Learning life skills and learning at home

As well as the home learning we are posting on the website, you might have the opportunity to do some cooking together. It is a chance to read a recipe, develop cutting/chopping skills, watch for reversible and irreversible changes in food and enjoy eating the outcome together! Keep sending photos of what you are up to at home.

Lots of people have starting displaying decorated rainbows and love hearts in their windows too. They are trying to cheer each other up, from a distance. You could join in with this too.

Lots of people have said they’re enjoying the home learning tasks too.


Wake Up Shake Up (WUSU) playlist

A few children seem to be missing our daily WUSU sessions. We have had a lot of email requests for videos that children can dance along to (there is one already on the Year 1 & 2 Class News page). Here is the playlist if you would like to dance along to your favourites. There are more videos in the pipeline…watch this space!

1 April 2020 : Home learning

Happy April Fools Day!

We are in the fourth month of 2020 already! Sing the months of the year song – https://youtu.be/JABPMyXTZcs

Maths – addition using part whole models

We use part whole models to help us represent number stories and calculations. From a part whole model, a ‘fact family’ can be created. These are calculations that are closely related and match the part whole model. There is an example below.

Look at the other part whole models, copy them into your home learning book and write the addition fact families to go with them.

Challenge : Draw your own part whole model and write the addition fact family to go with it.

Reading – phonics

Copy the questions below into your home learning book. Add sound buttons to the words that you need to sound out (your child should know what these are and there is an example below). Write yes or no to answer them.


Can a boat sail?

Would you scream if you saw a snake?

Has a frog got sharp claws?

Challenge : Think of some more yes/no questions of your own.

Topic – jokes!

It’s April Fools Day. Tell some jokes to your family. Here are some ideas or you could find/tell some of your own.

31 March 2020 : Home learning

Good morning!

Keep going with reading, spellings and times tables every day.


Warm up by singing the big numbers song – https://youtu.be/e0dJWfQHF8Y

There are some numbers missing from this part of the 100 square. Copy it and fill in the missing numbers.

Challenge :


Read a story book. Write three questions that you would like to ask one of the characters. Remember to use a capital letter, finger spaces and a question mark. For example –

How did you feel when you found Goldilocks in your house?

Topic – History

We have been learning about chronology in the last few weeks, putting toys in chronological order. Look at the toys timeline we created last week. Talk about what the timeline shows using the words below.

Challenge : Choose 3 or 4 of your own toys. Put them in chronological order of when you got them.

Reading at home

We have had a few emails asking what to do when children have finished reading their school reading books.

Any books you read at home will be fine; story books, comics, magazines, dictionaries, atlases, chapter books, recipes or lists. The children don’t need to be able to read every single word independently. You can read to them, take turns, look for words they can read and talk about the book.

There are also lots of e books on Twinkl for free, ranging from traditional tales to information texts – https://www.twinkl.co.uk/resources/literacy/reading/reading-ebooks

Just keep reading!

30 March 2020 : Home learning

Good morning everyone! It is Monday again, so here are some new spellings and times tables to use throughout the week. Remember to keep reading every day too.

Y1 spellings

  • she
  • so
  • some
  • there
  • their
  • they
  • to
  • today

Y2 spellings

  • every
  • everybody
  • eye
  • fast
  • father
  • find
  • floor
  • gold
  • grass
  • great

Times tables for this week is the times 5 facts and divide 5 facts (for Y2s) and counting forwards and backwards in 5s (for Y1s).


Sing along with the counting in 3s song – https://youtu.be/V96IZWctZYA

Copy and compete the number patterns.

0, 2, 4, 6, …., 10, …., 14, …., ….

0, 5, …., 15, …., …., 30, …., ….

0, 10, 20, 30, …., …., …., 70, ….

0, 3, 6, 9, …., 15, …., …., 24

Challenge :

16, 14, 12, …., …., 6, …., 2, 0

50, 45, 40, …., 30, …., 20, ….

100, 90, 80, …., …., …., …., ….

24, 21, …., 15, …., 9, …., 3, 0

Challenge : Make your own ‘Guess my number’.


Read the ‘Hide and Seek’ text and answer the questions in your home learning book.

You can also use the text as ‘reading fluency’. We do this every day at school, reading the same text each day. The aim is to develop fluency and expression when reading. Each day we would focus on a different aspect of the text eg vocabulary (what do the words mean), punctuation (taking note of commas, full stops) and tricky spellings. By the end of year 2, children are expected to be reading approximately 90 words per minute.

Topic : Geography

Watch and sing along with the continents song – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6DSMZ8b3LE

Write a list of all the continents. Remember that proper nouns begin with a capital letter (names of continents).

If you have a globe or atlas, you could try to find them on there too.


Hello, Hola, Bonjour, G’day mate 1,2V

Hi guys,

Hope you are all doing well. It seems ages since we’ve seen each other but it’s only been a week! I hope you are all doing ok and enjoying some of the learning tasks we have set? It has been lovely to see photos and hear about what you are doing at home. Keep the emails coming.

It has been busy at the Latham house with our 6 new chicks to look after. It has been keeping my children busy so I can get on with some work! I have been joining in with the Joe Wicks live workout and doing some dancing along to my favourite  Go Noodle dances too. Why don’t you do some at home?

Take care and hopefully see you all soon.

Love Mrs Latham



27 March 2020 : Home learning

Happy Friday!

Read for 20 minutes and work on your times tables.


Warm up by counting in 2s – singing along with the song https://youtu.be/JyCr0IgbYcI


Choose one of your favourite toys. Tell someone about it, using some adjectives to describe what it looks like, what it can do and what it is made of.

Challenge : write some sentences about it – remember your ‘Must Dos’

Topic : Geography

Sing the song about the UK –  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncqDJW4EhmE

Write a list of all the countries and capital cities in the UK. Remember that proper nouns begin with a capital letter (names of countries and capital cities are all proper nouns).

If you have a globe or atlas, you could find them on there too.