
Wednesday 13 March 2024

Our Topic this half term is computing. We are learning about what a computer is and the functions and abilities that computers have.

Each Topic, we learn different vocabulary.

In class, we are using Beebots. These are robots that have the appearance of a bee. They can move around when programmed with an algorithm. The children have experimented over the past few weeks, using the Beebots. They know how to get them to move in the way that they want (after lots of trial and error).

First we must press ‘CLEAR’ to ensure that the Beebot does not follow any prior instructions.

Then we command an algorithm into the Beebot and press ‘GO’.

We have also been designing our own games. We have practised working out the correct algorithms needed to complete our games. We’ve also set our peers challenges whereby they need to ‘debug’ an algorithm to complete our games. So far, we have planned and designed our games in our books.

We can’t wait for next week, where we can see our games come to life, using the Beebots!