An alternative story

Friday 06 December 2019

The children have enjoyed re-telling the story ‘We’re going on a bear hunt.’ We have drawn story maps to help us re-tell the story.  We have also thought of our own story actions to sequence the story.


Then, we decided to be authors ourselves and change the story. The children decided to change what we were going on a hunt for. We then thought of alternative words for the word big – to make our story more exciting. Here are some examples of the children’s alternative stories.

“We’re going on a dinosaur hunt. We’re going to catch a ginormous one!”

“We’re going on a snake hunt. We’re going to catch a slithering, long one!”

“We’re going on a monster hunt. We’re going to catch a humungous one!”

The children then drew their own alternative story and used the story actions to retell their stories to their friends.

Challenge – 3 bricks

Can your child re-tell their alternative story? Can they use the actions to help them or draw a story map? Please email photos or videos.