Remote Learning 01.03 – World Book Day celebrations

Friday 26 February 2021

This week is one of our favourite times in Nursery as we get to read so many of our favourite stories! Don’t worry though, we’ll continue with our World Book Day celebrations in Nursery next week when we all return. There’ll be lots of fun activities to look forward to, all linked to some of the most popular stories in Nursery. There are often lots of live story telling sessions during the week, so have a look at the World Book Day website for more details and ideas.

Look out for a video tour of Nursery on the Class News Page at the weekend. On Friday, we’ll be busy preparing Nursery for everyone to return and we’ll post the video as soon as we can.  We hope that you enjoy watching the virtual tour to familiarise yourself with Nursery again, before we welcome you back next week.  We can’t wait!

In Nursery, we usually choose lots of stories to read, however for our home learning this week, we’ve probably chosen one of the MOST popular children’s books of all time… The Gruffalo.  If you don’t have a copy of the story at home, click on the link to watch and listen to the story.

Here is a PDF with links to all of this week’s activities.



Aspect 4 of our Phase One phonics learning is all about ‘Rhythm and Rhyme’. This week, you’ll need a drum or a pan and spoon to join in with Mrs Gosper as she plays some rhythm patterns on her drum. Use your listening ears to listen carefully to Mrs Gosper and then wait for your turn to copy her patterns.

Rhythm patterns with drums video

When you’ve finished, have a go at tapping some of your own patterns and take turns to copy each other. Remember to LISTEN first, and then LISTEN again, and then have a try to copy it yourself.


Can you add the following things to your Gruffalo outline?

Orange eyes, purple prickles, a black tongue, terrible tusks and claws,  terrible teeth, a poisonous wart and some horns?


Playing ‘track games’ is a great way for children to practise lots of different maths skills such as recognising dice patterns and counting with one to one correspondence (as they move spaces).

This week, have a go at creating your own game together. Your child will need help with the general outline of the track, but they can then add in their own drawings for the houses and trees etc.

1)  Draw some circle stepping stones across the paper to create a ‘track’ through the woods.

2) Next, draw on the animal homes that the mouse found including an underground house, a log pile and a tree top house. You could add a river and some of your own ideas too.

3) Make or find 2 counters and borrow a dice from another game.

4) Roll the dice and move your counter forward the correct number of spaces.

5) The first mouse to make it through the forest to the end of the path wins!

Extension ideas


Understanding the World

Physical Development

Fiddly Fingers

To get your fingers moving this week, you’re going to need a pile of very small items such as 1p/5p coins, buttons, beads, Cheerios… Draw some wavy lines, zig-zags and spiral patterns on pieces of paper and then ask your child to pick up the small objects and place them along the lines. This is a good way to develop their pincer grip and control.


We’re going to have a go at balancing, jumping and crawling in this activity. Clear a space on the floor and ask your child to gather some cushions and pillows from around the house. Place them on the floor like stepping stones and ask your child to step from one to the other. This is good way for them to practise balancing, especially as the cushions will be soft and move under their feet a little. Repeat the activity, adapting the challenge by putting the cushions further away or not in a straight line.  If you have space and your floor isn’t too slippy, ask them to have a go at jumping from one to the other. Make sure you supervise your child and hold on to any cushions that may move as they jump!

Finally, create a space for your child to crawl under. You could use a blanket/sheet over two chairs, or line some dining chairs up. Ask your child to slither like a snake on their tummies under the blanket or between the chair legs. Crawling is a very important aspect of early years play, helping to provide sensory feedback and developing many different things including the vestibular system (balance).

Independence skills

As we begin to prepare to return to Nursery, we’d like you to focus on ‘toileting’ again with your child.

As always, we are there to help children if they need assistance, so please remind them to speak to their teachers if they need help next week.

Key Worker activity and videos

This week, we thought you’d like to be detectives! Listen carefully to each of your teacher’s clues about their favourite stories. Can you guess which book they love to read? Have a go at making some clues for one of your favourite stories and send us an email to see if we can guess!

Key Worker video – World Book Day

We’re so happy that we’re all going to be together again soon. It made us want to sing a song!

Key worker song – If you’re happy and you know it

Friday Story Time

This week’s story is one that we know you’ll be familiar with. It’s called ‘We’re going on a Bear Hunt’ by Michael Rosen. Make sure that you join in with Miss Morris!

Story Time – We’re Going on a Bear Hunt

Zoom sessions (for children learning at home)

It’s World Book Day on Thursday 04 March and we thought that children might like to join in with the celebrations on our Zoom calls by getting dressed up as one of their favourite story characters.  You might have a costume already at home or a t-shirt with a picture of your favourite character on the front. Please DO NOT purchase anything special for the Zoom call, we’re sure that everyone has something at home that you could use.

If you’re struggling to find something or your child doesn’t want to dress up, that’s fine as well.  Again, please don’t worry or feel you need to buy something.  Perhaps you have a toy linked to your favourite story that you could share with everyone instead?

Please have a copy of your favourite bedtime story ready to show your friends as well.

For Zoom sessions in week commencing 01 March,  you will need: