All our teachers publish news about their class.

Here, you can get a taste for what it's like in your child's class: find out about what fantastic learning and fabulous events are happening in school.

Class News

Staying safe

Posted on 12 July 2024 by Nursery Team

Staying safe As part of our learning about ‘Staying safe’, some children joined an online assembly hosted by Yorkshire Water … Continue reading “Staying safe”

New classes in September

Posted on 14 July 2024 by Mrs Latham

We welcomed the reception children on transition day and will continue planning times before we break up for summer for … Continue reading “New classes in September”

Summer disco

Posted on 14 July 2024 by Mrs Latham

Everyone had a great time at the disco on Friday – hopefully raising lots of funds for FOSP (Friends of … Continue reading “Summer disco”

Year 3 and 4 Armley Mills School Trip

Posted on 12 July 2024 by Mrs Wadsworth

What an amazing trip to Armley Mills – Year 3 on Thursday and Year 4 on Friday! We enjoyed the … Continue reading “Year 3 and 4 Armley Mills School Trip”

Living and Learning: Staying Safe Week

Posted on 11 July 2024 by Mr Lindsay

What a fantastic Staying Safe Week we’ve had! Earlier on in the week we had a talk from the RNLI. … Continue reading “Living and Learning: Staying Safe Week”