A Super-Comic, Super Final Week!

Friday 18 February 2022

This week, Reception have been learning about the features of a comic book and having a go at creating a comic page of their own. They have also enjoyed using technology to create their own Superheroes!

Click here to have a go at home too!

We gave our Superheroes a name and wrote labels or sentences describing them:

We have also been continuing to learn about people who help us:

In maths this week, we have been learning about “five and a bit” when composing numbers to eight: “five and two more makes seven”, for example. We have also been creating a “staircase pattern” when exploring one more. We made staircase patterns using multilink cubes.

In phonics, we have learnt the phonemes; ur, ow, oi, ear and tricky words; my, by, all

We have been exploring floating and sinking in the water tray, Numicon and number composition in the sand tray, practising our turn taking skills through multi-player board games, balancing in PE and much more! Take a look:

Parent-Teacher Consultations

Thank you to all of our parents/ carers who attended our parent-teacher consultations this week. We’ve loved having the opportunity to share your children’s successes and next steps with you. We are so proud of all the progress each and every child has made since September and that we know they will continue to make. Spring 1 term has seen such a boost in their confidence and we look forward to seeing what the next few months will bring, as they continue their learning journey with us.

Home-link challenges

It’s the half term break! We want you to relax, recharge and enjoy family time together.

If you do wish to keep practising skills at home next week, here are some suggestions:

-Write a list of fruit and vegetables (this links to our book that we will be reading on our first week back!)

-Explore ways to make the number eight.

-Practise letter formation, using the Little Wandle phrases.

-If you go out for a walk, see if you can spot some first signs of Spring.

Don’t forget to enjoy your library and eBook reading together!


Diary Dates…

Monday 28 February- Training Day; School closed to pupils

Thursday 3 March- World Book Day; Dress up as your favourite book character. You can also bring in your favourite book. Please ensure this is named. Thank you.