December 2024 by Nursery Team

We have had a wonderful and very busy last week of term. From sing a longs to a visit from Santa we have had it all!  We were all so proud of the children this week, they sang and performed so well on Monday and Tuesday. We hope you enjoyed it.

Here are some photographs of all of our Christmas celebrations – what a week it has been!





Please don’t forget to send  us some photographs of your Christmas celebrations with family or of an exciting day out that you enjoy.  We will share these photos during group time in the first week back in January; they’ll be a great way of starting our conversations. Here is a reminder of the email address for your photos

We return to Nursery on Monday 06 January.

We hope that you all have a Happy and Healthy Christmas, see you all in the New Year!