Using our story as a focus, we have been drawing story maps, retelling the story and changing what we might find at the top of the beanstalk. Children have shone in their writing this week.
In Maths we have been learning about odd and even numbers. How can you tell if a numicon number is odd? We have also ordered beanstalks by height and measured them.
Our reading sessions have been brilliant this week. Please allow your child to read their e-book to you this weekend.
The weather has been glorious and most welcome this week. As the weather continues to brighten during the coming months, please ensure that you send your child to school with a sunhat and apply a long lasting sunscreen before school each day. Children can bring named sunscreen into school but adults are not permitted to apply it for your child. As always please ensure clothing is named as children will be removing their cardigans and jumpers more frequently.
Spring walk. We enjoyed going onto the school field for the first time this year. We looked for signs of Spring.
They are starting to get more leafs.-Vinnie
Max found a ladybird.-Holly
They’re little furry buds.-Sofia
I didn’t see that yellow flower there before.-Reuben
More photographs of our learning this week:
Thursdays-Library book changing day.
Fridays-Reading record in school day.
Collect sets of odd and even numbers. Photograph them and send them to our usual email address. We really enjoy your home-link photographs!