Welcome back – the final half term!

Sunday 06 June 2021

We hope that you all had a lovely half term holiday in the sunshine. We’re looking forward to seeing some of your holiday photos and hearing all about your adventures when we return to Nursery.

Please remember to bring raincoats and sun hats (with your child’s NAME clearly marked) to Nursery everyday; we never know what the weather is going to do at the moment! Also, please refer to our previous post regarding sun cream.

Before the holidays, children remained interested in minibeasts and loved listening to ‘What the Ladybird Heard’.  We drew lots of maps to try and trick the thieves (listen to the story) and we also learnt about the life cycle of a ladybird. If you remember from our earlier post, we found some tiny larvae that had just hatched in our Nursery garden. We’re hoping to find them and see if they’ve grown when we return this week.

In the creative area, children enjoyed learning the names of the parts of a ladybird’s body using a non-fiction text and we used this information to create our own ladybirds using salt dough.

Other fascinations that we explored in the final week before the holidays included building ramps for cars and towers using Duplo.  There was lots of mathematical language involved in both activities with children using words such as tall/short, taller/shorter, tallest/shortest to describe their towers and further/furthest to describe the distance their cars travelled.


Finally, before the holidays, there was a lot of excitement about holidays to the seaside and trips to the caravan. We’ll soon find out if children enjoyed their adventures and we’ll incorporate their current interests into our learning over the next few weeks. Please remember to email us if your child has a new fascination at home! scholesf1@spherefederation.org