A few bits of news and a couple of reminders…
Monday is Odd Socks Day, part of anti-bullying week. Come to school in your odd socks to show how unique you are.
Friday is Children in Need day. We’ll be having a non-uniform day and our JLT will be in the playground shaking their buckets. Please make a donation if you’re able to.
I’ve had a few emails from local residents about parking around school. Wood Lane, close to Scholes village library, has been blocked to such an extent that residents are unable to gain access to their land. Morwick Grove’s road markings have recently changed -you should be aware that places where you used to park may now be covered by double yellow lines.
Our dedicated Lollipop Sue has also noticed that some people are crossing the road in the place where the crossing used to be and not where the new crossing is. This makes it dangerous for everyone. Please cross with Sue.
On Wednesday 22 November, I’ve said that Garforth and District Lions can use our Key Stage 2 gazebo as a collection point for used clothes which will then be donated to The Clothing Bank. I’ll open the gates a little earlier at the end of the school day (2.45 pm) so that local people can drop off their donations. If you’d like to bring any of your old clothes (they must be clean and serviceable – no underwear or socks), please bring them at the end of the school day. If this is successful, we might tag this event onto our annual harvest collection.