What the Ladybird Heard

Sunday 14 June 2020

We’re sure that you’ll all be familiar with this story; you might even have a copy at home. It’s called ‘What the Ladybird Heard’ and is written by Julia Donaldson. At Nursery, we always join in with the animal sounds, just like we did in Friday’s story.

We think you’ll also enjoy this version where Julia Donaldson tells the same story through a song.

Here are some activities that you can try that are linked to the story.

Creative – Can you make a farm yard? You could use Duplo or Lego to make a farm house or barn for your toy animals and tractors.  If you have a tray with sides or an empty (storage) box with low sides you could make your own farm small world area. At Nursery, we often add Weetabix and other dry cereals to use as animal food. It can be a little bit messy but hoovers up easily at the end of the day!

You could make a little ladybird and use it re-tell the story as it flies from one animal to the next.

 Mark making – Can you draw some of the animals that they found on the farm? Maybe you could draw a map of the farm like Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len used. You could even draw a long wavy line to show where the ladybird flew.

Listening games – Listen closely to the story. What does the ladybird hear? There is a ladybird on every page and he/she hears all the goings on in the farmyard and story. Play your own game, listening to the world around you. Say the phrase “I hear with my little ear something that sounds like…” Describe that you can hear around you.

Here’s a game we sometimes we play at Nursery. Get your listening ears ready… What animal can you hear?  One of the cats purring is a little bit tricky!   

 Find out more about ladybirds – Here’s a short video all about ladybirds. Can you spot any ladybirds in your garden or on a walk?

In our Nursery garden, we often find ladybird larvae on the leaves of our willow arch at this time of year. It’s one of the stages in the lifecycle of a ladybird. Have a look on leaves and see if you can spot any the larvae (the spiky black and orange insect) or pupae over the next few weeks.

Photo taken from https://www.flickr.com/photos/nickwood-photos/34936434334


1) One of the mathematical concepts that children sometimes find difficult is knowing that they can split a group of objects in different ways, but that the total is still the same.  Here is an activity that may help with this.

Draw a ladybird outline and cut out 4-6 spots. Start with 4 spots and count them together with your child. Ask them to put the spots on the ladybird’s wings. How many are there? Talk about how many spots there are on each wing, but that there are still 4 spots altogether. Repeat, splitting the spots in a different way (Eg 2 spots on each wing, or 3 spots on 1 wing and 1 spot on the other). Each time you move the spots, count how many there are on each wing and how many there are altogether. That’s right, there are still 4!

If you return to play again another day, repeat the activity using a different number of spots between 2-6.

2) If you fancy painting, draw some basic ladybird outlines and ask your child to paint or fingerprint a given number (e.g 1-5) of spots on each wing. How many spots are there on both wings? Which ladybird as the fewest/most spots?

 Can you spot the difference?  – Look carefully at the picture and see if you can find all of the differences.

Watch – If you’ve missed being able to visit farms, Temple Newsam have some video blogs with Farmer Joe. They give you a little insight into all of the work that is going on at Home Farm during lockdown and you can see (and hear) the animals too!

We hope that you enjoy joining in with some of this week’s learning activities. Let us know which you enjoy. Have fun!